Chapter 54, Zhong Li Come and Be a Contractor!

Bai Ye couldn't help but nodded when he heard the invitation from Captain Qin.

Mond, he will definitely go.

but not now.

Let's talk about it when Grandpa comes.

I just don't know if the traveler is Master or Brother Long.

If it was Brother Long, Bai Ye said that he might take everyone to seek refuge in the abyss.

Brother Long, let's play by himself.

"I will definitely go there when I have time."

Qin nodded.

Immediately, her eyes were also~ looking at Keli.

"Ke Li, you have to be obedient here - you know?"

"You can't play dangerous things."

Hearing Captain Qin's words, Keli nodded hastily.

"I know, Captain Qin."

"I will obediently listen to Brother Bai Ye."

Of course she will be obedient.

In Baiye, it is legal to fry fish.

Is there anything more pleasing about this?

Thinking of this, Keli couldn't help but get excited.

Noticing Keli's expression, Qin felt a little helpless.

This little guy.

She can roughly guess how happy Keli is here.

Shaking her head, she didn't think much about it.

Instead, he bid farewell to everyone, and then directly led the team out of here.

There are still many things she needs to do on Mond's side.

It would be great if cars could be popularized.

In this way, coming here doesn't need to be so troublesome.

I just hope that the road can be repaired soon.

Now the road from Liyue's side has been repaired to Dihua Prefecture's side.

It will take a while until it reaches Shimen.

If the stone gate is repaired, then the next step is to send some people from Mond to help.

After she goes back, there are still many things to deal with.

This includes businessmen and various issues related to road construction.

Now she doesn't have much time to stay here.

Send off Qin and Lisa, Mond's guests.

Ning Guang was also preparing to go back.

"Then, it's time for me to go back."

"When someone wants to buy a house, I will let them come here to see it, and then go back to Liyue to talk about it."

"If there is any need here, just ask."

Hearing what Ning Guang said, Bai Ye nodded.

"Of course I won't be polite to you."

"The matter of selling the house will be left to you."

"I'm only in charge of construction."

Ning Guang smiled and nodded.

Immediately, he didn't stay here for too long.

He brought his own people directly to the Wangshu Inn.

Sitting directly in the car, her secretary started the car carefully, and then headed towards Mond.

There were several cars following behind.

It looked very much like those big bosses who traveled in Bai Ye's previous life.

Shaking his head, Bai Ye didn't think much about it.

Instead, put that generator in place.

Then start making models.

Where should the power station be located.

Using his own abilities, he created the terrain of Dihua Prefecture on the original model.

After a while, most of the room was occupied by this huge model.

Keli, who saw this scene, was very curious.

What is Bai Ye going to do?

After the model was finished, Bai Ye thought about it for a while and then began to fiddle with it.

Looking at the model in front of him, Bai Ye frowned slightly.

If a dam is built in Dihua Prefecture, the water level will definitely rise.

In this way, Dihua Prefecture may be submerged?

If that's the case, then it's not going to work.

That is to say.

At that time, some areas must be dug.

This would be very troublesome.

After serious thinking for a while, Bai Ye suddenly thought of a good solution.

Can the underground river below be used?

The water continuously flowing out of the underground river can be used to generate electricity.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The power station is still built on the side of the statue in Dihuazhou."

"Well, build a dam directly here, it doesn't need to be too high."

"As long as it can block the water flow and let it continuously drive the generator."

"Then, the main force is still the underground river."

"If the top and bottom are connected, the water above will definitely flow towards the underground river."

"This kind of motivation is already enough."

When the thoughts came, Bai Ye quickly created them.

Pick up the method of making the generator that Abedo gave.

After a quick scan, what materials should be used and what method should be used to make them.

It's all clearly written on it.

After figuring it out, Bai Ye started to act.

After a while.

The place to be built rises directly on the mold.

"Brother Bai Ye."

"What is this for?"

"Do you want to build a house on it?"

Seeing what Bai Ye made, Ke Li was a little puzzled.

Build a house on the water?

This made Keli very puzzled.

She also knew what was going on there when she came here.

She can also understand this map.

When she came to Liyue, she even ran to the statue to have a look.

I want to see how many bombs are needed to blow up the idol.

At the same time, the fish on the lake also attracted her.

But now Bai Ye is actually building a house over there now?

What is this for?

Surround that side to fry fish?

Hearing Keli's words, Bai Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

"This is not for frying fish."

"This is for building a power station."

"However, if you want to fry fish in the future, you can also go here to fry fish."

Hearing this, Keli's eyes lit up.

Can fry fish?

That's really a good place.

Bai Ye didn't pay much attention to this little guy.

Instead, he buried his head and figured out what he had to do in front of him.

After the mold is done.

Bai Ye started to finish the design drawings again.

How to build it is clearly written on it.

Bai Ye felt that it would be better for Zhong Li to use his power to build this power station.

Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to build in water.

Let Zhongli, the rock god, come over and just do it directly.

All the design drawings were drawn, including the part of the underground river.

Ask Zhong Li to come over and use his divine power, and then get these things out.

Well, that's not a problem at all.

If Zhongli is unwilling

Dijun, you don't want to have no money to eat when you go shopping, do you?

Thinking of this, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth rose slightly.

Want to retire? Then we still have to help get these things done first.

Wait until Guiliyuan is built.

Zhong Li, if he wants to retire, he can retire.

It is estimated that no one will stop it by then.

Liyue people will develop on their own.

Well, let Ningguang give a few million bells as salary.

She thought about how to squeeze Zhong Lihou.

Bai Ye put away the design drawings.

The next step is to find an opportunity to talk to Zhong Li.

Just as Bai Ye was finishing these things, he also accidentally saw a group of Qianyan Army outside, suppressing a lot of people from the Treasure Bandit coming here.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was a little surprised.

Have you already started doing it?

Bai Ye, Ning Guang and the others talked about the matter of arresting the members of the Treasure Bandit as coolies.

Already started escorting people over?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye ran out directly with Ke Li.

Prepare to go over and see the excitement.