Chapter 20: Soul Bounding Item(3)

High above the ground, two ethereal beings observed the scene below, their feet seemingly resting upon an invisible platform in the sky. The first exuded an air of satisfaction, his eyes gleaming with sinister delight, while the second appeared conflicted, his gaze locked intently upon Adam's enigmatic necklace.

A wicked grin tugged at the corners of the first being's mouth as he reveled in the unfolding drama. "Yes," he hissed, his voice dripping with malevolence, "make him suffer." He turned to his companion, noting the troubled expression on the other's face. Puzzlement furrowed his brow as he inquired, "Are you not enthralled by this spectacle?"

The second being's voice was as cold as ice. "The demise of humans holds no interest for me. It is the necklace adorning that abomination that disturbs me."

Lukia's eyes widened in confusion. "Is it not simply a creation of mortal hands?"