Attached Soul Bone Eight Spider Lances, Killing Intent of Unrivaled Dragon Snake

"Boy, as long as you can save Yiyi."

  "No matter what you want us two old guys to do, as long as we can do it, No matter what request you make, we can agree to you."

  "Now you should quickly rescue Yiran, she is in a very dangerous situation now, and she can't delay any longer..."

  After the "persuasion" of his wife Chao Tianxiang, Duke Long Meng Shu didn't dare to be as aggressive as before, but his tone became much more restrained, even with a hint of pleading, he said in a deep voice.


  After getting a satisfactory answer from Meng Shu, Su Mo also smiled, nodded, and then walked towards Meng Yiran.

  On the way, Su Mo stretched out his hand and turned it over, and a burst of green light full of life bloomed from his hand.

  It looked like a wooden stick, but the whole body was carved like jasper, with several emerald-like leaves growing on it, the Martial Soul of the Tree of Life emerged from Su Mo's hand.

  At the same time, under the influence of the illusion, the five soul rings of "yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black" seen by Long Gong Meng Shu and Snake Pom Chao Tianxiang also rose from Su Mo's feet one after another, surrounding him. whole body.


  When walking towards Meng Yiran, Su Mo immediately raised the tree of life stick Wuhun in his hand, and activated the first soul skill: the light of recovery.

  For a moment, the first soul ring around his body lit up.

  In a burst of soul power fluctuations, a dazzling emerald green light suddenly bloomed from the Wuhun of the tree of life stick, and landed on Meng Yiran.

  After being given the Light of Recovery, Meng Yiran's injuries did not recover immediately, but the pained expression on Qiao's face immediately eased. Su Mo's first soul skill, the Light of Recovery, does not have the Healing power.

  However, its effect is that soul masters below the level of soul sages can be instantly full of physical strength and soul power, and at the same time clear all negative states.

  The former is not very useful to the current Meng Yiran.

  But the latter, because pain is also a negative state.

  Therefore, the light of recovery directly eliminated Meng Yiran's pain at this time!

  Afterwards, Su Mo input the soul power into the tree of life stick martial soul, which aroused the healing ability of the tree of life stick martial soul itself.

  For a moment, a green light exuding a vigorous breath of life suddenly burst out from the Wuhun of the tree of life stick, and then fell on Meng Yiran.

  Under the light of life released by the Wuhun of the tree of life stick, Meng Yiran's injuries immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  "Old man!"

  Seeing everything in front of her eyes, the snake lady Zhao Tianxiang couldn't help being very excited.

  Before, she thought that her granddaughter Meng Yiran was in danger, but she didn't expect things to turn around now!

  And then, under the treatment of Su Mo's Wuhun, the stick of the tree of life.

  I saw that Meng Yiran's injuries were constantly recovering, but they were soon torn apart again by the violent soul power.

  And then it recovers, tears, recovers again... the cycle repeats itself.

  In the process of constant injury and recovery, Meng Yiran's physical fitness gradually became stronger, and his absorption of the Man Faced Demon Spider's spirit ring began to deepen continuously.

  And as the absorption of the Man Faced Demon Spider's soul ring continued to deepen.

  Originally existing in this spirit ring, the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lance that should belong to Tang San also began to merge into Meng Yiran's body.

  All of a sudden, a row of big bumps suddenly bulged up on both sides of Meng Yiran's back.

  He propped up Meng Yiran's tight gray-blue leather jacket.

  A new "skeleton" suddenly appeared in the body, forcibly breaking through the flesh.

  This made Meng Yiran's pretty face suddenly show pain, and his body couldn't help but bend over.


  Seeing the abnormality that happened to Meng Yiran, Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Woman Chao Tianxiang couldn't help but change their expressions and shouted in panic.

  But before the two of them asked Su Mo what was going on.

  A dark purple object with the thickness of eight fists suddenly emerged from Meng Yiran's back and continued to extend to both sides.

  In just the blink of an eye, the eight-way body was dark purple, and the fist-thick object stretched out more than one meter long.

  After that, after a sudden pause, these eight dark purple objects suddenly produced joint-like things at their ends, and then extended again, extending for more than one meter.

