Chapter 7

It must've been Sasuke waking up that cut our connection because I didn't wake for a while longer. First thing in the morning, those controlling Temari, Shikamaru, Hidan, and I were summoned to The Meishu's office. For nearly twenty minutes, we stood there with nothing to do but listen and watch as Matsuri appeared to argue with herself, pacing back and forth in front of us all.

After being threatened with two varieties of torture, I couldn't bring myself to struggle or even directly acknowledge the thing controlling my body. I'm scared. I'm petrified.

Bluffing probably isn't within these things' abilities, so if I step out of line too much, I'm going to be put through something worse than I've ever experienced in the past. I'd instead go through two more months of isolation at the asylum than let that happen.

And Sasuke... I know he'd never judge me, but I know he'll find a way to blame himself. He loves me, and I love him, but even the most vital relationships can crumble under the right amount of pressure. The fallout might be too much for us, and I don't want to test that theory.

Then the Meishu finally addressed us, pulling me from my thick haze of anxious thoughts. To my utter disbelief, Matsuri told us to find and capture Gaara immediately and to keep him alive at all costs. Just yesterday, I was forced to disclose all those inhabited people outside to deal with any humans lurking around with whatever means necessary, even if it means killing them. Now, all of a sudden, Gaara Subaku is the sole exception. Not only that, but a search has been issued for him. That means hundreds of beings are targeting him, and for what?

My curiosity and confusion got the better of me, and I chanced to ask the invader in my head once we all turned and began walking back downstairs, "Is it normal for The Meishu to make these kinds of requests?"

My voice was a bit hoarse as it responded, "It is not our place to question The Meishu, only to obey." I asked some other questions, like why that's the case and what exactly The Meishu can do that differs from the rest of their kind, but I was completely ignored.

After relaying information to the rest of the people in the building, Hidan chose Temari, Shikamaru, and me to be in his group. Hidan seems to be some type of captain or something. Everyone reports to him, and he reports to The Meishu. He delegated the task of organizing the massive group outside to Kisame, Deidara, Sasori, the orange-haired man with odd eyes, and an incredibly tall man with long brown hair and bizarre, stitch-like tattoos. Then our group of four left to begin the hunt for Gaara.

My controller was ordered to lead since my body's capable of dishing out and surviving more damage than the others, minus Hidan's self-healing ability. We ran through street after street, alley after alley, the other three following with a small gap between us for nearly twenty minutes.

"You have to take a break or something! My lungs are going to give out!" I mentally begged.

We're pretty far from the town hall now and haven't paused once other than to peer into windows and nooks for hiding human beings. The damn creature can't feel the sharp sting each thin breath is sending through my ribcage, so of course, it isn't going to heed my warning. My pleas were ultimately ignored.

A movement suddenly caught my eye near the entrance of a thin alleyway ahead, and my neck snapped to the side, my body following as we turned to continue in that direction. The others followed wordlessly, keeping their small distance without any hiccups.

The moment I turned the corner into the alleyway, I came face to face with the revolver barrel. Terrified blue eyes locked onto mine, wide with disbelief. I begged the thing inside me to back away slowly while trying to vocalize my desperation to the familiar face before me and failing.

"Ino, run! Please! I don't want to hurt you!"

Everything was futile, of course. The only words that left my mouth were, "Surrender quietly.". The tone was so lifeless that it barely even sounded like my own voice anymore. Ino's so scared, so unsure of what to do. The gun in Ino's hands shook as she tried to convince herself to pull the trigger and disable me, but she couldn't.

Her voice wavered, tears welling heavily in her sky-colored eyes, "Saku, Baby, if you can hear me, give me a sign. Anything."

My heart dropped into my stomach as my limbs moved against my will. I grabbed the gun barrel but stopped my movements long enough that Ino could pull the trigger. Blazing fire shot through my palm, and blood splattered all around us. The pain was enough to shake my control, and then I was moving again. I ripped the gun from her grasp and tossed it aside before shooting forward to throw a punch.

Thankfully, she managed to dodge it, and her tears overflowed, "I-I knew it! Just hold on. I'm gonna get that thing out of you!"

Her triumph was short-lived as the other three in my search party arrived behind me. Terror read quickly on her face, and then she turned and began sprinting away down the incredibly long alleyway. If my body were reacting to my emotions, tears would fall so heavily down my face that I wouldn't be able to see.

What is she doing out here all alone like this? Where are the others?

If we survive in the end by some miracle, I'll kick Sai's ass for letting her put herself in danger. I can think that all I want, but there are two reasons that won't ever happen. One: Ino's too damn stubborn to be controlled by anyone, even if she's head over heels for the man in question. And Two: It seems less and less likely that I will be alive to see how all this craziness ends. The best I can do is try to minimize the damage done by my own body at this point.

