Wonderful plot development, seems to be able to take advantage of it?

"Oscar, take Rongrong away first, I'll hold them back!"

  Looking at Tianya and Old Goose in front of him, Tang San seemed to have made up his mind, and couldn't help turning around to look at Oscar behind him , said loudly.

  But after speaking loudly, Tang San immediately pulled Oscar over again, gritted his teeth and lowered his voice, and said something quickly.

  "Run, find a safe place to make flying mushroom sausages, and come back to pick us up!"

  After finishing speaking, Tang San pushed Oscar violently, asking Oscar to take Ning Rongrong away quickly.

  Regarding this, because of what Tang San said later, Oscar also knew Tang San's intentions, now it was up to him whether so many of them could leave safely.

  Thus, Oscar gritted his teeth and grabbed Ning Rongrong, turned around and ran away.

  "Old Goose, you go after those two, leave it to me here."

  Seeing Oscar pulling Ning Rongrong to escape, Tian Ya held the Broken Sword Martial Soul, and couldn't help but look at the old goose who was carrying the unhappy , said slowly.

  "Okay, then I'll leave it to you, and I'll go and have fun with those two little guys!"

  Hearing this, the old goose also smirked a few times, and then directly carrying his unhappy, first summoned a big Goose Martial Soul, activated the Martial Soul Possession.

  Immediately afterwards, another soul skill was activated, and a pair of snow-white wings spread out from behind in an instant, and then the whole person suddenly soared into the sky, chasing after Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

  "Not good! This guy actually has the flying soul ability!"

  Seeing that the old goose turned out to be a soul master with the flying soul ability, Tang San couldn't help being shocked, his whole heart turned cold.

  Facing the pursuit of a flying soul master, can Oscar still have a chance to create a flying mushroom sausage and come back to save them?

  And even if they come back, can they escape the pursuit of this flying soul sect?

  Tang San didn't know, and had no chance to think about it.

  Because just after the old goose left, Tian Ya rushed up with the Broken Sword Wuhun in an instant, and launched an attack on Tang San.

  In this regard, Tang San naturally used his Tang Sect's unique skills to the limit, Ziji Demon Eye, Ghost Shadow Mizong, Xuanyu Hand, and various hidden weapons kept shooting, trying to hold Tianya back.

  "Third Brother, I'll help you!"

  Seeing Tang San fighting with Tian Ya at the soul king level, Ma Hongjun also hastily launched a soul attack on Tian Ya from the side, wanting to help Tang San relieve the pressure.

  And not just Ma Hongjun.

  After the injured Dai Mubai struggled to get up from the ground, seeing that Tang San used a hidden weapon, together with Ma Hongjun next to him, to temporarily suppress Tian Ya, he also endured the injury, gritted his teeth and joined the battle.

  But although the three of them seemed to be fighting back and forth with Tian Ya, Tang San wasn't happy at all, instead full of uneasiness and anxiety.

  Because now the three of them are able to fight back and forth with Tian Ya, it is entirely because he is constantly attacking Tian Ya with hidden weapons, making Tian Ya tired of defending and unable to attack.

  But his hidden weapons are limited, once his hidden weapons are used up.

  Without him blocking Tian Ya with hidden weapons, Tian Ya could easily defeat the three of them one by one!

  On the other side, Oscar who escaped with Ning Rongrong was also in a panic at the moment.

  Because he found out that the old goose behind him was chasing him from the sky.

  When he learned that the other party was actually a soul master with flying soul skills, Oscar felt bad all over.

  Even if he made a flying mushroom sausage, he couldn't escape at all!

  But although he felt a little hopeless, thinking of the goddess Ning Rongrong beside him, Oscar gritted his teeth to cheer himself up, telling himself that he could not give up.

  "Rongrong, let's run separately, or the guy behind will catch up, and neither of us will be able to escape!"

  Because there is only one way at present, Oscar can only say this to Ning Rongrong.

  But even though he said so, Oscar had already made up his mind.

  When we part later, he will try his best to mock the soul master in the sky, let him chase him, and give the goddess Ning Rongrong a chance to escape.


  Ning Rongrong's face was flushed, she gritted her teeth, and tried her best to respond to Oscar's answer.

  I don't know why, after being attacked by the white medicinal powder that Bule suddenly spilled before, as her body inhaled the white medicinal powder, she felt as if a fire was burning in her heart, which made her very restless, and her mood Can't calm down at all.

  But for Ning Rongrong's anomaly, Oscar was completely unaware of it.

  I only thought that Ning Rongrong's face was flushed because he had been running for too long, and he was a little hesitant to speak, so he must have been frightened and felt a little nervous.

  "Hey! You ugly monster, you have the ability to chase me!"

  After parting with Ning Rongrong while running away, Oscar couldn't help but turned around to look at the old goose in the air behind him, and taunted loudly.

  "This kid, you're looking for death!!!"

  And hearing Oscar call himself ugly, as the saying goes: hit someone without slapping him, and scold him without revealing his shortcomings. Give him a good look.

  "Old... old goose, go... go and chase that girl, she has been drugged by me, now... now the medicine should have worked..." Just when the old goose was about to chase Oscar because of anger, the old Bule on the back of the goose was hoarse, trying his best to remind the old goose.

  Because he was kicked by Ning Rongrong before, but now the person Bule hates the most, besides Ma Hongjun, is Ning Rongrong.

  "This chick has been drugged by you? Hehe, no wonder she always seems to have some problems..."

  Hearing Bule's reminder, the old goose was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed.

  "Okay! If that's the case, then I'll go after this chick. You can't enjoy this chick now, so leave her to me!" Under Bule's reminder, she learned that

  Ning Rongrong had fallen for Bule. Thinking of Ning Rongrong's delicate and beautiful face and elegant and noble temperament, the old goose suddenly felt a little hot in his heart.

  And just when the Bule trio and Tang San's group got entangled with each other.

  People on both sides didn't notice that on the street and on the big trees by the roadside, many small and ordinary animals, such as cats, dogs, mice and birds, were staring at the two of them.

  "Ning Rongrong seems to have taken the medicine of unhappiness?"

  At this moment, in the Suotuo Great Soul Arena.

  Through the monitors of birds and small animals casually arranged in the streets around Suotuo City, Su Mo witnessed "with his own eyes" that Tang San and the others first ambushed unhappy, and then encountered the other two stronger members of the unhappy trio. Tianya and Old Goose could only escape in the end.

  It was discovered that Ning Rongrong had taken the medicine of unhappy, it seemed that the medicine's effect had already been exerted.

  If the old goose is allowed to catch up with Ning Rongrong, then what happens next is probably something no one wants to see.

  Of course, the possibility of this happening is almost non-existent.

  Because Su Mo knew that by Ning Rongrong's side, there must be an expert from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  It's just that Ning Rongrong hasn't really encountered a crisis yet.

  The expert of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect hidden beside him would definitely not attack immediately, but probably wanted to take advantage of this crisis to let Ning Rongrong learn a lesson and be more careful next time.

  But Ning Rongrong has taken the medicine of unhappiness, so he seems to be able to take advantage of such a good opportunity?