Chapter 29, Hu Tao: I can't afford to mess with this kid

When Hu Tao saw Bai Ye came back, she immediately said:

"I'm going back."

"Ke Li will leave it to you. I'll come to play with you another day."

Hearing Hu Tao's words, Bai Ye was stunned.

Keli, on the other hand, felt a little regretful.

"Sister Hutao is leaving?"

"I thought Sister Hutao was going to stay."

Hearing what she said, Hu Tao immediately rolled her eyes wildly.

This is impossible.

She has to stay calm.

Keli, this girl is really too dangerous.

They said they were going to fry fish, but in reality?

He directly took some dangerous things and bombarded the water indiscriminately.

She was stunned, okay?

This girl is simply a terrorist.

The more terrifying the explosion, the more excited she was.

When going out to play with her, Hu Tao was a little frightened.

I'm afraid Keli will aim the cannonball at her.

Then, send her away.

This is simply too scary.

Although she really wanted to send people away, she didn't want to send herself away too.

Now Bai Ye is back.

She didn't pretend anymore, she wanted to go back.

Let Ke Li be handed over to Bai Ye.

And it is said that Bai Ye made the bomb that Keli is playing with now?

In other words, this guy is also very dangerous.


Why doesn't she know that Bai Ye is also a dangerous person?

horrible! !


"Then be careful when you go back."

Bai Ye heard Hu Tao say that she wanted to go back.

Didn't stop it either.

This girl has long been used to walking at night.

Now the road back to Liyue Port has also been repaired.

If you go back, there will be no problem.

After Hu Tao said goodbye to Bai Ye, Dang even ran out directly.

Seeing this scene, Ke Li suddenly said to Bai Ye sadly:

"Brother Baiye, does sister Hutao hate Keli?"

"Why did you run away without looking back?"

She thought that Hu Tao hated her.

Hearing what she said, Bai Ye was a little funny.

"Hutao, she has to go back to work."

"After all, her work is all done at night."

"Ke Li, don't think too much."

"Walnut doesn't hate you."

When Keli heard what Bai Ye said, she immediately regained her spirits.

"Sister Hutao doesn't hate Keli?"

"That's really great."

"I thought, Sister Hutao hated Keli!!"

After saying this, Keli cheered up again.

Bai Ye looked at the little girl with some amusement.

Another day, go and call Qiqi over.

Well, the five giants of Tivat must be present.

Keli, Qiqi, Diona, Yaoyao, Zaoyou.

It would be interesting if all five lolis came, wouldn't it?

Bai Ye is definitely not a lolicon, she just likes them very much.


The day's work is over.

No overtime work at night.

The people on the construction site also started to eat dinner at this time.

After a busy day, it is a very happy thing for many people to have a delicious dinner when the sun is about to set.

Just when Bai Ye, Ke Qing and the others were having dinner at the Wangshu Inn.

The alchemist sent by Ningguang also arrived.

After being told about this by the Qianyan Army, Bai Ye hurriedly asked people to arrange a place for them.

Lived directly in the Wangshu Inn.

At this time, the Wangshu Inn is no longer open to the public.

Usually, they just provide a little food.

All the guest rooms have been reserved for the people on Bai Ye's side.

But not everyone can live here.

In the entire Wangshu Inn, there are only Baiye, Keqing, and Keli living here.

The rest are some senior officials of the Qianyan Army.

The rest of the people live in other temporary residences.

Naturally, it is impossible for these alchemists to be sent to live in the temporary station.

So Bai Ye directly arranged for them to be placed in the Wangshu Inn.

"Let's start working again tomorrow."

"Let's rest today."

Bai Ye left such a sentence, and then ignored these alchemists.

What's the matter, Ming.

Today, take a good rest.

These alchemists naturally have no objections.

Although he was called over here suddenly.

But they were equally curious about what this magical Mr. Baiye wanted them to do.

You know, Ningguang almost dispatched the entire alchemy department this time.

Only a few people were left there to maintain their usual jobs.

The rest basically came here.

From this point, it can be seen that Bai Ye's affairs are very important.


When the time came to the next day, Bai Ye directly called many alchemists together.

Then they started to arrange tasks for them.

"I need you to do a lot."

"Look here."

Bai Ye pointed to the blackboard behind her.

These alchemists have actually already discovered it.

Now that they heard Bai Ye's words, everyone suddenly regained their spirits.

"This is a new travel tool."

"You should all know about the relic guards."

"You should also understand why it can move."

"You should be familiar with Chaos Mechanism and Chaos Furnace."

"And what I want you to do is to study the two and make use of them."

"Then, go make the car behind me."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, these alchemists couldn't help but look at each other.

"That, Mr. Bai Ye, although we have studied both the chaos device and the chaos mechanism."

"But so far, we haven't been able to solve the puzzle inside."

"If you want to imitate it, you can't do it."

Even before it even started, they were depressed.

Use it?

Who wouldn't want to, but all this time, no one has been able to find out why.

Moreover, their level is limited, so it would be really hard for him to let them come.

When Bai Ye heard this, she immediately raised her eyebrows.

However, at this moment.

The Qianyan army outside came in.

"Mr. Bai Ye, there is a man named Mr. Abedo outside the door asking to see him."

Hearing this, Bai Ye's brows immediately relaxed.

"Quickly ask him to come in."

"It just so happens that someone who can make this has come."

Having said that, Bai Ye is also very happy.

Unexpectedly, Abedo came so fast?

Did this come overnight?

It seems that there should be some special means of connection between Granu and Abedo.

Otherwise, Abedo would not have come so fast.

When the alchemists present heard what Bai Ye said, they were immediately curious.

Is that master alchemist here?

Not long after, they saw the person who came in.

"Mr. Abedo, I have known you for a long time."

"You came just in time."

"Please sit down, let's get straight to the point."

"This time, I'm asking Miss Sugar to invite you to come here. I just want you to help me finish something."

As soon as he walked in, Abedo heard Bai Ye's words.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, he was immediately puzzled.

He glanced at the situation in the room.

Here, it seems that they are all alchemists.

What does Bai Ye want him to do?

This couldn't help but make Abedo curious.

When Keli and Granu heard that Abedo was coming, they also ran over one after another.