  Together, the two sections are more than three meters long!

  "This...why is it so like the spider legs of the man-faced demon spider?"

  Seeing eight dark purple bony spider legs suddenly sprouting from Meng Yiran's back, their sharp points dug deep into the ground, and they directly stabbed the spider legs into the ground. When Meng Yiran was lifted up, Duke Long Meng Shu and Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang were stunned.

  But soon, the two figured out what it was.

  This is obviously the legendary external spirit bone!

  All of a sudden, they found that their granddaughter Meng Yiran had gotten the most precious external soul bone in the legend by accident. Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang couldn't help but looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise and excitement.

  But after the surprise and excitement, he saw Su Mo beside him.

  The two couldn't help frowning again, their faces a little cloudy and uncertain.

  'coming! '

  Seeing Duke Long Mengshu and Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang glance at him, their expressions suddenly became cloudy.

  Through the emotional perception ability of the twelve-winged fallen angel Wuhun, Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang suddenly felt murderous intentions towards him.

  Just when he heard the sound of "Ding!" in his mind, Su Mo, who was rewarded with a chance to add memory again, couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly, and sneered in his heart.

  As to why Duke Long Mengshu and Snake Lady Chao Tianxiang suddenly had killing intent on him.

  Su Mo knew very well that it was because of the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances!

  The externally attached soul bone is definitely the top three treasures of soul masters on the Douluo Continent.

  It may be second only to the 100,000-year spirit ring and the 100,000-year spirit bone.

  In the original book, when Dugu Bo saw Tang San's external spirit bone, the Eight Spider Lances, he wanted to kill Tang San, take the Eight Spider Lances away, and give them to his granddaughter Dugu Yan.

  But it's a pity that Tang San fully fused the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances just one day in advance under the coercive test of the spirit power of the Tiandou Three Education Committee.

  Therefore, even if Tang San is killed, it cannot be stripped off.

  And it is precisely because of the preciousness of the external spirit bone that he is the only outsider on the field.

  Long Gong Meng Shu and She Po Chao Tianxiang are obviously planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge.

  After Su Mo helped Meng Yiran successfully absorb the soul ring, kill him!

  In this case, it would be impossible for Meng Yiran to spread the news of the most precious external spirit bone.

  But for this, Su Mo could only sneer in his heart.

  Because Meng still was able to obtain this external spirit bone, it was entirely the result of his deliberate fulfillment.

  Otherwise, he would have ten thousand ways to cut off the spirit ring of this Man Faced Demon Spider just like Tang San.

  But it doesn't matter.

  Su Mo had long been mentally prepared for Long Gong Meng Shu and Snake Po Chao Tianxiang to cross the river and demolish the bridge.

  In this regard, Su Mo has already thought of a way to deal with it.

  Because he didn't want Meng Yiran to have the possibility of joining Shrek Academy, Su Mo wanted to subdue the Unrivaled Dragon Snake, or the entire Dragon Snake family, and then pry Meng Yiran away.

  As for how to subdue the dragon and snake family, Su Mo had two ideas.

  The first two ideas are to come and save Meng Yiran.

  Afterwards, after Meng Yiran obtained the external spirit bone Eight Spider Lances, the next step would be to see the performance of the Unrivaled Dragon Snake.

  If the Unrivaled Dragon Snake intends to kill people, Su Mo will directly show the strength of the Title Douluo level, suppress the Unrivaled Dragon Snake, forcibly subdue the Unrivaled Dragon Snake with absolute strength, and then subdue the Dragon Snake family.

  Subdued in this way, Su Mo will naturally not have a good attitude towards the Unrivaled Dragon Snake.

  And if the Unrivaled Dragon Snake has a little bit of bottom line and doesn't intend to kill him, then he plans to use a gentler method to subdue the Unrivaled Dragon Snake, and his attitude towards the Dragon Snake family will be better in the future.

  But unexpectedly, this world is still so realistic and cruel after all!

  After all, this unrivaled dragon snake didn't care about Meng Yiran's status as a life-saving benefactor, but fiercely wanted to kill him to silence him, so that there was no possibility that the news of Meng Yiran's acquisition of the external spirit bone would ever spread.

  So no wonder he!