Su Mo's influence on the Xingluo royal family, Davis' panic!

For Dai Lingxuan's unique knowledge of the Tang Sect, Su Mo taught Xuantian Kungfu, Ziji Demon Eye, Ghost Shadow Mistrack, Xuanyu Hand and Controlling Cranes and Catching Dragons.

  These martial arts can be said to have greatly enhanced Dai Lingxuan's strength.

  Dai Lingxuan, who is a battle soul master of the assault department, not only has a speed comparable to that of the agility department, but also possesses certain control and poison immunity abilities.

  Among them, Dai Lingxuan's keen insight into battle brought by Ziji Magic Eye also greatly enhanced Dai Lingxuan's strength!

  At the beginning, after learning these martial arts, Dai Lingxuan was very happy and excited, and became more enthusiastic about Su Mo's bedtime, allowing Su Mo to unlock many new postures in one go.

  And during these days of living in Xingluo Imperial City.

  Although Su Mo basically spends most of his time in practice every day, controlling the death row prisoners extracted from the sky prison, and studying how to upgrade the Tang Sect's unique skills.

  Occasionally, I would go back to Notting College to accompany Xiao Wu in person.

  But even though he was so in-depth and simple, because Dai Lingxuan often accompanied Su Mo to go out for dinner and play.

  And outside, Dai Lingxuan also behaved extremely lowered, caring and caring for Su Mo, and speaking much softer than before, not at all like Dai Lingxuan before.

  This made many people in Xingluo Imperial City curious about Su Mo's identity.

  And because although Dai Tianfeng made Dai Lingxuan serve Su Mo like a maid.

  But outside, Su Mo still gives Dai Lingxuan more face, and will not make Dai Lingxuan behave particularly lowly.

  Therefore, no one thought that Dai Lingxuan was like a maid by Su Mo's side.

  But I just think that Dai Lingxuan, the heroic and heroic princess who used to be a heroine, has finally met a man she likes, and that's why she is so caring and gentle to a man.

  However, Dai Lingxuan's status as the eldest princess of the Star Luo Empire made it difficult for her to marry the man she liked.

  At the very least, if he wanted to become the big son-in-law of the Star Luo Empire, he would definitely need the consent of Emperor Dai Tianfeng.

  And after discovering that Dai Lingxuan had been with Su Mo for a long time, Emperor Dai Tianfeng didn't express any opinion.

  All of a sudden, many forces in Xingluo Imperial City suddenly understood.

  It seems that Dai Tianfeng also knew about the man that Princess Dai Lingxuan found and acquiesced.

  But the problem is, no one in Xingluo Imperial City knows this man.

  But to be able to gain Dai Tianfeng's approval, this man is definitely not ordinary!

  Therefore, many forces in Xingluo Imperial City couldn't help inquiring about Su Mo's identity in amazement.

  Among them, the eldest prince Davis and Zhu Zhuyun showed the most concern and enthusiasm.

  As the eldest prince of the Xingluo royal family, because Davis is a full six years older than Dai Mubai.

  And although Dai Mubai's soul master talent is stronger than Davis', it's not too much stronger.

  Therefore, under the condition of falling behind in age, Dai Mubai wants to defeat Davis, and obtain the throne can be said to be extremely difficult!

  But despite the huge advantage, Davis didn't feel that he could win lying down.

  Instead, he has been trying his best to develop the forces under his command, and to attract all kinds of valuable people who can be attracted.

  Let the possibility of becoming an emperor in the future become even more unbreakable!

  Before, after discovering that his elder sister Dai Lingxuan had found a "wild man", Davis had tested his father Dai Tianfeng to see if his father Dai Tianfeng knew about it.

  But it was because Davis was more contemptuous about Su Mo's words when he was probing.

  Therefore, the reaction he got was that his father Dai Tianfeng was furious, saying that Davis must be extremely respectful when he sees Su Mo in the future, because he was the one who set up a bridge to let Dai Lingxuan and Su Mo get to know each other.

  Su Mo is an incomparably noble adult who has already reached the title of Douluo in his twenties.

  If he knew that Davis dared to offend Su Mo, Davis would no longer need to work hard to become a prince!

