Ten Thousand Years Thorn Thornback Dragon

"Zhu Tianfeng, Zhu Zixing...Zhu Zhuqing...Has everyone come?"

  Nether Grand Duke's Mansion, in a square.

  Seeing that in the square, Zhu Zhuqing and the rest of the children who were going to hunt the soul beasts in the hunting forest were almost all there. A middle-aged man in black with a dignified face who was in charge of the team began to read the names on the list in his hand. After reading his name, he couldn't help asking.

  And because it wasn't until the middle-aged soul master finished reading all the names on the list.

  Everyone responded, nothing out of the ordinary.

  So, the middle-aged soul master put the hand holding the list behind his back, and said in a deep voice.

  "Okay, since everyone is here, come with me. The carriage has been prepared outside, and everyone is ready to get on the carriage and set off for the Hunting Soul Forest."

  After speaking, the middle-aged soul master immediately He turned around and left the square, heading outside the Grand Duke Youming's Mansion.

  Behind him, Zhu Zhuqing and the rest of the boys and girls followed quickly.

  Soon, a group of people arrived outside the Grand Duke Youming's mansion under the leadership of the middle-aged soul master.

  At this time, three luxurious carriages had already parked outside the Grand Duke Youming's mansion.

  This time, there were a total of twelve people including Zhu Zhuqing who went to the Grand Duke's Mansion of the Hunting Soul Forest, plus the team leader, there were four people in each carriage, which was just about right.

  After everyone got into the carriage, the three luxury carriages immediately turned around and drove quickly towards the outside of the Star Luohuang City.

  Not far away, in another luxury carriage.

  Seeing these three carriages turn their heads and drive quickly towards the outside of Xingluohuang City.

  In the carriage, Dai Lingxuan couldn't help looking at Su Mo beside her, and asked.

  "Brother Su Mo, they are leaving, shall we follow?"

  "Follow, just follow behind, be careful not to let them find out."

  Su Mo opened the curtains, watched Zhu Zhuqing and others' carriage disappear at the end of the street, couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said slowly.

  After hearing Su Mo's words, Dai Lingxuan immediately ordered the driver to drive.

  Then the carriage that Su Mo was riding in quickly turned around and followed the carriage that Zhu Zhuqing and others were riding in.

  The Hunting Soul Forest near Xingluo Imperial City is not too far from Xingluo Imperial City, only tens of thousands of meters away.

  It only takes half a day to get there by horse-drawn carriage.

  And when Zhu Zhuqing and the others rode the carriage all the way to the Hunting Soul Forest near Xingluo Imperial City.

  It was just afternoon.

  After getting off the carriage with Zhu Zhuqing and others.

  The middle-aged soul master first took Zhu Zhuqing and the rest of the tribe to have lunch in the town next to the Hunting Soul Forest, and then took Zhu Zhuqing and others to the Hunting Soul Forest.

  The entry mechanism for the Soul Hunting Forest near Star Luo Imperial City is the same as that of the Soul Hunting Forest near Notting City.

  However, as members of the Grand Duke's Mansion, Zhu Zhuqing and the others obviously don't have to worry about being unable to enter.

  Under the leadership of the middle-aged soul master, the captain of the soldiers guarding the gate of the hunting forest opened the gate respectfully after checking the pass token.

  Let the middle-aged soul master lead Zhu Zhuqing and others into the hunting soul forest.

  "Okay, now we have entered the Hunting Soul Forest, it is very dangerous inside, whether it is a century-old soul beast or a thousand-year soul beast, they can easily take your lives, so remember to follow me, but Don't get lost."

  After entering the ancient and endless Soul Hunting Forest, the middle-aged soul master said solemnly to Zhu Zhuqing and the others.

  To this, Zhu Zhuqing and others naturally replied seriously: Got it!

  In this way, under the leadership of the middle-aged soul master, Zhu Zhuqing and others immediately went deep into the hunting soul forest.

  This piece of soul hunting forest located near the Xingluo Imperial City, because it is facing the low-level soul masters in the entire Xingluo Imperial City.

  Therefore, there are not only a great variety of soul beasts in it, but also a good number of years of cultivation.

  Not only hundred-year and thousand-year soul beasts, but even ten-thousand-year soul beasts are said to have been seen.

  The middle-aged soul master brought Zhu Zhuqing and others into the hunting soul forest this time, with the goal of hunting century-old and thousand-year-old soul beasts.

