Devouring Tang Zhen's Soul, Discovering the Truth!

In the darkness of night.

  Chasing the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School and others who left, Su Mo quickly left the main battlefield where the Haotian School and the Wuhun Palace fought, entered the hinterland of the Haotian School, and finally came to an attic.

  Because the Wuhun Palace is directly on the mountain gate of Haotianzong.

  Therefore, after hearing the movement, the members of the Haotian School came to support them one after another.

  As a result, the main battlefield of the two parties is mainly in the front and center of the Haotianzong residence, and in the deepest part of the Haotianzong, such an attic has not been affected by the war.

  "Could it be that Tang Zhen is in this attic?"

  With Su Mo's speed, he naturally caught up with the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School and the others, and followed the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School and others who had already left In front of this attic.

  Seeing the seventh elder of Haotian School and several people quickly running into the attic, while the lights above the attic were still brightly lit, Su Mo's eyes flickered.

  And in order to verify my conjecture.

  Su Mo immediately flicked the ghost blade mantis weapon, the six long, slender insect legs that were extremely black and full of spikes, and jumped onto a big tree in an instant.

  Standing on the big tree, Su Mo looked towards the brightly lit place in the attic.

  I saw that in the attic, the brightly lit place was a room. There was no decoration in the room, only a bookshelf, a desk, a few chairs and a bed.

  At this time, an unconscious old man was lying on the bed in the room, and several maids stood aside, looking out of the window from time to time, their faces looked very anxious, probably worried about the battlefield outside.

  And following the sound of hurried footsteps, the door of the room was pushed open very quickly, and the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School had arrived in the room with several deacons and disciples of the Clear Sky School.

  "Hurry up, quickly pick up the suzerain, and then we will leave here immediately!"

  After entering the room, the Seventh Elder of the Clear Sky School anxiously ordered the deacons following behind to carry the unconscious old man on his back.

  The strength of the Clear Sky School itself is not as good as the Spirit Hall, and now the Clear Sky School is still being attacked at night by the Spirit Hall. As the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School, he knows that the Clear Sky School is powerless now.

  In order to preserve the fire as much as possible, they must hurry up and escort the suzerain and the younger generation of the Clear Sky School out of here before the people from the Spirit Hall come over.


  Hearing the words of the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School, a deacon behind him immediately stepped forward, ready to pick up the suzerain Tang Zhen who was unconscious on the bed and take him away.

  But seeing this, Su Mo knew that it was time for him to play.

  "Why are you leaving in such a hurry!"

  Just as the deacon of Haotianzong walked towards Tang Zhen, with a sneer, a black shadow suddenly broke in from the window accompanied by a gust of wind. The windows were smashed!


  When they saw a huge black praying mantis that broke in and landed on the ground, several maids in the room couldn't help screaming in horror.

  "It's you! The second elder brother obviously went to stop you, why are you here?!"

  Seeing that it was Su Mo who came in, the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School couldn't help being startled and angry.

  "Why am I here? Of course, I came here to solve the second brother you mentioned, but I didn't expect that I just followed you on a whim, and I actually caught a big fish, Tang Zhen, the patriarch of the Clear Sky School? I didn't expect to be in a coma now."

  "I said, why have you been fighting on the battlefield outside for so long, and you haven't seen anyone from your Clear Sky Sect Master? I didn't expect this to happen."

  Ghost Blade Mantis In the state of Martial Soul Avatar, the scarlet compound eyes looked at Tang Chen who was lying on the bed. With a sneer, Su Mo's eyes couldn't help flashing a trace of fire.

  Originally, he thought that Tang Chen, the patriarch of the Clear Sky School, had already burped!

  After all, in the original book, Tang Zhen seemed to be pissed off by Tang Hao after hearing that Tang Chen had killed Qian Xunji.

  But the reality is that when Wuhundian chased and killed Tang Hao and his wife, Haotianzong didn't know.

  In the situation where Wuhundian decided to destroy Haotianzong for revenge and deliberately concealed the news that Qianxunji was killed by Tang Hao, how could Haotianzong know the news that Qianxunji was killed by Tang Hao.

  But even so, Tang Zhen is still in a coma, which is a bit interesting!

  But in any case, Tang Zhen is not dead yet, which is good news for Su Mo.

  Because this is a powerful Titled Douluo whose strength is above the ninety-fifth level, and it is also the reason why the Haotian School can still stand at the head of the previous three schools after Tang Chen disappeared.

