"The Reborn" Bibi Dong

At night, the moonlight is like water.

  In Wuhun City.

  In a low-key and luxurious room, a large soft bed is placed in the center of the room.

  The big bed was surrounded by a layer of snow-white gauze, and the bed was covered with a layer of pure white sheets and a purple velvet quilt.

  It can be vaguely seen that a girl with long lavender hair is lying on the bed, her beautiful sleeping face is full of tranquility, and she has obviously fallen asleep.

  But suddenly, for some reason.

  Pain and struggle appeared on the girl's delicate and beautiful face, and her jade hands hidden under the sheet were clenched tightly at the same time, as if she was experiencing a nightmare.


  After a while, accompanied by an unwilling shout, the girl couldn't help but suddenly opened her eyes and sat up from the bed in an instant.

  The whole person couldn't help panting violently, and the sweat dripped from the beautiful pretty face, soaking the purple velvet blanket under her body.

  "Where is this place?"

  Waking up from the endless darkness, looking at the familiar and unfamiliar scenery around, Bibi Dong couldn't help muttering to herself, her heart full of incredulity.

  Isn't she already dead? She

  died under that Tang San's Asura Demon Sword!

  How did she come back to life?

  And... where is this place, why does she feel so familiar?


  As if thinking of something, Bibi Dong's complexion suddenly changed, she couldn't help but immediately lifted the quilt, got up and quickly picked up a mirror from the dressing table beside her, and put it in front of her eyes.

  And when she saw that pure and beautiful familiar face in the mirror, Bibi Dong was stunned.

  How is it possible that she... She actually returned to her youth? !

  what is this? !

  Is she from the future reborn, or is she having a nightmare about the future?

  No! This can't be just a dream!

  Thinking of everything she had experienced, Bibi Dong gritted her teeth and shook her head fiercely.

  She didn't believe it, everything in her memory was fake!

  Whether it's that teacher Qian Xunji who is inferior to a beast, or that hypocritical and selfish Yu Xiaogang, or that daughter Qian Renxue who makes her feel indebted all her life.

  Everything is so real!

  Of course, the one who made her feel unforgettable, unforgettable, and even regretted her whole life

  was the one who blocked the mortal attack for her and died in her arms. Before he died, he touched her face and said that he had always liked her. I don't want to be her younger brother, only him as his man.

  But if all this is not a dream, then there is only one explanation for all this, that is, she was reborn from the future!

  And it was reborn before all the tragedies happened!

  Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help clenching her jade hands tightly, her heart was full of excitement.

  If that's the case, great!

  In this life, she will never be as stupid as before!

  That Yu Xiaogang is not worthy of her love at all!

  She paid so much for him, forgiving him and the people around him again and again.

  But what did he give her in return?

  He came to the door as a matter of course and asked her to help the enemy's son.

  But she refused, and just said that she had already done something to the enemy's son, but she put on a vicious look and vowed to make her regret it.


  This man is so self-centered, never considers issues from her standpoint, selfish and hypocritical!

  But she didn't see through it until she was dying!

  In this life, she vowed to take revenge on this selfish, hypocritical and shameless guy!

  After venting her anger towards Yu Xiaogang in her heart, Bibidong couldn't help but think of him who sacrificed himself and finally died in her arms, making her unforgettable.

  Su Mo, where are you now?

  Bibi Dong felt lost in her heart, thinking with complicated eyes.

  Su Mo was a young man she met when she was traveling in mainland China after giving birth to her daughter Qian Renxue after being insulted by her teacher Qian Xunji.

  Originally, she just brought him back to Wuhun Hall on a whim, but unexpectedly, he awakened a powerful Wuhun and showed extraordinary talent.

  And for revenge, after discovering that Su Mo actually possesses an extraordinary talent, she was immediately overjoyed and accepted him as her younger brother.

  But in fact, she just wanted to use it as a tool for revenge!

  But she didn't expect that Su Mo had always liked her silently, and in the end, he did not hesitate to die for her.

  And it was after Su Mo's death, after knowing Su Mo's love, and in endless pain and regret, that Bibi Dong understood her heart.

  Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect!

  It turned out that during countless years of getting along day and night, she actually developed feelings for this handsome, talented brother who cared and loved her so much.

  It's just that her heart has been blinded by hatred all along.

  And because of the insult from teacher Chihiro Ji, she closed her heart.

  She only regards Yu Xiaogang, whom she cannot ask for, as the only pure land in her heart, and pins all the beauty and longing for love on her, but ignores the people around her who love her and the people she should love.

  But after going through so much, she realized a problem. Does she really like Yu Xiaogang, who is not amazing in appearance, not good at speech, and only gets from her, not giving?

  Is this love, or is it simply because she couldn't ask for it that she had an excessive emotional beautification of her love with Yu Xiaogang?

  It's a pity that she knew it too late!

  But now, it's not too late!

  Thinking that she had been reborn, and that Su Mo must still be alive, Bibi Dong couldn't help cheering up immediately, took a deep breath in her heart, and made up her mind.

  In this life, she will not only take revenge and torture that selfish, hypocritical and shameless Yu Xiaogang, but also find Su Mo as soon as possible.

  In the last life, it was Su Mo who cared about her silently, paid for her, and died for her.

  In this life, it was her turn to truly pay for him!

  But where is Su Mo now?

  Thinking of Su Mo's current whereabouts, Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel a little headache.

  She remembered that Su Mo told her before that he should have mentioned his current whereabouts in his life before he met her.

  But because it's been so long, she can't remember it at all.

  But even so, Bibi Dong still didn't give up.

  She believes that she will definitely remember, but it will take a certain amount of time!

  On the bed, thinking hard about Su Mo's current location, Bibi Dong fell asleep before she knew it.

  And when he opened his eyes again, it was morning.

  The faint morning light is passing through the window and falling into the room, reflecting the emerald green of a pot of green vines placed by the window, which is full of vitality.

  "Is it already morning?"

  After waking up, seeing the scene outside the window, the fiery red sun was just rising, Bibi Dong immediately sat up from the bed, and after silently sorting out the current memory, she put on her clothes, Get out of bed and leave the room.

  "Hi, Your Royal Highness!"

  Outside the room, seeing Bibi Dong coming out, a number of maids who were busy in the courtyard all turned around and saluted Bibi Dong respectfully.


  Bibi Dong just nodded lightly and left.

  Why do you feel that His Highness is a little weird?

  Looking at the back of Bibi Dong leaving, the maids behind couldn't help feeling a little strange, because Bibi Dong felt a little cold today, but His Highness before was very kind and lively.

  Bibi Dong didn't know about this.

  But she doesn't care either.

  The personality of her in the future is very different from her present, and she can't hide it, but who said that personality is completely static?

  It just gets colder sometimes.

  Anyway, as long as she doesn't show too much difference from what she has always been.

  After waking up and washing up, Bibi Dong finished her breakfast, wiped her mouth with a delicate purple silk scarf, and then prepared to practice, in fact, to continue to recall Su Mo's whereabouts.

  Last night, she had already thought of some clues. Today, she just needs to continue to think for a while and sort out the memories in her mind, and she should be able to think of them soon.

  "Clean up, I'm going to practice."

  After telling the maid, Bibi got up and was about to leave.

  But at this moment, a maid walked over from the door, stood not far away, and respectfully said to Bibi Dong: "Your Highness, there are guests looking for you outside the door."