Blade Mantis

But although he didn't hate Bibi Dong, thinking of today's tragic experience, Yu Xiaogang still couldn't dissipate the resentment in his belly, and finally he could only attribute everything to Wuhundian.

  Damn Spirit Hall!

  Damn Wuhundian guards!

  I'm just a little weaker, and these people from Wuhundian didn't even give me a chance to explain, so they treated me as a spy and arrested me here to torture!

  What a brutal sect!

  Yu Xiaogang thought resentfully in his heart, and secretly made up his mind that he must take revenge on Wuhundian in the future.

  But before that, he still had to use Bibi Dong to read as many hidden books as possible in the Wuhun Hall, and first find a way to re-evolve the degenerated Wuhun Luo Sanpao into the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Wuhun.

  Maybe today's event will be an opportunity?

  Thinking that because of today's incident, Bibi Dong seemed to feel very guilty towards herself, Yu Xiaogang's eyes flickered, and he felt the hope of realizing his dream.


  "Your Highness, I don't blame me for today's incident. It's all because of my bad luck. It's just... It's just that I managed to get into the fourth floor to read a book today. In the end, I didn't even finish the book, so I was arrested. From now on... hey!" In the

  dark prison cell, facing Bibi Dong's guilt-ridden apology, Yu Xiaogang suddenly showed a hoarse voice and showed a bitter smile, and couldn't help sighing.

  But hearing Yu Xiaogang's words, Bibi Dong couldn't help but her heart skipped a beat, and then she sneered.

  Hehe, he really knows how to play tricks!

  Want me to continue taking you to the fourth floor of the Central Library?

  OK! I satisfy you!

  Although looking at the real face of the man in front of him, Bibi Dong felt nauseous when she thought that she used to think that the man in front of her was a great scholar who was obsessed with academic research and dreamed of benefiting the mainland.

  But on the surface, Bibi Dong still showed a look of surprise, as if she had finally found a way to compensate Yu Xiaogang, and said hastily.

  "Xiao Gang, you don't have to worry about this. As long as I have time in the future, I will definitely take you to the fourth floor of the library!"

  Although he knew that Yu Xiaogang approached him for the secret collection of books in the Hall of Spirits.

  Logically speaking, Bibi Dong shouldn't satisfy Yu Xiaogang's intentions.

  But because he knows that Yu Xiaogang will not be able to change his fate of being a waste even if he has read all the books in the Central Library of Wuhun City in the future.

  So Bibi Dong wasn't worried, Yu Xiaogang was able to accomplish his goal.

  On the contrary, in order to win Yu Xiaogang's trust and make it easier to continue tormenting in the future, Bibi Dong planned to give Yu Xiaogang some sweets.


  Yu Xiaogang couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that Bibi Dong promised to take him to the fourth floor of the Central Library in the future.

  "Of course it's true."

  Regarding this, Bibi Dong just smiled slightly, pretending to be gentle and authentic.

  "Okay, take good care of your wounds first, and when you recover, come to my house to find me. Then I will continue to take you to the fourth floor of the library to read."


  And after experiencing Yu Xiaogang's beating incident, time passed quickly Several days passed.

  Finally, Wuhundian arranged someone to take Su Mo to hunt for the first spirit ring.

  But I don't know if it's because Bibi Dong also strongly requested to go with Su Mo, but Wuhundian finally arranged for Yueguan and Ghost to take Su Mo to hunt for the first spirit ring.

  But of course, this may also be because Wuhundian is interested in Su Mo's potential.

  And a few days later, in the Star Dou Great Forest.

  After starting from Wuhun City, he rushed all the way to the Star Dou Forest.

  After some searching, Yueguan, Guigui and Bibidong finally found a knife-edged praying mantis with more than 300 years of cultivation for Su Mo on the periphery, intending to use it as Su Mo's first spirit ring spirit beast.

  Because there is Bibi Dong, who is a control-type soul master, and Yueguan and Guigui, who are as high as Contra, the process of catching the blade mantis went very smoothly.

  Driven by Yueguan and ghosts, Bibi Dong easily passed the first soul skill: Spider Silk Binding, tied the blade mantis into rice dumplings, and controlled it.

  Next, as long as Su Mo kills the blade mantis, he can absorb the soul ring of this soul beast, and be promoted from a soul warrior with full soul power to a soul master.

  "Okay, Xiao Mo, go and kill this blade mantis with a dagger!" In the

  dense forest, after Bibi Dong shot the blade mantis under control, Bibi Dong handed over a sharp dagger to Su Mo. Go kill the Blade Mantis.


  And took the dagger, and looked at the lavender spider silk tightly bound not far in front of him, and could vaguely see the silver body the size of a millstone and the knife-edged praying mantis shining like sharp blades, Su Mo He couldn't help but took a deep breath, and walked towards the blade mantis.

  Such a big praying mantis looks so cool, if it were placed on the earth in the previous life, I don't know how many reptile fans will be crazy about it!

  When walking towards the blade mantis, looking at the silver-white blade mantis, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.

  As for Su Mo's approach, Blade Mantis seemed to sense the approaching crisis, and couldn't help struggling hard, trying to break free from the shackles of the spider silk on his body.

  But unfortunately, there is an absolute gap in strength between century-old soul beasts and soul king-level soul masters.

  However, the 300-year-old Blade Praying Mantis could not break free from the bondage of the spider silk released by the soul king-level Bibi Dong no matter what.

  In the end, Su Mo successfully killed the controlled Blade Mantis.

  As countless yellow light spots escaped from the corpse of Blade Mantis, soon a prototype of a yellow century-old soul ring condensed above the corpse of Blade Mantis.

  "Sister Dong'er, Senior Yueguan, Senior Ghost, why do you say that this 300-year-old blade mantis is the most suitable for me? Shouldn't the age of the soul ring be as long as possible?"

  While the soul ring was condensing and forming, I thought of In the future, Su Mo couldn't help being moved by the theory of the limit of soul ring absorption proposed by Yu Xiaogang in the future, pretending to be curious and asking about Bibidong, Yueguan and Guigui.

  For Yu Xiaogang's theory of the absorption limit of the soul ring in the previous life, Su Mo has always been somewhat scoffing.

  Because the physical quality of a soul master depends on factors such as the type of spirit, the gender difference of the soul master, and whether he has exercised the day after tomorrow, even if the level of soul power is the same, his physical quality is completely different.

  According to Yu Xiaogang's theory, simply absorbing a soul ring based on the level of soul power, and accurate to the year, is prone to accidents.

  It's a shame that no one believes in Yu Xiaogang's theory, otherwise Yu Xiaogang would have been notorious in the entire Douluo Continent for killing people!

  But Yu Xiaogang was able to put forward the theory of the ultimate absorption of the soul ring, Wuhundian should have done similar research, right?

  This is what Su Mo wants to test.

  As for Su Mo's question, Bibi Dong couldn't help being a little amused, and said.

  "Who said that the higher the age of the soul ring, the better? A soul master absorbs the soul ring according to the limit that his body can bear.

  " Once the body can't bear it, it's easy to explode and die!"

  "Then sister Dong'er, how many years of soul ring do you think I can absorb at most?"

  After hearing Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo's stern face frowned. Wrinkled slightly, as if getting more and more curious.