Tang Zhen who was stunned by anger

After experiencing a lot of painful struggles, Tang Xiao finally made a decision.

  He is going to have a showdown with his father Tang Zhen!

  In the case where the father is determined to let the second brother Tang Hao return to the Haotian School, unless the second brother is really willing to separate from Ah Yin.

  Otherwise, his father Tang Zhen would be furious when he found out that his second brother Tang Hao was unwilling to come back, and he would definitely mobilize the power of the Haotian School to find his second brother Tang Hao and A Yin, and A Yin would be exposed with the same high probability.

  Instead of risking Ah Yin's exposure in front of the entire soul master interface, it is better to let his father Tang Zhen know Ah Yin's true identity.

  Although according to Tang Xiao's understanding, with his father Tang Zhen's consistent temper, it was for the reputation and interests of the Haotian School.

  Once he knew Ah Yin's true identity, just to be on the safe side, his father would still force Ah Yin away, even imprison Ah Yin, and it would not be impossible to kill Ah Yin.

  But Tang Xiao had already thought of a way to deal with it.

  Although he planned to have a showdown with his father and tell his father A Yin's true identity.

  But he didn't intend to tell his father Tang Zhen Ayin's real identity right now.

  Instead, he planned to take the opportunity of going out and bringing Tang Hao back to tell Tang Hao's father's attitude, and let Tang Hao take A Yin to escape first and hide.

  Afterwards, when he came back, he would tell his father Tang Zhen A Yin's real identity.

  Because the second brother Tang Hao has already taken Ah Yin away and hid, even if his father Tang Zhen was furious and mobilized the power of Haotian School to find the two, it would not be so easy to find them.

  And since the second brother Tang Hao has taken Ah Yin to hide, the two will definitely have a child in the future.

  Although his father Tang Zhen was cruel and cruel, if his second younger brother Tang Hao and Ah Yin had a child, would his father Tang Zhen make his grandson lose his mother in order to obtain a hundred thousand year soul beast?

  So under his strategy, although his father Tang Zhen would be furious, he should still choose to calm down for the time being.

  And when the second brother Tang Hao and Ah Yin's children are born, then everything will be settled.

  This is the strategy that Tang Xiao came up with to draw fire from the bottom!

  "Father, I understand. I will bring my second brother back."

  Although he had already found a way to make his second brother Tang Hao and his younger brother A Yin happy, Tang Xiao still put on a serious face in order to paralyze his father Tang Zhen. With a bitter look, he said.

  "Okay, let's go."


  After bidding farewell to his father, Tang Xiao quickly left Haotianzong again with a heart of apprehension, and rushed all the way to the place where Tang Hao and A Yin were before.

  And under Tang Xiao's full efforts to rush and search.

  Within a few days, Tang Xiao found Tang Hao and A Yin.

  Seeing his second younger brother Tang Hao and Ah Yin again, and seeing the incomparably loving appearance of the two, Tang Xiao undoubtedly felt bitter and dejected in his heart.

  He has never been a person with a strong ability to bear, at least he can't take the initiative to help the two of them after being rejected by the woman he loves, and pull the bridge for them.

  (That's right, it's you, Flender the green turtle!) All

  he could do was run away from himself.

  If possible, he didn't want to see Tang Hao and A Yin again, but unfortunately, now he can only come back and tell Tang Hao and A Yin's father's attitude.

  "Brother, why are you back?"

  Tang Hao was still a little puzzled when he found out that the big brother Tang Xiao who had left had returned.

  After adjusting his mood, Tang Xiao quickly explained his reason for coming, and told Tang Hao's father, Tang Zhen, that he firmly opposed him being with A Yin.

  "What should I do, brother, do I really want to go back!"

  After listening to Tang Xiao's words, both Tang Hao and Ah Yin were in a hurry.

  "Hey! Actually, it's not impossible..."

  Facing the anxiety of his second younger brother Tang Hao and Ah Yin, Tang Xiao sighed, and didn't try to play tricks on them, but quickly said the solution he thought of.

  "Great, big brother, your idea is good. As long as Ah Yin and I hide first, and we two cook the uncooked rice first and give birth to the child, father will have to admit it even if he doesn't!"

  After listening to Tang Xiao's idea, Tang Hao was also very excited.

  "But it's just a pain for Ah Yin. Originally, I wanted my father to preside over the wedding between me and Ah Yin, and give Ah Yin a grand wedding at that time."

  After being excited, seeing Ah Yin who was a little sad, Tang Hao couldn't help feeling distressed and guilty, and pulled Ah Yin closer to his arms, and the two of them pressed tightly together.

  "It's okay! Brother Hao, my identity is indeed a problem. It's normal for my father to dislike me. Anyway, as long as you don't dislike me."

  Regarding Tang Hao's guilt, Ah Yin also shook her head, beautiful and gentle A considerate smile appeared on Qiao's face, and then she lightly leaned her head on Tang Hao's shoulder.

  But seeing Tang Hao and Ah Yin's affectionate look, Tang Xiao felt like his mouth was full of dog food.

  For this kind of scene, he couldn't stand it anyway, so he forced a smile, and after giving Tang Hao a few words at the end, he took his leave and left.

  But for returning to the Clear Sky School this time, Tang Xiao felt a little heavy in his heart.

  Because this time he not only failed to complete the task assigned by his father Tang Zhen, but also deliberately sabotaged the task. When he told his father Tang Zhen's true identity, he was really afraid that his father would faint from anger.

  You know, when his father and mother gave birth to him and Tang Hao, they were already very old.

  And he and Tang Hao are both in their forties now, and their father Tang Zhen is now in his nineties!


  "What! You said that Ah Yin is a 100,000-year-old soul beast?!" In the

  Clear Sky School, after discovering that Tang Xiao failed to bring Tang Hao back, Tang Zhen was already furious. Tang Zhen was so angry that he was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage when he said that Ah Yin turned out to be a 100,000-year-old soul beast.

  Douluo Continent is an ancient society, and humans and soul beasts can be said to be enemies of life and death. In ancient times on the earth, the outside world did not like intermarriage with other races

  . Beasts are married!

  Knowing that his second son was with a 100,000-year-old soul beast, Tang Zhen felt ashamed.

  Once this kind of thing is known to the outside world, their Clear Sky School will lose all face!

  And not only that.

  You must know that if this matter is known to the outside world, the reputation that their Haotianzong has accumulated over the years will be destroyed in an instant, and other forces will not miss this opportunity to suppress their Haotianzong.

  Thinking that because of the disappearance of their father Tang Chen, their Haotian School no longer had the power that made even the Wuhun Hall fearful.

  And with my hard work and support, now Haotian School finally stabilized, I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing again, it's really cheating!

  For a moment, under the extreme anger and sorrow, Tang Zhen only felt his eyes go dark, and he couldn't help but fainted immediately.


   Well, it feels like in Douluo Dalu, Ah Yin and Tang Hao were discovered by the Spirit Hall. There are some problems. For example, Tang Hao knew Ah Yin's identity, why did he let Ah Yin be discovered by the Spirit Hall?

    There are not many soul masters of Contra and Titled Douluo in the Spirit Hall. As for the Spirit Hall wanting to subdue Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, or to kill Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, they accidentally discovered Ah Yin. That's even more of a joke!

    If Wuhundian was so reckless, like Yu Xiaogang who almost snatched Bibidong's trash, wouldn't Qian Xunji have killed him long ago?

    From the above, I feel that Tang Hao and A Yin will be discovered by the Wuhun Temple, and there are some problems, so I plan to give a different and more logical explanation.

    Just sauce purple!