We chased her through the rest of the alley, around a corner, and into another. All the while, a familiar heat rose upon the massive injury on my hand. When I realized it was the wound healing itself rather quickly, I was stunned beyond belief, "How do you know how to do that!" The thing inside me tried to reply, but I was so out of breath that talking was impossible, so it just kept chasing Ino with no regard for my physical well-being.

When we reached the end of the dark alley, the tiny amount of air left in me was knocked roughly out when I was tackled to the ground. The surprise seemed to overwhelm both of us because I could finally gasp for breath.

She was bait! Ino was acting as bait! It must've been her plan to lead us all further away from the town hall all along!

Whoever tackled me was either cautious in nature or knew my fighting style well because they immediately put some distance between us. I'm sure I'd have killed them in a heartbeat if they hadn't. Panting heavily, light-headed, and filled with dread, I watched helplessly as I got to my hands and knees. Once I was upright, and on my feet again, my breathing forcefully slowed, making my lungs burn like before as I turned to face…

Of course, it's him. There's no way in hell Sasuke would ever let someone else face me in his stead. It was only yesterday that I last saw him in person, but it feels like it's been weeks with how much I've missed him. Broad shoulders were tense, and his legs were parted slightly as he remained prepared to move quickly, those gorgeous dark eyes burning into mine with a hateful glare.


The rage is all but radiating off of him. That expression on his face is terrifying.

He came at me, interrupting my awe. Everyone else was busy fighting the other three. My eyes drifted to Gaara while we danced and dodged around one another's attacks. Sasuke's eyes were darting around, taking in every move faster than what should be humanly possible.

I want to cry. I want to stop all of this.

God, he's beautiful, even when he's like this. Thank the lord, he's expertly dodging my controller's attempts to brutally smash his body. Obviously, they haven't been able to retain my fighting ability, or else they'd be standing a much better chance at winning right now.

It was hard to focus on what was happening around me when it felt like my entire respiratory system was laced with flames, "If you don't let my body rest, we're both gonna die!" If something doesn't change soon, I will go into cardiac arrest or something.

For some reason, it obeyed, and I shot away from Sasuke, putting multiple yards between us before stopping and allowing me to gasp for breath again. The Uchiha man followed slowly, studying my appearance with a confused expression.

Ah, that's right. Last night we were disconnected before I could explain the situation. He's not aware of how all this works. He might not even know that I can see and hear everything going on right now. When Konohamaru woke up in Oto, he couldn't recall anything that'd happened while he was inhabited. All my friends are likely assuming I'm down for the count until I'm no longer inhabited.

When possible, I was made to shout orders at the others in my group as I dodged Sasuke's attempt at grabbing me, "Capture the target and retreat. Remain focused."

Hearing me talk seemed to piss him off, and he hissed in a menacing voice, "Shut the fuck up."

My eyes landed back on him, seeing him turn his torso with his hand in a fist as he came in for another attempt at hitting me when my entire body froze. The small amount of relief I'd been given by resting a few moments was swiftly stolen away by the insane amount of effort he'd put into the punch. It was a direct hit.

Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step back. He'd assumed I would dodge it, the same as me.

The invader didn't relent control, and I choked, my body suddenly feeling much too warm in the cold winter air. The Uchiha man searched my face with an expression of bewilderment as I likely turned colors in before him.

"Breathe! Breathe now, or we're dead!"

Legs feeling like jelly, I stumbled back a few steps and nearly toppled over before the thing finally obeyed. After doubling over to cough, throat raw and ragged, I straightened my spine again and tried not to panic when I realized Sasuke seemed about to yell at himself and me.

He may not know I'm actively fighting for control, but we've all known for a while now that the invaders don't feel the pain of physical injuries. All he's doing by landing hits is hurting me, and he knows it, but what else is he supposed to do?

"This male is your mate?"

My anger flared as I realized the thing must've finally seen some memories containing the seething man before us. "He is, and you'd better keep your hands off him if you know what's good for you."

" There is no point in threatening me. You cannot hurt me without also bringing harm to yourself."

In an instant, I was retaken to the ground, and my hands were pinned behind my back. I tried to fight my way up to my knees, only to pause when I realized Temari had Gaara's hands behind his back, and she and Shikamaru were recklessly shoving and dragging him away. In contrast, Hidan fought to keep the rest of my friends at bay, Ino's forgotten revolver in his hand. The younger Subaku brother seemed almost feral as he struggled against his two captors, his face contorted terrifyingly.

"You can hear me, can't you, Sakura?"

Sasuke broke my focus, and the thing in me turned my head to look back at him, my cheek to the brick ground of the minor road we were fighting on. It's obvious he's desperate to receive any sign that I'm mentally present. When our eyes met, he opened his mouth again, eyes narrowed, only for us both to jump in shock and look at the others when a single gunshot rang through the air.

