Meeting Chihiro Ji

And after accepting Bibi Dong, Su Mo and Bibi Dong naturally got into the carriage together, preparing to return to Wuhun City.

  On the way back, Bibi Dong cared and loved Su Mo the most, and along the way made Su Mo experience a life far beyond what he had just traveled through.

  Being so cared for by the goddess Bibi Dong in the previous life, when Su Mo felt warm in his heart, he couldn't help being more and more satisfied with his wise decision back then.

  In this way, a few days passed in a flash.

  In the blink of an eye, the carriage was about to arrive at Wuhun City.

  And riding in a carriage, he was about to arrive at Wuhun City.

  When looking through the curtains and seeing the hexagonal Wuhun City not far away, with towering and thick walls, which looked extremely majestic and magnificent, Su Mo couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

  Although Su Mo had watched a lot of high-rise buildings in his previous life on TV and the Internet, the feeling of witnessing such a majestic ancient city with his own eyes was quite shocking.

  On the side, seeing Su Mo looking at the Wuhun City in the distance through the window of the carriage, she was a little dazed, as if she was shocked, Bibi Dong couldn't help flashing a trace of tenderness on her pretty face, and gently pulled Su Mo Close to the arms, hold tight.

  "Xiaomo, do you feel particularly shocked when you see Wuhun City, but don't worry, this will be your home from now on, there are many interesting things in Wuhun City, when you return to Wuhun City, my sister will take you everywhere Play, okay?"

  Bibi Dong said softly to Su Mo, as if coaxing a child.

  Although this is indeed the case at the moment.

  But Su Mo still couldn't help blushing, and nodded slightly. Although the slightly stern face did not calm down, it could still be vaguely seen that there seemed to be some anticipation and a little shyness

  . Regarding this, Bibi Dong just smiled softly. Mo's reaction was not surprising, on the contrary, he was quite emotional, and couldn't help but hug Su Mo in his arms even tighter.

  Xiao Mo! Little Mo! After so many years, it's really a blessing to see you so shy again!

  The carriage drove slowly on the road, and finally returned to Wuhun City.

  After Bibi Dong came back, Chihiro Ji, who was the Pope, was naturally the first to receive the news.

  "What! You said the saint is back!" In the

  resplendent Pope's Palace, when she heard the news of Bibi Dong's return, Chihiro Ji, who was sitting in the study and dealing with the affairs of the Wuhun Palace, couldn't help being very happy, and laughed loudly. .

  "Since the saint is back, let her come to see me immediately."

  "It took her a lot of time to hunt for the soul ring this time, and I don't know what soul beast she hunted. As a teacher, I must You need to understand!"

  "Yes! Your Majesty the Pope, I'll let Her Majesty the Holy Maiden come over right away."

  Hearing Chihiro Ji's words, the soul master who came to report respectfully responded, but just as he was about to turn around, he seemed to remember What, I couldn't help but say,

  "By the way, Your Majesty, it seems that Her Majesty the Holy Maiden came back this time and brought back a child. This child was heard to be a vagrant. Her Majesty the Holy Maiden brought him back and planned to take this child as a pawn." Brother."

  "Adopted a vagrant?"

  Knowing Su Mo's existence, Chihiro was stunned, but he didn't think much, and soon he smiled directly.   "Adopt it if you adopt it. Dong'er 's character has always been so kind, but since   Dong'er

  has adopted him as a younger brother for this child, let Dong'er bring him too!

  " On the other hand, after entering Wuhun City in a carriage, Su Mo and Bibi Dong came to Bibi Dong's mansion together.   But before staying in the mansion for long, a soul master came to ask Bibi Dong to go to the Pope's Palace with him, and have an audience with Pope Chihiro Ji.   "Yes, I'll go see the teacher right away!"

  Being summoned by Chihiro Ji, Bibi Dong still responded politely and respectfully, just like Bibi Dong before.

  But Su Mo could sense that Bibi Dong's hand holding him was suddenly much tighter.

  "Are you going to see the legendary Chamber of Secrets Douluo Qianxunji soon?"

  Su Mo couldn't help thinking when he realized that he was going to see Qianxunji soon.

  Su Mo naturally disliked the legendary Douluo Qianxunji in the secret room. In his heart, Qianxunji must die.

  Whether it's for his own clarity of thought, or for the sake that his current sister, Bibi Dong, won't recall that dark past, he has reasons for doing so.

  But of course, before that, Qian Xunji and others had to get Mr. Qian Renxue out.

  He believed that Bibi Dong should have the same idea as him.

  "Let's go, Xiao Mo, I'll take you to see my teacher."

  Under the leadership of Bibi Dong, Su Mo came all the way to the Pope's Palace, where he met the legendary Douluo Qianxun Ji.

  I have to say that Chihiro Ji's appearance is very good.

  Looking not far away, Chihiro Ji, who was wearing a golden pope's crown robe, was slender, had long golden hair, and a handsome face.

  Su Mo feels that if this guy travels to the earth, he will definitely become a popular idol all over the world immediately, making countless star fans scream for him.

  In front of this guy, electric eels and silly roe deer are all hot chickens!

  However, Qian Xunji didn't know Su Mo's inner thoughts, and he never took Su Mo to heart. He just looked at the female disciple in front of him and asked with a smile full of concern.

  "Dong'er, what kind of soul ring did you absorb when you broke through to the soul king this time?"

  "Teacher, what I absorbed this time was the soul ring of a ten thousand year old crypt demon spider."

  Although she was disgusted in her heart, Bibi Dong still Pretending to be as kind and cute as before, he replied with a happy smile.

  "The Ten Thousand Year Crypt Demon Spider? This kind of soul beast is relatively common, and it shouldn't be hard to find. Why did you take so long to return to Wuhun City?" Qian Xunji was a

  little puzzled.

  "This... is because I finally went out and wanted to walk around and relax, so when I came back, I wandered around in some cities on the way, which wasted time."

  Bibi Dong was a little embarrassed.

  "So that's the case."

  Chihiro Ji smiled, and then continued to ask about Bibi Dong's going out this time.

  And Bibi Dong also behaved as before, trusting and happily telling Qian Xun Ji everything.

  But in the end, before leaving, Bibi Dong seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help asking Qian Xunji.

  "By the way, teacher, it seems that in a few days it will be the day of Wuhun awakening. Xiaomo is just six years old this year, which happens to be the age to participate in the Wuhun awakening. The Wuhun awakens in a few days. Can Xiaomo also participate?"

  "Is he also six years old this year?"

  Chihiro Ji was a little surprised, but he didn't take it seriously.

  "Let him participate in the Awakening of the Martial Soul? Of course, I will let you know. You can just take him to participate."

  Chihiro nodded quickly and said.

  Regarding Su Mo, Qian Xunji always believes that Su Mo is just the product of his disciple Bibi Dong's sudden outburst of kindness.

  Although in Wuhun City, children must be born in Wuhun City to participate in Wuhun Awakening in Wuhun City.

  But this Su Mo is also disciple Bibi Dong's nominal younger brother after all, but it's nothing more than giving him the qualification to participate in the awakening of the martial soul.

  It's just that in Wuhun City, there haven't been people without soul power for many years. This has always been the pride of Wuhun City.

  If this Su Mo awakens a martial soul without soul power, then he should not be excluded and disgusted by other children, otherwise his disciple Dong'er will definitely be distressed.