Chihiro's Death

really no work no die!

  In the dark, Su Mo couldn't help being a little funny when he heard that Qian Xunji hadn't given up chasing and killing Tang Hao, and let Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei continue to lead people to chase and kill him.

  Although it was said that for revenge, Tang Hao blew up the nine rings just now, and severely injured Chihiro Ji with the Great Sumeru Hammer · Ring Explosion Secret Technique, so that his nine soul rings could not use soul skills again for a short period of time.

  The combat power can be said to be greatly damaged!

  But the problem is, to break through the blue barrier released by Ah Yin's sacrifice.

  Ju Douluo Yueguan, Ghost Douluo Guimei and other spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall also consumed a lot of spirit power, and now the remaining spirit power is not even able to be activated by the spirit avatar.

  Now, the combat power of the two sides can be said to be evenly matched.

  And when Tang Hao severely injured Chihiro Ji and bought a lot of time to escape.

  Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo and other soul masters would catch up again, capture Tang Hao, or take away the soul bone condensed from A Yin's sacrifice in Tang Hao's hand, the chances can be said to be very small.

  If Chihiro Ji insists on doing this.

  That result can only be a reason for Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei to take people out of here to chase and kill Tang Hao.

  Without the protection of the spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall, Chihiro Ji, who can be said to be seriously injured and dying, has undoubtedly become the meat on Bibi Dong's sticky board.

  But of course, this is good news. Su Mo just felt a little funny in his heart, but he didn't have the slightest intention to remind Qian Xunji.

  "This... His Majesty the Pope... is your safety the most important thing?" In the

  distance, hearing that Chihiro Ji asked his group to continue chasing and killing Tang Hao, Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei couldn't help but look at each other. Glancing at it, the eyes flashed at the same time, and then said with some hesitation and hesitation.

  Although it was because he had already stood on Bibi Dong's side.

  Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei have long reached an agreement of interest with Bibi Dong, intending to use this opportunity to help kill Qian Xunji.

  But even though he thought so in his heart, he still had to reject Chihiro Ji first.

  After all, Chihiro Ji is seriously injured now, but a mere 100,000-year-old soul bone, how can it compare to the safety of the pope of their Wuhun Temple?

  But if Chihiro Ji insisted that they lead people to continue hunting, there was no other way.

  Who told Chihiro Ji to be the pope? As the soul masters of the Wuhun Temple, they must obey the pope's order, even if they know it is wrong.

  "No... don't worry about me, as long as... ahem, leave two people to watch over me, hurry up and chase me, for this one hundred thousand-year-old soul beast, our Spirit Hall has spent a lot of time A lot of kung fu, absolutely...absolutely can't get nothing!"

  Regarding Yueguan's hesitation, although Chihiro Ji was lying on the ground and seriously injured, he still forced his soul power, coughed up blood, and was furious at the same time, gnashing his teeth The tone ordered forcefully.

  As the Pope of the Wuhun Palace and also Qian Renxue's father, for the 100,000-year-old transfigured spirit beast discovered this time, this is Qian Xunji's sixth birthday gift for his daughter.

  Although the 100,000-year-old soul beast discovered this time is gone because of the sacrifice, but there is still a soul bone left, and he is not willing to give up no matter what!

  "Your Majesty the Pope...this..."

  "I am the Pope, you execute the order immediately! Right away! Cough!!"

  Faced with Qian Xunji's order, the soul masters of the Wuhun Palace wanted to persuade him again . After a while, but in the end, under Qian Xunji's grim-faced and tough order again, all the soul masters had no choice but to obey.

  "You two, stay here and protect His Majesty the Pope."

  Due to Qian Xunji's compulsory order, all the soul masters could only continue to chase and kill Tang Hao, but before they left, Ju Douluo Yueguan was still in front of him. In the team, the two weakest archbishops in red were selected to stay to protect Chihiro Ji.

  Afterwards, Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei took all the red-clothed archbishops of Wuhun Hall and quickly flew away, rushing towards the direction where Tang Hao was escaping.

  "Qian Xun Ji, today is your death date!"

  After Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo left with all the soul masters from the Wuhun Hall.

  As the backs of this group of people disappeared into the sky, Bibi Dong, who had been hiding in the dark all this time, took a deep breath, and was finally ready to make a move.

  "Soul-eating Spider Empress Martial Soul, Possession!"

  Just as she was about to strike, Bibi Dong forcibly calmed down, her face immediately turned cold, and then instantly summoned the beast that evolved from eating the fairy grass in the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye. , the soul-eating spider queen martial soul evolved from the soul-eating spider emperor.

  In an instant, a human body with purple patterns all over its body, a spider on its lower body, and a human body with the same face as Bibi Dong on its upper body, suddenly emerged from Bibi Dong's body, and then submerged in an instant. into Bibi Dong's body.

  After the soul of the Soul-eating Spider Emperor possessed her body, Bibi Dong's figure flickered, and a figure in black robes appeared in front of the two red-clothed archbishops who were treating Qian Xun Ji's injuries.

  "What are you..."

  Seeing a strange visitor suddenly appear in front of them, the two red-clothed archbishops couldn't help being startled, and immediately wanted to shout.

  But unfortunately, before she finished speaking, Bibi Dong's amber eyes hidden under the hood flashed a strange purple light, which instantly confused the minds of the two red-clothed archbishops.

  The Soul-Eating Spider Emperor was originally a top-level spiritual martial soul, but after evolution, the Soul-Eating Spider Queen's martial soul was even more terrifying in terms of spirit. Coupled with the experience and memories brought about by rebirth, Bibi Dong was more concerned about her own spiritual power. Controlled like a waving arm.

  Therefore, when the cultivation base has reached the title Douluo, it is just to confuse two soul masters of the soul saint level, it should not be too simple!

  "You...cough cough...who are you?"

  It was discovered that a man in black suddenly appeared, and instantly subdued the two archbishops in red who were protecting him. It was obvious that the visitor was not kind, and Chihiro Ji's already pale face suddenly became even paler, and he couldn't help being frightened and angry Geology asked.

  "I'm here to take your life!"

  Looking at Chihiro Ji who was seriously injured and dying lying on the ground in front of her, Bibi Dong wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything, she just said plainly.

  no need!

  Since he put on a black robe and intends to conceal his true identity, it is enough to let Chihiro Ji die in confusion, which can be regarded as an end to his grievances with his previous life.

  Nothing happened in this life yet, Bibi Dong didn't have the idea to express the pain she suffered in her previous life.


  Hearing that Bibi Dong really came to kill him, Qianxunji couldn't help feeling unwilling and angry, struggling, coughing up blood, and wanting to say something.

  But Bibi Dong just stretched out his hand lightly, and lightly touched Qian Xun Ji, injecting a small force of death into Qian Xun Ji's body.

  In an instant, Chihiro Ji, who had only one breath left, all the organs in his body stopped working under the destruction of the power of death.

  In the end, Chihiro Ji could only let out a series of "ho ho ho ho..." unwillingly, opened his eyes angrily, the light in his eyes gradually lost his focus, and finally fell down.

  Chihiro disease, dead!