They definitely have a conspiracy!

"We want to find a praying mantis soul beast with a cultivation base of more than 50,000 years. Have you seen this before when you were looking for a soul beast in the Star Dou Forest?"

  Because Liu Erlong was eager to help, Su Mo didn't hide anything, but said it directly.

  "A praying mantis spirit beast over 50,000 years old? This kind of cultivation spirit beast is rare in the Star Dou Great Forest! Generally, it must at least break through to become a Soul Sage before it can absorb a spirit ring with such a cultivation age. "

  Excuse me, is this Your Excellency going to break through to the Soul Sage?"

  Beside Liu Erlong, when he heard Su Mo's answer, Flender couldn't help pushing the crystal mirror frame on the hooked nose like a shoehorn. With a look of amazement on his long child-like face, he looked at Yueguan.

  Because Su Mo is only twelve or thirteen years old now.

  Even if it is said that Su Mo has undergone ice and fire body training in the eyes of ice and fire, his body has been strengthened to a great extent.

  But on the face, Su Mo still looks very immature, still looks like a teenager.

  It is hard for anyone to imagine that Su Mo, who seems to be no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, has already reached the level of Soul Sage.

  "You mean me?"

  Yueguan couldn't help pointing at herself when she found that Flender was looking at her, feeling a little inconceivable.

  But soon, Yue Guan came back to his senses, and immediately embraced his arms, a proud but somewhat disdainful smile appeared on his handsome and feminine face, and said.

  "Hehe, little guy, I'm afraid you have misunderstood the person. I have broken through the realm of the soul sage decades ago, and now he is the one who wants to break through the soul sage!"

  After finishing speaking, Yue Guan reached out and patted Pat Su Mo on the shoulder.

  "Him? Soul Sage?!"

  Yue Guan's words not only made Liu Erlong and Flender extremely shocked and unbelievable, but also Yu Xiaogang beside him.

  Although it was because Yu Xiaogang had been deliberately getting close to Bibi Dong when he was in Wuhun City.

  So Yu Xiaogang also knew Su Mo.

  But because in Wuhun City, most of Yu Xiaogang's energy was spent on gaining Bibi Dong's favor and researching various Wuhun books.

  So Yu Xiaogang only knew that Su Mo was very talented, but he didn't know that Su Mo had already reached Soul Sage at a young age.

  This made Yu Xiaogang feel unbelievable.

  For a moment, an indescribable jealousy surged into Yu Xiaogang's heart.

  God is really unfair, why am I in my twenties now, and I haven't even broken through as a great soul master, but this Su Mo seems to be less than fifteen years old, but he is already a soul saint!

  why! The world is simply too unfair!

  Under the jealousy in his heart, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help clenching his teeth, and at the same time clenched his fists, inserting his nails deeply into the flesh of his palm.

  But Yu Xiaogang didn't think about it.

  He thinks the world is unfair, especially to him.

  But in this world, where does absolute fairness exist!

  On the Douluo Continent, there were countless ordinary people who wanted to obtain the talent of a soul master with innate half-level soul power like him, which was a luxury. And his birth made countless people envy and jealous.

  Unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang would never think so.

  He will always only envy and envy those who are stronger than him. As for those who are weaker than him, especially those ordinary people, Yu Xiaogang doesn't even bother to look at them, and he doesn't even want to communicate with these people.

  This may not be apparent on the surface.

  But in the original book, when he was at Notting College, Yu Xiaogang obviously had certain abilities. At least the knowledge of soul masters he learned in the Wuhun Temple is completely enough to teach the students of Notting College.

  However, in Notting College, even if Yu Xiaogang is regarded as a waste of nothing by the entire student college, he still doesn't want to take classes in the college, teach some useful soul master knowledge to the students, and change the impression of him.

  Is he unable to do this?


  I am afraid that the greater possibility is that Yu Xiaogang's attitude towards common people is worse than that of Xiao Chenyu from Notting College.

