Contact Zhu Zhuqing, why not choose your own destiny?

Xingluo Imperial City, Nether Grand Duke's Mansion.

  From his mother, he learned that his fiancé, Dai Mubai, had actually left Xingluo Imperial City a few months ago, and went to other places.

  This made Zhu Zhuqing leave the Grand Duke's Mansion in a trance with a dazed expression. His heart was full of unexplainable feelings, whether it was bitterness, sadness, or loneliness.

  she does not know.

  It's just that she thought that there was finally someone to share her inner sadness, loss, joy, joy and loneliness...

  But she didn't expect that in the end, she was still the only one.

  But she doesn't understand!

  Although she is not very old, she is the daughter-in-law of the Grand Duke's House of Nether.

  After entering into a marriage contract with Dai Mubai and getting involved in the cruel competition for the throne of the Xingluo royal family.

  Because of the sudden change in the attitude of her sister and parents towards her, Zhu Zhuqing, apart from being sad and upset, naturally searched for the reason and knew the reason for everything.

  If she understands well, her fiancé Dai Mubai indeed shares a common destiny with her.

  Because of the marriage contract, the two of them would either successfully defeat all competitors including their sister and brother-in-law, and eventually become the emperor and queen of the Star Luo Empire, or they would die on the road of competition and become two withered bones.

  Other than that, there is no other choice!

  And because of the marriage contract, the fate of the two was forcibly linked together.

  Her fiancé, Dai Mubai, should have worked hard together with her, trying her best to see if she could resist fate and win this cruel competition for the throne.

  But why, why did Dai Mubai, his fiancé, leave Xingluo Imperial City like this, without even telling her in advance?

  Zhu Zhuqing didn't understand.

  She is his fiancee!

  Dai Mubai just left, leaving her alone in Xingluo Imperial City.

  The two biggest opponents that she and Dai Mubai should have resisted together, sister Zhu Zhuyun and brother-in-law Davis, now need her to resist alone!

  Now, Zhu Zhuqing understands why she has been excluded and persecuted since she went to school. It seems that her sister Zhu Zhuyun and her brother-in-law Davis are targeting her together!

  In the first place, she didn't need to face such a great pressure.

  But because of her fiancé Dai Mubai's departure, she had to bear the targets of her sister Zhu Zhuyun and her brother-in-law Davis at the same time, that's why she was under so much pressure!

  This made Zhu Zhuqing very indignant towards her fiancé Dai Mubai, indignant at Dai Mubai's abandonment.

  But thinking that only his fiancé, Dai Mubai, could resist the cruel fate together with him in this world, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but subconsciously find an excuse for Dai Mubai's escape while being indignant.

  Maybe she was wrong, maybe her fiancé Dai Mubai didn't abandon her.

  Instead, go outside and try to see if they can find another way to change the situation they are facing now.

  After all, because she and Dai Mubai had a big age gap with their sister Zhu Zhuyun and brother-in-law Davis, so they were far behind in cultivation.

  With such a gap, it is impossible for any force to be willing to support them.

  Taking advantage of sister Zhu Zhuyun and brother-in-law Davis.

  If she and Dai Mubai stayed in Xingluo Imperial City all the time, it would definitely be difficult to defeat her sister Zhu Zhuyun and brother-in-law Davis.

  And go outside, maybe you can find a way to break the situation...

  But although I tried my best to find an excuse for Dai Mubai.

  But thinking that Dai Mubai left without telling himself, Zhu Zhuqing was still a little disappointed and pessimistic in his heart.

  But Zhu Zhuqing is a very strong character after all, even though she is in a very bad mood now, she still does not give up on herself, but still plans to go to the Martial Soul Mimicry Training Field of Xingluo Royal Junior Academy to practice.

  Now that she has returned to the Grand Duke Youming's Mansion, her elder sister Zhu Zhuqing and her brother-in-law Davis must never have imagined that she would suddenly rush back to the Xingluo Junior Royal Academy to practice at the Wuhun Mimicry Training Field in the academy.

  But just as Zhu Zhuqing tried his best to calm down and was about to go to Xingluo Royal Junior Academy, he bumped into a person head-on and nearly fell down.

