Hunting? take away? big fight! (1)

"You are Bibi Dong. What do you want to do? You brought so many people with you, and you even used this holy magic ape to lure me over. Do you also want to   hunt

  me down?"

in a forest.

  Standing not far from the Holy Magic Ape, looking at the spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall surrounding her, Ah Rou couldn't help looking at Bibi Dong, and shouted coquettishly in shock and anger.

  "You think too much, I don't want to hurt you, but you have to give up resistance and follow me back to the Wuhun Palace."

  Facing the terrified Ah Rou, Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter, her elegant and beautiful face , said slowly and flatly.

  In her previous life, when she carried out this operation, it was indeed for Ah Rou's soul ring.

  Because at that time, she had been completely blackened, and her heart had already gone to extremes, so she didn't care about benefactors or not.

  But after "Rebirth", she has changed a lot.

  This time, the reason why she brought people here was not to hunt and kill Ah Rou.

  It's just to bring Ah Rou back to the Hall of Spirits, so that the future can develop as in the previous life.

  Only in this way can she guarantee the advantage of foresight after "rebirth".

  "Bibi Dong, although I don't know why you have changed so much now, do you think I'm stupid?"

  "If I resist, there may still be a chance to escape, but if I don't resist, I will return to your martial spirit with you like this." Dian, there, I'm afraid there will only be a dead end!"

  A Rou obviously didn't believe Bibi Dong's words, she couldn't help clenching her fists angrily, activated the soul power in her body, and wanted to resist.

  Seeing that Ah Rou still decided to resist, Bibi Dong shook her head inwardly, but she was not surprised.

  Because if she were Ah Rou, then she would definitely make the same choice.

  Anyone with a little brain would never entrust their lives on the kindness of others.

  That's downright stupid!

  But since Ah Rou is unwilling to give up resisting, follow her back to the Hall of Spirits.

  Then she can only take it away forcibly to ensure that the future can develop according to her desired track.

  "Since you don't believe me and still want to resist, then I can only say sorry!"

  Seeing that Ah Rou had unleashed all her strength, she wanted to fight against the soul saints of the Wuhun Palace when she moved. Bibi Dong couldn't help taking a deep breath for Ah Rou who had escaped from the encirclement, and in a low tone, she gave the order directly.

  "Everyone go up together, control her for me, I want to capture her alive!"

  "Yes! Your Majesty the Pope!"

  Hearing Bibi Dong's order, although she felt a little strange why Bibi Dong wanted to capture Ah Rou alive.

  But after succeeding to the position of pope, Bibi Dong had already established prestige in the Spirit Hall, so all the soul masters responded without thinking about it.

  "Accept the move! Martial Soul Fusion Skill Liangyi Static Field!!"

  After Bibi Dong gave the order, Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guigui, who were Bibi Dong's left and right arms, couldn't help shouting loudly, and instantly launched the attack together. The Wuhun Fusion Technique·Liangyi Static Field.

  In an instant, Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei shouted in unison.

  I saw dazzling silver and golden flames burning instantly on the bodies of the two of them.

  At the same time, the shadow-like ghostly martial soul and the golden velvet chrysanthemum martial soul also suddenly emerged from behind the two of them.

  And when the martial soul was summoned, nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and black also rose from the feet of the two of them at the same time, encircling their bodies.

  Just after the martial soul and soul ring emerged from their bodies.

  Guimei and Yueguan couldn't help jumping up amidst the loud shouts.

  In the air, I saw nine soul rings on each of the two, a total of eighteen soul rings were constantly breaking away.

  With Yueguan and Guimei finally getting closer together.

  Dazzling golden and silver rays of light erupted from the bodies of the two in an instant, and suddenly turned into a golden and silver beam of light that soared into the sky.

  And the eighteen soul rings that separated from the two of them immediately flew along the gold and silver beams of light to the top of the beams, and instantly condensed into a huge gold and silver two-color halo, and then suddenly expanded out!

  For a moment, I saw the place where the expanding golden and silver halo passed.

  The space was immediately covered with a layer of light gold and silver.

  The time, space and things inside seem to have fallen into a static state for an instant.

