The Beaten Yu Xiaogang

"Hahaha! What are you talking about? You were brought in by Her Majesty the Holy Maiden? What are you? You are qualified to know Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, and Her Majesty the Holy Maiden brought you into the center of our Wuhun City." The fourth floor of the library?"

  "Do you think we are stupid?!" On the

  fourth floor of the Wuhun City Central Library, when Yu Xiaogang said that he was brought in by the saint Bibidong, the guards in front of Yu Xiaogang immediately froze. He couldn't help laughing, his face full of sarcasm.

  "Boy, I can feel that your cultivation is only at the level of a soul master."

  "Looking at your age, you may be in your twenties this year, and you are only a soul master in your twenties. You are a waste of waste. You are the only one who deserves to know Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, I'll pooh!" At the

  end, the guard poohed on the ground, looking at Yu Xiaogang with contempt and disdain in his eyes.

  Being so humiliated by the guards, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help clenching his fists, furious in his heart.

  As the young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Yu Xiaogang can be said to be highly respected in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but because the martial soul of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was not awakened on the day the martial soul was awakened, Luo San, who was extremely degraded, was awakened. Cannon Wuhun.

  This caused Yu Xiaogang to be humiliated in the Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

  What Yu Xiaogang hates the most is being called trash.

  Being so humiliated by the guards of the Wuhun Temple in front of him, Yu Xiaogang almost wanted to tear the guards into pieces, even Bibidong and Su Mo were resented by Yu Xiaogang for a while.

  hateful! Damn Bibi Dong!

  If it weren't for Bibi Dongfei who wanted to leave with that little bastard named Su Mo to play in Wuhun City, how could he encounter this humiliating situation now!

  Yu Xiaogang has never been an open-minded person, on the contrary, he can be said to be a person with extremely low self-esteem and self-esteem.

  You know, in the original book, the relationship between Bibidong and Yu Xiaogang is not bad, and Bibidong's contribution to Yu Xiaogang is not too small.

  But after Bibidong was insulted by Chihiro Ji, in order to protect Yu Xiaogang, Bibidong just found Yu Xiaogang, pretended to be indifferent and said that Yu Xiaogang was a waste, and wanted to break up with him.

  Yu Xiaogang unexpectedly became furious at Bibi Dong's incompetence, and then fled.

  It can be seen that the extreme inferiority and self-esteem in his heart.

  He never considered at all whether Bibi Dong had something to hide.

  You know, if Bibi Dong really looked down on him, she would never have given him any kind of help before, and even wanted to elope with him.

  But for all this, Yu Xiaogang didn't think about it at all, and didn't want to think about it.

  But even though he was extremely angry in his heart, Yu Xiaogang could only endure the humiliation and smiled apologetically in front of the guard who was stronger than himself.

  "Brother, I really didn't lie to you. I came with Her Majesty the Holy Maiden. If you don't believe me, you can ask the two guards here!"


  The guard just sneered at Yu Xiaogang's explanation.

  "Okay! Then I will take you to ask. If what you said is true, then I will naturally not hold you accountable. But if what you said is false, then don't blame me for being rude!"


  Listening to the guard's words, Yu Xiaogang swallowed his saliva with great difficulty, and his whole body broke out in cold sweat.

  But at this time, he had no way out.

  After being pulled by the guards to the entrance of the fourth floor, looking at the two guards on the fourth floor, the guard who brought Yu Xiaogang asked directly.

  "Hey, two brothers, this guy said he was brought by His Royal Highness, do you know if what he said is true or not?"

  "This... I really didn't pay attention." The

  two guards shook their heads .

  There are also many people who come to the fourth floor every day. They wear heavy armor and helmets, and their vision is not good. How can they always pay attention to who is coming to the fourth floor.

  But today, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden did come to the fourth floor.

  But it's a pity that they brought Su Mo, who had awakened the innate full-spirited martial soul at the Martial Soul Awakening Ceremony, as for whether the man in front of them was there, they had no impression at all.


  Hearing the words of the two guards, Yu Xiaogang's eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost passed out.

  He knew he was in big trouble!

  "You guys... think about it again, it's impossible not to have no impression, I was obviously behind Bibi Dong at that time!!" Realizing

  that he was likely to be taken away and tortured, under extreme panic, Yu Xiaogang became a little confused. Going hysterical, Qianqian grabbed the arms of the two guards and shook them wildly.

  "Bold! How dare you offend Her Majesty the Holy Maiden!!"

  Originally, Yu Xiaogang had a bad sense, but when he heard that Yu Xiaogang called Bibi Dong directly by his name, the guard who brought Yu Xiaogang over couldn't help but burst out angrily. The slap hit Yu Xiaogang's face.

  Immediately, with a sound of "Pa!", Yu Xiaogang was beaten in a circle and fell to the ground, his whole brain was pumped and buzzed.

  "How dare you call Her Majesty the Holy Maiden's name directly. It seems that this person is a spy. Take it away!" On the

  side, the captain of the guard who had just searched the fourth floor and the rest of the guards returned to the entrance at some point and found Yu Xiaogang Dare to be disrespectful to Bibi Dong, the captain of the guard couldn't help but sneered, waved his hand and asked someone to drag Yu Xiaogang away.

  "Let go of me! Let me go! I'm not a spy, I was brought by Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, if you don't believe me, go ask Her Majesty the Holy Maiden, ask Her Majesty the Holy Maiden!"

  After being violently stood up by several guards, Yu Xiaogang has not given up yet, he is still struggling angrily, wanting the guards to ask Bibidong.

  But the guards didn't believe Yu Xiaogang's words.

  After the several guards holding Yu Xiaogang slapped Yu Xiaogang one by one, directly hitting both sides of Yu Xiaogang's face swollen like a pig's head, Yu Xiaogang finally calmed down.

  And a group of guards also sneered, dragging Yu Xiaogang, whose face was swollen into a pig's head, with absent-minded eyes, like dragging a prisoner out of the Central Library of Wuhun City, and brought him to the penalty area for dealing with spies.


  At this time, in the punishment room, in a dark cell.

  On the surrounding walls, there were several burning torches, and Yu Xiaogang was tied to a log with iron chains. In front of him was a pot of burning charcoal, and many instruments of torture were placed around him.

  "Hey! This guy's name is Yu Xiaogang, and he is actually a member of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, but why is this guy's martial soul not the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon martial soul, but what is it called Luo Sanpao?"

  After bringing Yu Xiaogang to the After the penalty was imposed, a guard directly took down Yu Xiaogang's stored soul guide, and found Yu Xiaogang's martial soul certificate inside. Looking at the information above, he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

  "Give it back to me! Give it back to me quickly!"

  Yu Xiaogang's swollen pig face couldn't help turning red when he heard the guard talking about his martial soul, and he couldn't help shouting angrily at the guard.

  His martial soul is not the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex martial soul, but the Luo Sanpao martial soul. This is the eternal pain in his life. These guys are still talking about it here, it's like pouring salt on his wound.

  "What are you yelling about, kid! As a member of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, you dare to sneak into the central library of our Wuhun Palace and peek at our hidden books. I haven't taught you a lesson yet!

  " Yu Xiaogang roared angrily, and the guards standing in front of Yu Xiaogang, especially the guards who showed Yu Xiaogang's martial soul certificate, were furious. Just say hello.

  " Pa !"

  "Hey, aren't you very capable? You can't stand it after eating some whips? Let me tell you, it's still early, go ahead and enjoy it slowly! Haha!"