Yu Xiaogang's Visit

In response to Qian Xun Ji's summoning, after the Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony, Bibi Dong took Su Mo to the Pope's Palace to meet Qian Xun Ji.

  "Little Mo, we meet again!"

  In the resplendent Pope's Palace, when she saw Bibi Dong bring Su Mo in, Chihiro Ji, who was sitting on a gorgeous throne, could not help showing a gentle expression on her face. smile.

  The address for Su Mo has also become a very kind little Mo.

  However, Qian Xunji's deliberate intimacy seemed a bit hypocritical to Su Mo.

  Because when the two met a few days ago, the other party still didn't even bother to look at him.

  But as he awakened the Death God Scythe Martial Soul, which was full of innate soul power, and gained value, Chihiro Ji eagerly began to show his favor to him.

  This is too realistic!

  Although it is inevitable for this kind of thing to happen, Su Mo's senses towards Qian Xun Ji are extremely bad, so Qian Xun Ji's overtures are useless to Su Mo.

  But even though he thought so in his heart, on the surface Su Mo still followed Bibi Dong's previous instructions, showing a slightly respectful expression on his stern face, and bowed in a slightly cold tone.

  "It is also Su Mo's honor to meet the Pope."

  "Hehe, Xiao Mo, you don't have to be so polite. I'm your sister's teacher. You can call me teacher in the future. If you have any problems in cultivation, you can also let me know. " You can come and ask me."

  "You are a genius full of soul power, and you will definitely become the pillar of our Spirit Hall in the future, and our Spirit Hall has always rewarded geniuses generously, this time I will ask Dong'er to bring you here, It's to reward you with something."

  Chihiro shook his head with a smile, and clapped his hands after speaking.

  And following Qian Xunji's clapping, a red-clothed archbishop soon walked aside, holding a tray covered with a red cloth, and came in front of Su Mo and Bibi Dong.

  "Open it!"

  Under the order of Chihiro Ji, the archbishop in red immediately lifted the red cloth, and saw a bunch of keys, a soul crystal card and a bracelet inlaid with five gems on the tray. .

  "Xiao Mo, these are the rewards I give you, which are a mansion in Wuhun City, a soul crystal card with 1 million gold soul coins, and a storage soul with a total storage space of 50 cubic meters. Guidance device, five spirits bracelet."

  "These rewards are for your daily life, as for your future training resources in the Wuhundian Elementary Soul Master Academy, we will provide them separately at that time."

  "I hope little In the future, you can work hard to cultivate, and you will become a new generation of Title Douluo in our Spirit Hall in the future!"

  Looking at the three items on the tray in the hands of the archbishop in red, Chihiro said with a smile.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope!"

  For Qian Xunji's reward, Su Mo bowed again in a cold tone, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

  A mansion in Wuhun City, a soul crystal card with a million gold soul coins and a storage soul guide with a storage space of fifty cubic meters, the rewards are not bad.

  But it's a pity that there is no soul bone.

  After rewarding Su Mo with rewards, Chihiro Ji continued to be close to Su Mo with a gentle attitude, hoping to change Su Mo's initial impression of him.

  In his opinion, Su Mo is just a child and should not be very sensible.

  Although he didn't care too much about Su Mo when they met before.

  But he is the pope, and it is normal to act aloof. Now he shows extra concern for Su Mo, which should be enough to make Su Mo feel grateful.

  Su Mo didn't know what Qian Xun Ji was thinking, but he still tried his best to show that he was very excited about Qian Xun Ji's concern.

  This is what Bibi Dong asked him to do before.

  And after feeling that the relationship with Su Mo was almost closed, Qian Xunji finally told Su Mo that in a few days someone would take Su Mo to hunt the soul beast needed for the first soul ring.

  Then let Su Mo and Bibi Dong leave.


  "Little Mo, how do you feel about the teacher?"

  After leaving the Pope's palace, Bibi Dong asked Su Mo in a gentle voice with a smile on her face as she took Su Mo down the mountain to go home.

  When asking these questions, Bibi Dong was still a little apprehensive.

  Although based on her understanding of Su Mo, when she took Su Mo to meet Qian Xun Ji before, Qian Xun Ji showed indifference towards Su Mo, now it is impossible to want some small favors to buy Su Mo .

  But she was still worried that Su Mo would be deceived by Qian Xun Ji's previous disguise.

  Regarding Chihiro Ji, Bibi Dong has never given up the idea of ​​revenge, but now she is not strong enough, and the time for revenge is not yet ripe.

  So now she still treats Qianxun Jixu and submissively.

  But if Su Mo was deceived by Qian Xunji and developed a good impression of Qian Xunji, and she killed Qian Xunji for revenge, if Su Mo knew about it, it would be very troublesome.

  "Hmm... His Majesty the Pope cares about me very much, and is very good, but I still don't like him."

  Regarding Bibi Dong's question, Su Mo seemed to be thinking. After lowering his head for a while, he shook his head and said Said in a slightly cold voice.


  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong couldn't help smiling.

  She knew that Su Mo felt Qian Xun Ji's hypocrisy, but because Qian Xun Ji was her teacher, Su Mo didn't give a reason, just said that he didn't like it.

  But as long as you know that Su Mo has not been deceived by Qian Xun Ji.

  "Whether you like it or not, the teacher is the Pope after all. When Xiao Mo sees the teacher in the future, he should do what I taught you before, you understand?"


  In the blink of an eye, the next day came.

  In the early morning, when the warm sunlight came in from the window and fell on Su Mo's face, Su Mo opened his eyes in a daze, and was about to get up, but found that he couldn't move his body.

  After waking up, Su Mo recalled that last night he slept with Bibi Dong, who was hugged by Bibi Dong like a doll and forced to sleep all night.

  Feeling the warmth of Bibi Dong's embrace

  , he really didn't know what to do when he encountered this situation, so he could only continue to hug Bibi Dong and pretend to sleep.

  "Hehe, Xiao Mo woke up?"

  But it might have been awakened by Su Mo's movement just now. With a burst of chuckle, Bibi Dong opened her eyes at some point, and she was looking at her with a pair of beautiful amber eyes. He looked at Su Mo with interest.


  Regarding this, Su Mo could only hum with his head down.

  "Okay, now that we're awake, let's get up, and I'll take you out for a stroll after dinner!"

  Seeing Su Mo who was a little shy, Bibi Dong couldn't help laughing, rubbing her eyes full of doting. Rubbed Su Mo's hair, kissed Su Mo hard, and then pulled Su Mo out of bed.

  And put Su Mo in exquisite clothes, dressed like a young man from a wealthy family.

  Afterwards, after taking Su Mo to wash and eat breakfast, Bibi Dong was ready to take Su Mo out to play around.

  But before Bibi Dong took Su Mo away, a maid came over and said respectfully to Bibi Dong, "Your Highness, Mr. Yu Xiaogang has come to visit again."