Chapter 35, Selling Wendy backhand

Bai Ye explained everything to Abedo.

Let him continue to help get the things he needs here.

Then he planned to go back to Liyue Port first.

At the same time, Bai Ye also told Zhenjun Liuyun about excavators, road rollers, bulldozers and the like.

Let it help out.

This thing is actually not difficult.

Now that the cars are all out, it's actually a trivial matter to modify an excavator or something.

Hearing Bai Ye's description, Master Liuyun instantly understood what to do.

Dang even went to study with many alchemists.


By the next day, Bai Ye was going to return to Liyue Port with Ke Qing.

Seeing this, Xiao Keli also followed directly.

In a flash, he ran to the car and sat down.

"Brother Bai Ye, I'll go too."

Hearing her words, Bai Ye did not refuse.

Anyway, Keli is playing here now, so why not bring her to Liyue Port.

By the way, find Qiqi to play with her.

"Get in the car and sit still."

"Then we set off."

After saying that, Bai Ye directly used the key to start the car.

Keqing directly put her God's Eye into a personal device in the car.

Used as energy.

Although there are elemental crystals on it, just in case.

It's still a long way from Guiliyuan to Liyue Port.

Ke Qing was also afraid that she would run out of energy if she drove it on.

After everyone sat down firmly, Bai Ye started to set off directly.

When the car started, it was very stable and there was no sound.

That is, only when driving will there be some mechanism turning sounds.

It's not really noise, it sounds pretty good.

After starting the car, Bai Ye went straight onto the concrete road.

Then began to accelerate towards Liyue Port.

Looking at the ever-distant scenery, Keli, who was sitting in the back, looked at the rapidly passing scenery with surprise on her face.

Some businessmen on the road also looked confused when they saw this car.

What is this?

Is this really something that Tivat can appear?

Many people became curious.

What exactly is this?

And there are several people sitting on it.

Could it be, is this something new made by Liyue?

Looking at the car going straight away, faster than the carriage.

Many people began to speculate.

At the same time, everyone became very curious.

Will Liyue sell such a car in the future?


Bai Ye drove very fast.

The advantages of building four lanes are revealed at this moment.

Because of the plan from the beginning, even if there were people coming from the opposite side, they would go directly to the other side.

And the road that Bai Ye walked was the way to go.

That's right.

Along the way, Bai Ye is safe no matter how fast he drives.

When they returned to the gate of Liyue Port, some Qianyan soldiers saw the approaching car and thought it was something.

He directly stood up and stopped the car.

Seeing this, Keqing poked her head out.

"It's me, not the enemy."

Seeing Ke Qing, Qian Yanjun was stunned.

"Master Yuhengxing!!"

They also hastily moved out of the way.

Seeing this, Bai Ye drove the car in without any hesitation.

When driving across the wooden bridge, Bai Ye complained directly.

"If it is not repaired here, it will collapse sooner or later."

"I'll go find Zhongli later."

Ke Qing also nodded at the side.

She saw it too.

This looks like a very strong piece of wood.

When the car drove up, it had already started to make noise.

It is indeed a dangerous signal.

Entering Liyue's side, the number of people gradually increased.

Bai Ye honked the horn to tell those pedestrians to give way quickly.

Then he slowly drove towards the direction of the General Affairs Department.

Many people were startled when they heard the horn.

"This... this... what is this?"

"There seems to be someone up there."

"Hey, it's Miss Keqing and Mr. Bai Ye."

"Hiss~! Can this thing be manipulated?"

"Wow, if you use this to travel."

For a while, many people were overwhelmed.

They all started discussing about the car.

When passing Sanwanbukougang, Bai Ye happened to see Zhongli who had heard about drinking tea over there.

Immediately, he also stopped and waved his hands:

"Zhongli, let's go, come to the General Affairs Department."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Zhong Li raised his eyebrows.

He looked at the car Bai Ye was driving, and his eyes were filled with curiosity.

Is this what Bai Ye and Liu Yun made?

It looks pretty good.

Watching Bai Ye leave, Zhong Li thought for a while, then got up and followed.

Bai Ye looked for him as if there was something wrong.


"Dijun...he's really idle."

Ke Qing held back for a long time before finally holding back such a sentence.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye giggled.

"After all, I'm going to retire."

"Mond's Fengshen is even more leisurely."

"You just haven't seen it before."

Thinking of a certain fish-fishing monster, Bai Ye felt that Zhongli had already made up his mind.

Keli, who was sitting in the back, was immediately curious when she heard what Bai Ye said.

"Brother Bai Ye, do you know our Lord Fengshen?"

Keli was very curious.

She suddenly became interested when she heard Bai Ye talk about Fengshen.

Could it be that Bai Ye has seen Fengshen?

Hearing Keli's words, a sly look flashed in Bai Ye's eyes.

Now that Zhongli has been sold.

Then he doesn't mind selling Wendy as well.

"I don't know, but I know."

"Little Keli, when you go back later, you will see a man in green clothes with two braids appearing in Mond City."

"The words of a bard with green hair."

"Then don't doubt it, it is your Fengshen."

"Well, the one in white silk."

"I also like to drink."

"He's an alcoholic."

"If you're not sure, you can grab a cat and throw it at him."

"At that time, if he keeps sneezing, he will basically be your Fengshen."

"In the future, he may cheat on food and drink every day."

"Yes, the name is now Wendy, not Barbatos."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ke Qing was stunned.

Little Keli was also stunned.

She looked at Bai Ye blankly.

Is the person Bai Ye was talking about really their Fengshen?

"Brother Bai Ye must be lying to me, right?"

Ke Li still couldn't believe it.

Not only did she not believe it, but so did Ke Qing.

"What I said is real."

"Don't think that gods are superior."

"Liyue's emperor is a person who eats, drinks, and listens to operas every day, and can't afford a mora."

"Oh no, it should be said that none of the gods in Liyue, Mengde, and Daozuma can produce a mora."

"Little Keli is richer than all of them."

"The wind god of Mond is a drunkard."

"Taizu's Thunder God is a dead house girl."

"So, you don't need to think too high of the gods."

"If Keli doesn't believe it."

"Wait until you see Mr. Zhongli, you can ask him if Fengshen is an alcoholic."

Speaking of this, Bai Ye's eyes flashed with cunning.

The two people in the car were already dumbfounded.

Although it feels like Bai Ye is deceiving again.

But it seems to be true?