  But fortunately, the person in front of him made a stride suddenly, and when Zhu Zhuqing was about to fall to the ground, he hugged her.

  "Little sister, are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, I'm sorry!"

  Because of the sadness and sadness in his heart, he didn't concentrate on looking at the road, and accidentally bumped into someone. The young man apologized for a while.

  At this time, Zhu Zhuqing saw the appearance of the young man in front of him.

  I saw the young man in front of him wearing a black black robe, with a slender figure, long black hair and black pupils. Can't help feeling good.

  'This big brother looks really good-looking! '

  Seeing the young man in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but suddenly had an idea in his heart.

  It is appreciation and goodwill for beautiful things.

  "Little sister, you almost fell down just now, why didn't you look at the road when you walked? Judging by your appearance, is there something sad?"

  "It's fate to meet you. You can confide in me."

  "If you share the happy things with others, you will have two joys, and if you tell the sad things to others, then the sadness will be halved."

  "Maybe so, your I will feel better."

  Looking at Zhu Zhuqing whose eyes were still a little red, and dry tears could still be seen faintly on his cool and pleasant face, Su Mo couldn't help smiling and said.

  And I was going to say I was fine.

  But hearing Su Mo say, "If you share the happy things with others, you will have two parts of happiness, and if you tell the sad things to others, then the sadness will be halved." This made Zhu Zhuqing feel very happy immediately. Big touch.

  Thinking of the fact that since the awakening of his martial soul, he made a marriage contract with Dai Mubai, the third prince of the Xingluo royal family, and lost the love of his sister and parents.

  Although she has a strong personality and has long been used to it, she still feels a little lost and frustrated sometimes.

  After all, she is not born to like to be alone, but because she is forced to do so.

  She also hopes to have friends to share her happiness and sadness.

  And because of the targeting of her sister Zhu Zhuyun and her brother-in-law Davis, Zhu Zhuqing didn't make a single friend in the college.

  Now I finally met Su Mo who is very kind to me.

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help but suddenly had an idea in his heart.

  Maybe it's not bad to tell the big brother in front of me about my own affairs, so that I can have someone and a friend to talk to in the future.

  So, in the end, Zhu Zhuqing didn't say that he was fine, but hesitated for a moment, nodded, and was led by Su Mo's hand to a teahouse not far away.

  When he came to the teahouse, after opening a private room, Su Mo brewed a pot of tea on the table in a flowing manner. After pouring tea for Zhu Zhuqing and himself, he smiled and asked, Zhu Zhuqing What is there to be sad about.

  Regarding this, Zhu Zhuqing did not hide it either. With a sad heart, he just concealed the specific identities of himself and his fiancé Dai Mubai in the story, and told Su Mo all about himself.

  "Oh? I didn't expect you to have a fiancé at such a young age. It's really unbelievable."

  Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's immature and beautiful face, Su Mo couldn't help showing a somewhat surprised expression on his face.

  "But your fiancé is really nothing, no matter what his thoughts are."

  "But he left you alone in Xingluo Imperial City, didn't he consider your thoughts and feelings, and the consequences of his leaving?"

  "If he is really like you, no Give up fighting against your sister and brother-in-law, then when he leaves, he should also take you away."

  "After all, you are one, even if he gets rid of your sister and your brother-in-law's target outside, but you stay Here, he enjoys double the targeting, is the result different?"

  "He left alone, I feel more like he has given up resistance and wants to go to other places and enjoy the rest of his life."

  Su Mo Think about it and give your own opinion.

  And hearing Su Mo's opinion, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help feeling even more disappointed and pessimistic.

  Because in fact, she is more inclined to this view in her heart.

  "Zhuqing, why do you care so much about your fiancé?"

  "Although the fates of the two of you are connected because of the marriage contract, there is a high probability that he has given up resisting, chose to indulge, and threw all the pressure away. " It's on you."

  "Actually, you haven't seen him before, so instead of insisting on linking your fate with him, you should choose your own destiny. There is nothing in this world that cannot be broken."

  "As long as you can If you become strong enough, or find a strong backer, you and your fiancé's family will not insist on killing you because of this meaningless engagement."

  Seeing a trace of sadness on Zhu Zhuqing's face, Su Mo couldn't help sighing softly, persuading him.