Chapter 46, Where does the store deserve your identity? buy the whole building

Xing Qiu looked at Ke Li with a depressed face.

He had to correct the girl's name.

"I am male."

"Not sister!!"

When Keli heard this, she was immediately puzzled.

"But, you look like a sister."

"Ah, Keli knows."

"You must be the kind of woman disguised as a man that mother said, right?"

"Ke Li understands."

When she said this, she suddenly realized.

So this is the legendary woman disguised as a man?

When Xingqiu heard the words, the veins on his forehead suddenly jumped violently.

"I said that!!"

"I am male."

"Bai Ye, what have you taught me!!"

Xingqiu was really angry.

Bai Ye must have completely taught the child in front of him.

"Are you really a man?"

"But she looks like my sister."

"Could it be that this is the fake mother that mother said?"

And then, what Keli said made Xingqiu vomit blood.

Damn it! !

What the hell?

Bai Ye couldn't hold back anymore.

"I didn't teach this."



At this moment, Xing Qiu was rolling his eyes wildly.

Good guy, I just call him good guy.

How clever is Keli's mother?

Is it really okay to teach my daughter this way?

He was really depressed.

"Ke Li's mother is the great adventurer Alice."

"That's not what I taught."

"I can't bear this responsibility."

When Xingqiu heard the name, he was stunned.

"Is that the great adventurer Alice who wrote the guidebook for Teyvat?"

"Kelly is her child?"

"No wonder..."

He was also shocked when he said this.

Can't afford to provoke, can't afford to provoke! !

He also spent time with the Tivat tour guide.

Judging from the contents inside, he knew that the great adventurer was a person with a magical brain circuit.

Shaking his head, he didn't argue with Keli again on this issue.

At this time, Xiangling also served the food.

"Let's eat, let's eat."


"Xingqiu, you're here too."

Xiangling who pushed the door in from the outside saw Xingqiu.

Immediately, he was also surprised.

When did you come here?

Xingqiu nodded.

"Well, come and find this guy."

He was so depressed today.

So he didn't want to say anything more.

And Xiangling nodded.

Then he put down the dishes he had prepared.

After a while, Guoba also came in from behind.

There was still a bowl of rice in his hand.

'Lulu~! '

As soon as the crispy rice came in, it greeted Bai Ye.

Seeing the crispy rice, Bai Ye smiled.

"How are you, rice cooker."

Keli's eyes lit up when she saw the rice crust.

"A moving bear!"


At this moment, she is very interested in crispy rice.

I'm even thinking that it would be great if my toot could move like a rice crust.

"Hee hee~!"

"It's cute, isn't it?"

"The rice crust is my good friend, little Keli."

Helping Guoba put down the rice, Xiangling also sat down directly.

At the same time, I started to introduce the rice crust to Keli.

Keli and Xiangling became friends after a while.

After lunch, Xingqiu settled the bill very skillfully.

Then Bai Ye took Keli to bid farewell to the two of them.

I started to wander around Liyue Port.

They didn't return to the General Affairs Department until it was almost done.

The conversation between Captain Qin and Ningguang and the others is also over.

The two sides have directly reached consensus on various aspects.

"It seems that you have already talked about it."

When Bai Ye came back here, he saw several people drinking tea leisurely.

He couldn't help but say this.

"It's already been discussed."

"The two sides will carry out all-round cooperation in the future."

Ning Guang nodded.

She didn't hide this.

Basically, she agreed to all the cooperation requests from Captain Qin.

As for her cooperation needs, Captain Qin also agreed.

The two sides talked very well.

After hearing the words, Bai Ye nodded and said:

"After a while, let's release a business invitation meeting."

"Some houses on Guiliyuan's side are ready."

"During the meal just now, many businessmen came over to ask me about the shop."

"It's just right, this matter has been resolved directly."

"We can let some merchants settle in."

After Bai Ye sat down, she began to talk about it with Ning Guang.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Ning Guang froze for a moment.

Immediately also nodded.

"no problem."

"I will issue an announcement to notify those merchants."

"However, have all the infrastructure on your side been set up?"

It could not be that only the house was built.

But the domestic water is not finished yet, right?

Hearing her question, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth rose slightly.

"The tap water is already under construction."

"The circuit was fixed at the beginning."

"The house has entered the finishing stage."

"I also made greenery."

"At that time, after the high-voltage wires are finished, it will be almost ready."

"By the way, in the future, certain areas of Guiliyuan will be directly banned from flying."

"No one is allowed to use the wings of the wind to fly over high-voltage power lines."

"Otherwise, if something happens, you will be responsible for it yourself."

There is another point that Bai Ye needs to make clear.

If the high-tension line is pulled up.

At that time, someone will use the wings of wind to fly in the sky.

That's fatal.

Ning Guang nodded.

"I see."

"However, there should be only a few places, right?"

She also knows about the high voltage line.

It's just that flying is prohibited in a small number of areas.

After all, it's not like the whole city has high-tension lines.

She still understands Bai Ye's urban planning.

After all, it's right there.

At this time, Captain Qin also became curious.

After thinking about it, she suddenly asked Bai Ye:

"Mr. Bai Ye, can we people from Mond buy the shop at Guiliyuan?"

Hearing this question, Bai Ye was a little surprised.

"Do you want it too?"

Ning Guang nodded.


"If possible, I hope to buy a large warehouse at the dock."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Ye understood instantly.

"Are you planning to use Guiliyuan's port to export alcohol?"

Ning Guang also cast her gaze over.

Qin nodded.


"That's exactly the plan."

"In the future, the goods exported by Mond can be exported through the original port."

"In this way, a lot of time can also be saved."

"At the same time, I'm going back, so some businessmen from Mond can also come here to set up a branch."

As long as the more things are exported, the richer Mond will be.

It is also imperative to return the investment to the original port.

Returning to the original place is relatively close to Mond.

can save most of the time.

And if Chenxi Winery comes over, it will be even closer.

I believe that Di Luke should also know the news from Mond's side.

And they will come here to set up a branch to facilitate the export of drinks.

She definitely doesn't need to worry too much about Di Luke.

But the other merchants in Mond, who are not as rich as Di Luke, need her to take care of them.

So a large warehouse, specially used to store export goods, is very much needed.