  Yu Xiaogang never thought of using his knowledge to benefit the public, but just selfishly wanted to find a genius to prove his wrong theory.

  So that the whole world of soul masters, especially the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, can look at him with admiration.

  "You... have you really been able to absorb the seventh soul ring and break through to the soul sage? My God! How old are you!"

  After learning that it was Su Mo who was looking for a mantis soul beast with a cultivation base of more than 50,000 years, Liu Erlong couldn't help but look at Su Mo, very unbelievably authentic.

  "I'm about thirteen years old this year, but things like cultivation have little to do with age, and mainly have to do with talent, hard work and opportunity."

  "I'm just lucky. They must all be able to break through to the realm of soul sages."

  Seeing Liu Erlong's shock, Su Mo couldn't help showing a faint smile on his immature handsome face, and said.

  "Little brother, you can really talk!"

  Listening to Su Mo's words, Liu Erlong couldn't help laughing when he saw that Su Mo's immature face was mature beyond his age. Feel very fond of.

  Because he has been dependent on his mother since he was a child, Liu Erlong has always hoped to have a younger brother and sister.

  The Su Mo in front of him is not only kind to him, but also cute and handsome, with high talent, and seems to be very mature, which is simply too lovable!

  "Don't worry, since you have helped us, we will definitely help you find the soul beast later."

  "Boss Fu is only a soul king, but his martial soul is a four-eyed owl. It happens that he has a soul skill that is very useful for finding soul beasts. We will definitely help you find a mantis soul beast that is more than 50,000 years old!

  " The three of Su Mo are very fond of each other at present, Liu Erlong couldn't help patting his attractive chest, and said boldly.

  After Liu Erlong finished speaking, Flender also echoed with a smile all over his face, nodding to show that he would do his best to help.

  But aside, Yu Xiaogang was not very happy in his heart, and a trace of unhappiness could not help but flash across his slightly gloomy face.

  Although Liu Erlong and Flender did not discover these, they did not hide from the eyes of Yueguan and Ghost.

  What an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf!

  Finding that Yu Xiaogang has been acting lukewarm, and even faintly resisting his group, Yueguan couldn't help being very annoyed and dissatisfied.

  As for Yu Xiaogang, even though he knew that Yu Xiaogang seemed to have been tortured inhumanely when he was finally driven out of Wuhun City, but it was Pope Chihiro who did it!

  He thought that they owed Yu Xiaogang nothing at all, and it could even be said that Yu Xiaogang owed them instead.

  But Yu Xiaogang in front of him showed such a bad attitude!

  really! He knew that the guy in front of him was not as magnanimous and personable as he had been before Her Royal Highness, but a selfish and hypocritical liar!

  While the two sides were communicating, finally the soul ring of Lieyang Dixinglong was completely condensed and formed.

  This made Liu Erlong can't help but hastily walked to Lieyang Dixinglong's body, sat cross-legged on the ground, and after summoning the martial spirit, he began to absorb the spirit ring.

  On the side, Yu Xiaogang and Flender were protecting Liu Erlong.

  Not far away, Su Mo, Yueguan and Ghost were also sitting on the ground, waiting for Liu Erlong to absorb the soul ring.

  "Xiao Gang, what's the matter with you? Since just now, you don't seem to be very happy. You haven't talked much. What happened?"

  When sitting next to the dead body of Lieyandixinglong, Flender couldn't help asking Yu Xiaogang in a low voice with some doubts because he noticed Yu Xiaogang's strangeness.

  And hearing Flender's words, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said lightly.

  "Nothing happened, I just felt a little disgusted when I saw the guys from Wuhundian."

  "And I also know those three people, they definitely know me, but Wuhundian obviously doesn't like me, they just now There is definitely a conspiracy to even help us!" At the

  end of the speech, Yu Xiaogang sneered, and his tone was already resolute.