  Now if Tang Zhen's soul can be harvested, no matter whether it is using the soul-controlling soul skill of the death sickle to control Tang Zhen's soul to fight for himself, or swallowing it, it will undoubtedly be of great use to improve the cultivation base or the life of the soul ring. !

  "But since I'm here, then you don't want to take him away!" Turning his

  gaze away from Tang Zhen's body, and looking at the seventh elder of Haotianzong and others again, Su Mo's scarlet compound eyes were already full of cruelty And murderous.

  "Hurry up, go and take the children away, I'll stop him here!" Realizing

  that Su Mo was about to make a move, the seventh elder of the Haotian School suddenly changed his face, calmed down in an instant, and couldn't help but look at the few Haotian who brought him behind him. The deacon of Tianzong and his disciples roared angrily.

  Hearing the words of the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School, the deacons of the Haotian School also knew that it was useless to stay, so they could only grit their teeth and endure the shame and fear in their hearts, and quickly led people to escape.

  "With me here, you don't want to take the suzerain away!"

  After letting the deacons and disciples of the Clear Sky School leave behind, the Seventh Elder of the Clear Sky School immediately turned to look at Su Mo, summoned the Wuhun of the Clear Sky Hammer, and shouted angrily. growl.

  But after the roar, the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School did not swing the Clear Sky Hammer at Su Mo, but suddenly moved, waving the Clear Sky School and was about to hit Tang Zhen who was unconscious on the bed.

  "How daring!!"

  Seeing the movements of the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School, Su Mo's expression darkened immediately, and he couldn't help but sneer coldly. The next moment, he stood in front of the seventh elder of the Clear Sky School and waved a sword The arm transformed from the death sickle slashed across.


  With a clanging sound, the seventh elder of the Haotian School was immediately chopped off by Su Mo.

  As a weapon soul master, the reason why Su Mo has worked so hard to obtain the weapon soul avatar is because the weapon soul avatar can give the soul master the dual advantages of the weapon soul avatar and the real martial soul at the same time!

  In addition, Su Mo has also experienced the ice and fire body training of the Ice and Fire Yinyi Eye, so in terms of strength, even if the cultivation base of the seventh elder of the Haotian School is higher than that of Su Mo, and he is still a powerful weapon soul master, he is not Su Mo. Ink's opponent.

  After killing the seventh elder of the Haotian School with a single blow, Su Mo immediately launched the death domain, and instantly launched a death suppression on the seventh elder of the Haotian School.

  In the state of Martial Soul Avatar, the Death Domain's death suppressing ability can suppress 50% of the enemy's strength and increase one's own strength by 100%.

  This level of suppression and increase instantly reversed the gap in cultivation between the Seventh Elder of the Haotian School and Su Mo!

  And the next moment, relying on the death kingdom ability in the death domain, Su Mo flashed behind the seventh elder of the Haotian School in an instant, and the arm of the death scythe in his hand slashed out, instantly decapitating the seventh elder of the Haotian School.

  At the same time, the souls of the seventh elders of the Haotian School were also harvested by the death scythe!

  But the seventh elder of the Haotian School is just a dessert!

  The staple food that Su Mo cares about is still Tang Zhen lying unconscious on the bed.

  "Let me see what my previous doubts are about!"

  After finishing off the seventh elder of the Haotian School, Su Mo immediately walked up to Tang Zhen who was lying on the bed. With his scarlet compound eyes flashing, he raised the black saber arm in his hand and pierced Tang Zhen's head.

  After killing Tang Zhen, Su Mo instantly put Tang Zhen's soul into the Death Scythe.

  For the martial soul that has been collected into the death sickle, through the second soul skill: soul control, there are actually two control schemes, one is to retain consciousness, and the other is not to retain consciousness.

  Obviously, it is impossible for Tang Zhen to retain consciousness.

  And if he didn't retain his consciousness, Su Mo could extract Tang Zhen's memory to see whether Tang Hao's discovery was an accident or a conspiracy planned by someone.

  "Well, let me see what's going on!"

  After choosing to erase Tang Zhen's consciousness, Su Mo closed his eyes immediately and began to retrieve Tang Zhen's memory. Countless memory fragments kept flashing in his mind for a while. .

  And after learning through the memory fragments in his mind that everything turned out to be a conspiracy planned by Tang Zhen for the benefit of Haotianzong, Su Mo couldn't help but twitch his lips.

  "I didn't expect this to be the case. All of this turned out to be Tang Zhen's conspiracy. But in the end, Tang Hao still didn't appreciate it, and even made Tang Chen faint. It's also interesting!"