  Everything is motionless!

  And because of this expanding gold and silver halo, its expansion speed is beyond imagination, almost reaching the speed of light.

  Therefore, Ah Rou, who was not far from the two of them, naturally didn't react at all, and was fixed by the static field of Liangyi!

  "Not good!"

  Realizing that she couldn't move, Ah Rou couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

  But even though her cultivation has broken through 200,000 years, she is a beast-level soul beast.

  But facing the martial soul fusion skills displayed by the two titled Douluo, she still couldn't break free.

  "Seventh soul skill: Sky Ivy True Body!", "Sixth soul skill: Vine Dragon Entangling!"

  "Seventh Soul Skill: Earth Demon Bear True Body!", "Eighth Soul Skill: Gravity Suppression!"

  " The seventh soul skill: Purple Lightning Thunder Python True Body!", "The eighth soul skill: Thunder Prison!"


  When seeing Ah Rou's martial soul fusion skill, Liang Yi, performed by Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo, The static domain was fixed, and all the spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall around him shouted loudly, and immediately activated the seventh spirit skill Wuhun Avatar and his strongest control spirit technique.

  "Damn it! Invincible Golden Body!" Realizing

  that all the spirit masters of the Wuhun Hall all around wanted to take advantage of the fire, Ah Rou couldn't help being frightened and furious. After a coquettish shout, she instantly activated her strongest defensive spirit skill: Invincible golden body!

  Ah Rou's invincible golden body has the same effect as Xiao Wu's invincible golden body, both of which can be immune to all incoming damage for a certain period of time!

  Of course, this soul skill isn't that perverted, it's impossible to say that it can resist even the divine skill of a god.

  But with Ah Rou's cultivation, even Bibi Dong's ninth soul ability couldn't break through her defense.

  Not to mention the soul skills of the rest of the soul masters of the Spirit Hall.

  Therefore, as Ah Rou activated the invincible golden body, all the attacking soul skills were instantly nullified after hitting Ah Rou's body.

  It only caused a burst of violent movement.

  It was like a silver-purple thunder that was bouncing out of the sky. Amidst the dazzling thunder and crackling, it split a large area of ​​trees into coke.

  And the howling wind directly swept a large number of vines and crushed ice into the sky.

  Such a violent movement naturally attracted the attention of Xiao Wu who was picking mushrooms in the distant forest.

  "It's...not good there, Mom is in danger!"

  Discovering the movement in the distance, Xiao Wu instantly realized that it should have been made by a human soul master. Thinking that her mother had just passed there, Xiao Wu couldn't help feeling Panicked and frightened.

  But no matter how panicked and afraid she was, Xiao Wu never thought of running away, but wanted to save her mother.

  As a result, Xiao Wu couldn't help but immediately gave up on picking mushrooms. She didn't even care about the bamboo baskets containing a lot of wild vegetables, flowers and mushrooms, and ran straight to the place where the noise came from.

  On the other side, on the battlefield in the distance.

  After using the invincible golden body to block the attacks of the soul masters of the Wuhun Hall.

  Ah Rou immediately activated the teleportation soul skill again, and forcibly teleported out of Liangyi's static domain.

  In the final analysis, the static domain of Liangyi just freezes everything in the domain, not the real static time and space, so Ah Rou can still activate her soul skills.

  And with the absolute defense of the invincible golden body, Ah Rou's teleportation soul skill was also used in the static domain of Liangyi, so she escaped.

  "I want to run!"

  But when she saw that Ah Rou ran out of the range of Liangyi's still area, Bibi Dong couldn't help frowning, and instantly flew into the air.

  While stepping in the air, Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter, directly summoned the Death Spider Empress Martial Soul, entered the Martial Soul Possession state, and then launched the sixth soul skill at Ah Rou: Vampire Spider Sting.

  In an instant, the scarlet blood-sucking spider thorns gathered behind Bibi Dong's back immediately took shape.

  Then, as Bibi Dong stretched out his hand and waved, these scarlet vampire spider thorns burst down like rain, unexpectedly forcibly blocking Ah Rou's way.