Chapter 25, Xiao Keli Dudu can only be considered powerful if she forms a mushroom cloud

With the help of Bai Ye, Keli successfully mastered the skill called rocket launcher.

Use Keli's modified bouncing bomb and the cannon barrel provided by Bai Ye.

At this time, Keli successfully broke through and became an even more terrifying explosion king.

'Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. '

'Boom boom boom! '

The sound of rocket launches continued to resound in this area.

Ke Li kept testing, while Bai Ye kept improving.

At this time, Keli has gone completely crazy.

Even Bai Ye started making Katyushas.

The improved bouncing bombs were placed on a shelf one by one.

The shelf has nine firing holes.

At this time, Bai Ye was loading shells.

After Keli finished firing several shells, she put down the bazooka in her hand with satisfaction.

Then he looked at the big guy who was preparing on Bai Ye's side.

When she saw this thing, she couldn't help but look forward to it.

This stuff called Katyusha must be even more powerful.

Thinking of this, Keli admired Bai Ye even more.

After Bai Ye finished reloading, he immediately started to try.

"Ke Li, you will use the fire element to ignite this fuse later and run straight away."

"Do you understand?"

Having said that, Bai Ye directly adjusted the direction of the gun mount.

Then he put the shield on Keli with his backhand.

Seeing this scene, Keli nodded hurriedly.

"Got it, Brother Bai Ye."

Keli listens to whatever Bai Ye says now.

After finishing all this, Bai Ye ran away directly.

And Keli also started to use the fire element to ignite the fuse.

After igniting the fuse, Keli ran away without saying a word.


While running, she was still laughing.

After running to Bai Ye's side, she turned her head to look at the position of the rocket launcher.

After the lead wire reached an acceleration section, the burning speed of the lead wire suddenly accelerated.

next moment.

The voice of '咻咻咻' sounded.

The rocket launchers on the rack fired continuously.

'Boom boom boom! '

The rocket launchers were fired continuously, and all of them were opened in a short period of time.

The position locked by Bai Ye was directly attacked by saturation.

Keli, who saw this scene, could be as excited as she wanted.

It turns out that bombs can still be played like this! !

thats just splendid.

Keqing happened to come here.

When she saw the place that almost exploded in the distance, Ke Qing was stunned.


Those weapons on Iron Armored Little Treasure?

Thinking of this, Ke Qing's eyes widened.

Can you still play like this?

This seems to be easier to use than the final machine?

Shooting so many cannonballs in an instant, even the final machine can't do it.

Not to mention that the thing will explode.

In the end, it's just to let the arrow shoot out faster.

If this weapon is used on the battlefield...

At this moment, Keqing instantly thought of several ways to use it.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help swallowing.

Bai Ye and Keli seem to have come up with something extraordinary?

"Bai Ye, this weapon..."

"Are you using it to resist the enemy?"

Keqing trotted to Bai Ye.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

"Is it used to resist the enemy?"

" is indeed feasible."

Originally, Bai Ye really didn't think so, but now it seems that it can indeed replace the final machine.

After all, Li Yue still has a lot of things to do next.

Zhongli is about to retire, the Whirlpool Demon God is coming out, and then there is Brother Tuozi.

Well, you can use these things to deal with them.

If the vortex demon god comes out, give it a wave of saturated attacks directly.

Just thinking about it feels exciting.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye couldn't help but say:

"This thing, I'll give you the method of making it when the time comes."

"Then you let Ningguang make it."

"The cost is not very high."

Bai Ye touched his chin, and then couldn't help saying that.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ke Qing's eyes lit up immediately.

"no problem."

This can be.

If it can be made, it can be used to defend against enemies.

Bai Ye glanced at Ke Li's cutie.

He couldn't help but continue to say:

"Let Ningguang give Keli a research grant."

"After all, this thing was made with the help of Keli."

"Besides, I plan to let Keli continue to help make other bombs."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ke Li couldn't help but look over.

Give her money?

You can have this! !

For Keli who only has 5 moras a day.

It's good to have money! !

Her pocket money is in the hands of Captain Qin.

If she has money, she can make more bouncy bombs.

And you don't need to be discovered by Captain Qin.

Thinking of this, little Keli suddenly became excited.

"Brother Bai Ye, do you want to give me money to make a bomb?"

"How much?"

"Do you have 500 Mora?"

In Keli's opinion, 500 Mora is already a lot.

Never dared to think more.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye was a little funny.

"Be bold, I can give you more."

"For example, the funds given to you are enough to blow up Mond to the sky?"


"Put away your dangerous thoughts."

"Don't distract Keli."

Ke Qing who was on the side rolled her eyes wildly when she heard what Bai Ye said.

Are you planning to let Keli go back to harm Mond?

Be more reliable.

At that time, Qin from the West Wind Knights might come over and fight you desperately.

And Ke Li was stunned.

Blow up the entire Mond City to the sky?

"Brother Bai Ye is so scary!"

"Ke Li doesn't want to blow up Mond City."

"In that case, Keli will be homeless."

Although she likes to play with bombs very much, she never thought of blowing up Mond City to the sky.

Brother Bai Ye actually had such an idea.

It's so terrifying! !

When Bai Ye heard what Keli said, she immediately laughed.

She looked very happy.

"I'm just kidding you."

"Next, ask Sister Ningguang to give you research funding."

"Ke Li can make any kind of bomb she wants."

"The best thing is to research the fuel that can make the bomb fly farther."

"Then, can't the bouncing bomb fly further?"

"Make the Bouncy Bomb more powerful."

"For example, a bouncing bomb can blow up the Star Reaching Cliff?"

When Keli heard Bai Ye's words, she swallowed immediately.

It has to be said that Keli was moved.

But Keqing was speechless.

Why do you always use some places of Mond as examples?

Are you planning to train Keli to be a terrorist?

Now she doubts whether it is good for Keli to follow Bai Ye.

After sighing, Keqing directly pulled Ke Li to the walk:

"Ke Li, let's go."

"Don't listen to him. If you do this, the head of your qin team will probably beat you up."

"Ningguang and I will apply for research funding for you, but you can't bomb it."

"And it can't hurt anyone."

Keqing began to vaccinate Keli.

Are you kidding me, really do what Bai Ye said.

Then the whole Mond will be disturbed by Keli, right?

It's no wonder that Captain Qin couldn't come over and fight Bai Ye desperately.

It was precisely because of this that Keqing felt that it was necessary for her to have a good talk with Keli.

After all, the destructive power of this little girl is truly terrifying.

Maybe she can't be allowed to mess around.