  Davis was dumbfounded by his father Dai Tianfeng's reaction, and was terrified for a moment.

  He never expected that Su Mo would be so important in the eyes of his father, Davis.

  But for a Title Douluo in his twenties, his future potential is indeed limitless!

  If only this Su Mo could be with the elder sister Dai Lingxuan.

  Maybe their Xingluo Royal Family can get the support of a Limit Douluo in the future!

  Therefore, Davis quickly adjusted his mentality, and he was extremely eager to win Su Mo and his eldest sister Dai Lingxuan to his side to support him.

  In this case, his future crown prince position, and even the throne will be even more unbreakable!

  Therefore, in the following days, it can be said that Davis has been extremely enthusiastic and flattering towards Su Mo and Dai Lingxuan, often visiting and giving various lavish gifts.

  But unfortunately, Su Mo was too lazy to answer these questions.

  During the Douyi period, there were really no treasures in the entire Douluo Continent.

  In terms of things like fairy grass, more powerful soul guidance technology, and soul bones, Su Mo likes them.

  But these things are obviously not something that Davis, who is still the eldest prince, can get.

  But facing Su Mo's indifference, Davis felt very uncomfortable.

  It's fine if you don't know the details of Su Mo.

  But from his father, Dai Tianfeng, he learned about Su Mo's background, and also knew how much his father Dai Tianfeng valued Su Mo.

  Even his father, Emperor Dai Tianfeng, clearly showed that he would depend on Su Mo's thoughts to a large extent!

  This made Davis panic for a while.

  Su Mo is so indifferent to him, does he have a problem with him?

  If this is the case, then his crown prince position and even the throne will be unstable!

  Although it is said that Su Mo does not accept all kinds of treasures, Davis also has another choice, which is to give Su Mo beautiful women.

  This Davis believes that as long as it is a man, it is impossible not to accept it!

  But the problem is, as far as Davis knows his elder sister Dai Lingxuan, if he gives Su Mo beauty, eldest sister Dai Lingxuan might hate him for it.

  In this case, if the eldest sister Dai Lingxuan blows the pillow wind, he will also offend Su Mo at that time!

  This made Davis very painful and distressed.

  And because he couldn't find a solution, Davis could only turn to his fiancée Zhu Zhuyun for help, and told Zhu Zhuyun the details of Su Mo and Su Mo's attitude towards him, to see what Zhu Zhuyun could do.

  Regarding this, Zhu Zhuyun was also very helpless.

  Because she didn't know who Su Mo was or the situation, how could she think of a solution!

  But as a woman, Zhu Zhuyun still said that she could visit Su Mo and Dai Lingxuan with Davis.

  At that time, she can go and tell Dai Lingxuan a set of words to see how Su Mo treats them!

  When he heard this, Davis was so excited that he felt that this was a good way!

  Afterwards, the two prepared to visit Su Mo's mansion now renamed Moxuan Mansion together.


  In the evening, Moxuan Mansion.

  In the basement, after using the condemned prisoners extracted from the sky prison to complete the upgrade experiment of today's Tang Sect's unique learning, and achieved some results, Su Mo left the basement with satisfaction, ready to enjoy today's sumptuous dinner.

  "Brother Su Mo, Davis sent someone another greeting card, saying that he will visit our house with his fiancée tomorrow."

  During the meal, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help but suddenly said to Su Mo.

  "Davis sent another invitation? You should deal with it. I'm so busy every day that I don't have time to argue with him..."

  Hearing what Dai Lingxuan said, Su Mo frowned and said directly.

  Compared with the leisurely life in Notting College, his time in Star Luo Imperial City can be said to be very tight now.

  In the morning, I will practice, and in the afternoon, I will conduct experiments with death row prisoners, trying to upgrade the unique learning of Tangmen.

  In the evening, I have to study the Yin-Yang Dao with Dai Lingxuan, so I don't have time to meet Davis.

  "Brother Su Mo, it's not just Davis who came here alone this time, his fiancée Zhu Zhuyun is also coming here, are you really not going to see them?"

  Dai Lingxuan suddenly felt faint about Su Mo's refusal. typical.

  "Huh? Is there Zhu Zhuyun?!"