Time seemed to slow, then. As if in some kind of movie, Ino fell to the ground at an agonizing pace. Kiba, Sai, and Kankuro all moved to catch her while Hidan turned to escape down the alleyway the other two had left with Gaara.

A high-pitched siren buzzed in my ears, muffling everyone's panicked voices as time began returning to average speed. Deep within me, something more desperate than I've ever felt began to rise and duplicate. As it filled me, I realized it would explode when I couldn't hold it back anymore.

My voice was low and blunt, "Stop. You know what I will do to your body if you disobey." The words didn't even register.

Just as time had slowed moments ago, it suddenly seemed to speed up, and I was tearing myself from Sasuke's hold and stumbling quickly toward the others, "Move! I don't have much time!"

The three young men looked at me in disbelief but let me shove past them to see that Ino's unconscious. There's a giant, bloody bullet wound on the right side of her chest, but she's still fighting to stay alive.

Blood was heavily flowing from it and getting everywhere, on her clothes and on Sai, who refused to let her go even as I crouched down in front of her. It instantly coated my hands as I ripped the top portion of her shirt so I could properly dig the bullet out. Then I pressed both of my palms to her skin and put every ounce of my being into healing her.

Just like when I did something similar in the past, a wave of exhaustion and dizziness washed over me. The feeling was akin to electricity shooting through my veins rather than blood, but I kept it up. It was almost too much to bear. It hurts.

It was enough to temporarily break my focus and give the leech a moment to attempt another threat, "When we return, I will ensure the others-"

I cut him off again, gritting my teeth as a choked sound cry tore from my chest. The longer I fought, the stronger this awful sensation was getting, but I kept healing and prayed to whatever god may be listening for Ino to live. Just please don't let her die! I don't care if it kills me anymore.

Please let me save her…

Sai's timbre was higher than usual as he undoubtedly sat there and panicked, "Sakura, what's going on? Why did they take Gaara? What do we do? We need a plan!" All my limbs shook as I continued to hold on with all my might, "The samples…."

The wound then reached a point where it was no longer life-threatening, and overwhelming relief swept over me when I realized Ino's still breathing. My happiness was short-lived because the electricity plaguing my arms and hands then rose about my entire body. Gasping as I tried to breathe through it, I struggled to my feet and stumbled backward, away from them.

The Meishu…They hadn't lied when they said resisting would be painful. It's not just parts of me that are afflicted, either. It's my entire body, every last inch.

Sasuke and Kiba tried to approach, and I lifted a hand in their direction as I struggled to keep myself upright, "G-Get out of here! I can't…I-I'm losing it-" It doesn't matter that there are four able-bodied men here. If I lose control and anyone is near me, someone will die with me. I won't be the only casualty.

Kiba turned to help the other two get Ino into Sai's arms so they could vacate the area, but Sasuke just took another step toward me. His eyes narrowed, that sharp jawline flexing as he grits his teeth stressfully, "Sakura…." The way he said my name was like a warning, telling me I'd better get it together or else.

I shook my head, tears in my eyes. Usually, I'd listen in a heartbeat because he only sounds like that when he really and truly needs me to obey, but I physically can't this time.

"Get the samples to-" The unwelcome presence in my mind suddenly flared up as if it'd just woken up from me knocking it out, and I sensed a powerful intention to attack the man coming closer and closer.

With my ability to stave off being overwhelmed, my legs gave out from under me, and I squeezed either side of my head with my hands, eyes closing tightly. My voice was poisonous and full of malice, "D-Don't you dare fucking touch him, or I'll kill us both!"

"Sakura," Sasuke's voice was much more resolute than before, holding more power.

I looked up at him, vision blurring through my tears. Finally, I can tell he's grasped what's going on. My brow furrowed as I stared up at him, and he stared back, an air of hopelessness about us both. I can't waste the last of my energy on something as selfish as an "I love you" or "I'm sorry," so I have to believe he already understands those things.

As the ice-cold hurt in the back of my neck began reforming, I muttered as steadily as possible, "The Meishu is inside Matsuri." Then I was torn from the controls.

I couldn't do anything but watch as my body rose and turned to begin sprinting in the direction the other three in my party had gone. The exhaustion was damn near unbearable. It's taking everything in me not to lose consciousness now. At least I didn't start attacking Sasuke again.

"You will be punished."

It'd be easy to feign bravery. Regardless of what it's about to cost me, I can claim it was all worth it, but I can't bring myself to feel anything but dread. The strength of character and will I've built over the last few months is gone, just like my ability to even think of resisting.

Despite all this, I can't say I'll ever regret doing what I just did because Ino didn't lie there and bleed out on the street. Ino's alive. I'm trying to focus on that rather than the impending torture. My best friend, my sister, she's going to survive, and the others are going to get the Gosei samples to Matsuri. I just need to keep fighting and holding on until that time comes to ensure their safety.