  Therefore, it is necessary to enter the inner circle of this hunting forest.

  However, when going all the way deep into the inner circle of the Hunting Soul Forest, some problems appeared.

  Along the way, there were always spirit beasts attacking the team.

  Although it is said that because the team leader is a middle-aged soul master or even a soul master of the soul emperor level, it is completely sufficient to deal with the incoming soul beasts.

  But there are always soul beasts attacking, which is still a bit troublesome.

  This made the middle-aged soul master frown a little, and he couldn't understand why he was like this.

  Could it be that they were so lucky that they always passed the territory of spirit beasts along the way, which led to the attack of these spirit beasts?

  But even though it felt wrong, the middle-aged soul master didn't care too much because he could easily deal with these attacking low-level soul beasts.

  However, at the core of the Hunting Soul Forest, where the middle-aged soul master has not yet reached.

  A whole body is covered with pitch-black scales, and its back is covered with straight-up, extremely sharp thorns and bone spurs. It looks like a prehistoric giant crocodile, but it seems to be attracted, and it is extremely sharp. With a fast speed, he rushed towards the team with a low growl.

  Just when the middle-aged soul master and his team were about to reach the inner circle of the Star Dou Forest.

  The towering trees in the distance and the large flying birds suddenly attracted the attention of the middle-aged soul master.

  Based on the experience of the middle-aged soul master who once entered the world of soul masters, he could see it all at once.

  In the distance, a powerful and ferocious soul beast is approaching!

  But before the middle-aged soul master took a closer look, he heard a roar that shook the sky.

  Then I saw a thorn-backed dragon with a pitch-black body, a height of more than two meters, and a body length of more than ten meters, with its scarlet dragon eyes open, roaring and roaring, and charging towards this side at a high speed.

  "This is... the Ten Thousand Year Thornback Dragon!!"

  Seeing this Thornback Dragon charging forward, the middle-aged soul master couldn't help but widen his eyes, and couldn't help but screamed.

  Although the middle-aged soul master is a soul master at the soul emperor level.

  But most soul masters at the soul emperor level are not opponents of ten thousand year soul beasts.

  Not to mention that what is attacking in front of you is not an ordinary ten thousand year soul beast, but a thorn back dragon of the ten thousand year sub-dragon species!

  But even though he knew that he would not be the opponent of the Thornback Dragon.

  But thinking of the children from the tribe who hunted and killed soul beasts, the middle-aged soul master couldn't help but gritted his teeth and prepared to resist the attacking thornback dragon.

  "Hurry up, I'm going to stop this thorn-backed dragon!"

  Quickly stepped forward to block Zhu Zhuqing and the other children who came to hunt the soul beast, the middle-aged soul master shouted angrily, and summoned Nether Civet Martial Soul, and entered the state of Martial Soul Possession, and then stepped forward to block the rampaging Thornback Dragon.

  And not far away, I saw a huge, ferocious and ferocious aura, like a beast that destroys everything, rushing towards it all the way.

  All the children, including Zhu Zhuqing, were also terrified and nervous.

  Hearing the words of the middle-aged soul master, he hurriedly fled in all directions.

  "With me here, don't even think about hurting them!"

  But when Zhu Zhuqing and the others turned around and ran away in panic and fear, the middle-aged soul master shouted angrily and rushed forward in an instant, trying to stop the thorns from stabbing their backs. dragon.

  But in the face of the middle-aged soul master's attack, the Thornback Dragon did not even hide, and ignored the middle-aged soul master. Amidst bursts of ferocious roars, it knocked down a large area of ​​trees along the way. The extremely tyrannical body chased in the direction where the children were fleeing.

  In the face of the thorny back dragon, the body is good at defense.

  Even if the middle-aged soul master is a soul emperor, as a soul master of the agility attack system, he is fine in terms of speed, but in terms of attack power, he is really unsatisfactory.

  Unless it is attacking vulnerable body parts such as the eyes of the thornback dragon.

  Otherwise, even if he activates the soul skill, the attack that falls on the thornback dragon will be like tickling.

  And then he found that his attack had almost no damage to the Thornback Dragon.

  But on the contrary, he had to be careful to dodge every attack of the thornback dragon, otherwise he would not be able to withstand even a random tail whip and claw strike, which made the middle-aged soul master a little desperate.

  Why! Why did this ten-thousand-year-old thornback dragon that was supposed to be in the deepest part of the hunting forest appear here?