Qian Renxue's Choice (2)

After the civet cat was proposed for the prince, Bibi Dong first found Qian Daoliu according to the decision in her heart.

  Then he told Qian Daoliu the plan, and also informed Qian Daoliu. All the Wuhundian executives agreed that Qian Renxue was the best choice to realize this plan, and asked Qian Daoliu his opinion on this matter.

  Knowing this, Qian Daoliu was also very hesitant.

  As a grandfather who loves his granddaughter, if he only considers it from his personal point of view, he undoubtedly does not want to send his young granddaughter to carry out this so-called plan.

  But apart from being Qian Renxue's grandfather, Qian Daoliu is also the last Pope of the Wuhun Palace, and the patriarch of the Qian family of the Seraphim family in the Wuhun Palace.

  Out of consideration for the interests of Wuhundian and Qianjia, he couldn't firmly veto this plan immediately.

  And maybe, if he forcibly refuses to let his granddaughter Qian Renxue carry out this plan.

  In the future, when the granddaughter grows up, if she finds out about this, she might blame him for being independent.

  At that time, he will not be a human inside and out!

  This is not impossible.

  Because in these years, as his granddaughter Qian Renxue grew up, Qian Daoliu found that his granddaughter Qian Renxue was becoming more and more independent and had her own ideas.

  Once this civet cat exchange prince plan is successful, the benefits to Wuhundian will be immeasurable.

  If granddaughter Qian Renxue knew about this plan, based on what Qian Daoliu knew about her granddaughter, granddaughter Qian Renxue would most likely agree to it!

  So in the end, Qian Daoliu still sighed, expressing that he couldn't make a decision for Qian Renxue, and he still had to let Qian Renxue come over by herself, inform her of the plan, and let her make her own choice.

  Bibi Dong was not surprised to find that Qian Daoliu didn't dare to make a decision for Qian Renxue, but asked her to tell Qian Renxue about it and let him make his own choice.

  After returning to the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong had someone call Qian Renxue.

  "Mom! What do you want me to do?"

  All the way to the main hall of the Pope's Palace, when he saw standing in front of the throne not far away, he was wearing a gorgeous purple dress and a nine-curved purple gold crown on his head. Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter and had a graceful and gorgeous face. A look of complexity flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, but she still let out a happy cry.

  "Xue'er, I came to you this time because I have something very important to tell you..."

  Looking at the tall figure in a pale gold long skirt with embroidered edges, and long golden hair shawl, On the exquisite and beautiful face, a pair of slender red phoenix eyes contained a faint majesty and heroism. Bibi Dong's eyes were also a little complicated, and she couldn't help saying slowly.

  "What's the matter?"

  Qian Renxue frowned and asked curiously.

  "What do you think of the development of our Spirit Hall over the years?"

  Bibi Dong did not answer Qian Renxue's inquiry directly, but sighed suddenly, and looked outside the Pope's Palace with her beautiful amber eyes, with A few traces of indistinctness, asked.

  "How's the development going? I think it's very good!"

  Although Bibi Dong didn't answer directly, when she heard what Bibi said, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a stir in her heart. She already had a vague guess, but she still replied.

  "Hehe, our Spirit Hall has indeed developed well in these years, but now, our development has reached a bottleneck. If we want to continue to develop, it will inevitably touch the interests of the two empires."

  " And if you want to go further, you have to find a way to conquer the two empires, or...unify the Douluo Continent!"

  "The general trend of the world has always been that if it is united for a long time, it will be divided, and if it is divided for a long time,

  it will be united!" It is an inevitability of historical development, and now that our Spirit Hall has the ability to achieve this goal, this can also be said to be the responsibility that history has entrusted to us."

  "However, with the current strength of our Spirit Hall, it is easy to destroy the two empires."

  "However, it is somewhat difficult to rebuild a new stable order after destroying the two empires ." "

  At present, we have already thought of a solution, but this solution needs your help, Xue'er..."

  Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter in her hand, shook her head slightly, looked into the distance, and sighed As she spoke, she finally turned her head and looked at Qian Renxue.

  Regarding Bibi Dong's purpose of saying these words, Qian Renxue understood to the point that she could no longer understand.

  Isn't it the same as in the previous life, wanting her to replace Xue Qinghe and become the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, and in the future, after ascending the throne as the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, cooperate with the Wuhun Palace to defeat the Star Luo Empire and unify the Douluo Continent!

  Qian Renxue actually did not resist this.

  Although in her previous life, she did feel a little uncomfortable at the beginning.

  But she is not the kind of person who likes to complain about herself, she also has her own ambitions and aspirations!

  Later, she actually enjoyed the life after becoming the prince Xue Qinghe.

  It's just that in the end, because Bibi Dong asked to launch an attack in advance, Tang San saw the flaw and was stopped, and finally fell short!

  Otherwise, with the identity of the crown prince Xue Qinghe, she could successfully succeed the throne of the Heaven Dou Empire.

  With Xue Beng's reputation in the Heaven Dou Empire, especially in the Heaven Dou Imperial City at that time, there was no chance of turning around at all!

  "If you need anything from me, please just tell me! Mom, don't you think I'm someone who can only get from the Wuhun Palace and not pay for it?"

  Qian Renxue didn't care about Bibidong's temptation at all. Hesitating, he spoke directly.

  "Xue'er, you are a good boy, but I still need to tell you in detail about this time's plan..."

  Finding that Qian Renxue has matured, Bibi Dong was quite emotional, but she still said seriously.

  Even if Qian Renxue said now that she would pay for Wuhundian, the plan to replace the civet cat with the crown prince is not easy, she needs to tell Qian Renxue carefully about this plan.

  "Xue'er, how is it, do you understand?"

  "This plan is not simple, it can even be said to be very difficult. Once you accept it, it will not only mean that you will need to spend a lot of time and energy on it in the next few years. Get ready."

  "And after that, you will be sent to the Heaven Dou Empire alone to carry out missions. During the mission, you not only need to be careful, but you may also fight with many people."

  "And the mission time is still very long. Once you start , maybe you will stay hidden for decades until the day you die and you will never come back, Xueer, have you really thought about it?"

  After telling Qian Renxue all about the civet cat's plan to replace the prince, she looked Looking at Qian Renxue, Bibi Dong sighed with guilt and complexity in her eyes.

  "Actually, from a mother's point of view, I don't want you to go there. Once this plan is successful, it will indeed be very helpful for our Wuhun Palace to unify the Douluo Continent, but you need to sacrifice too much!

  " When I grow up, I discussed this plan with your grandfather, and finally decided to tell you about it and let you make your own decision."

  "Otherwise, in the future, if we let you know that there is still this matter, we will make the decision for you. I'm afraid you won't be happy."

  Bibi Dong's words made Qian Renxue's body tremble, and her heart was suddenly very moved, her pair of pretty phoenix eyes were inexplicably moist.

  This plan was also told to her by Bibi Dong in her previous life.

  But Bibi Dong, who was the biological mother in her previous life, almost ordered her to perform the task, and her attitude towards her made her want to cry for three days and three nights.

  But in this life, Bibi Dong, as a stepmother, didn't want her to perform the task, and chose to hand over the decision of this task to herself.

  This kind of care and respect is what she dreamed of in her previous life!

  In the midst of being moved, Qian Renxue soon made a decision, a flash of determination flashed across her exquisitely beautiful, heroic and majestic pretty face, she took a deep breath, and said directly in a deep voice.

  "Mom, I know that both you and grandpa care about me, but I choose to accept this mission!!"

   Ok, Qian Renxue's plan to replace the civet cat with the prince has begun, and the next six years will be when she is ready to officially enter the plot.