Su Mo and Ning Rongrong, I Can Be Responsible

As for Su Mo taking away Ning Rongrong.

  The two soul saints of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who were secretly protecting Ning Rongrong, but because of the influence of Su Mo's Death Sickle martial soul fourth soul skill: Abi Hell, did not realize that the target he wanted to protect had been taken away up.

  In the memory that Su Mo used Abi Hell to implant these two soul saints of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  The two of them made a timely move at the last moment, killed the old goose and Bule, and rescued Ning Rongrong.

  Then after sending Ning Rongrong to a nearby hotel to rest, he returned to the dark place and continued to guard Ning Rongrong.

  On the other side, on the battlefield where Tian Ya was with Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun.

  After using up the hidden weapons, Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were Tian Ya's opponents.

  But during the battle, suddenly a stone flew out from the darkness and hit Tian Ya's right hand holding the Broken Sword Wuhun.

  The powerful impact force brought by the stone directly crippled Tian Ya's right hand.

  Then taking advantage of this opportunity, amidst Tian Ya's painful screams, Tang San directly seized the opportunity, joined forces with Dai Mubai, and killed Tian Ya.

  Undoubtedly, at the last moment, Tang Hao, who was by Tang San's side, still rescued Tang San.

  But after solving Tianya, Tang San, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun didn't feel relaxed at all, but couldn't help hastily turning and leaving the battlefield, looking for Oscar and Ning Rongrong.

  And in a remote alley.

  The three found Oscar, who had been beaten black and swollen, and had passed out, but they didn't find Ning Rongrong.

  Just when the three of them were anxious, thinking that Ning Rongrong was in danger, they found the bodies of Old Goose and Bu Le.

  Regarding this, both Tang San and Dai Mubai believed that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect sent a strong man to secretly guard Ning Rongrong.

  Now Ning Rongrong should have been rescued.

  So, the three of them brought Oscar back to Shrek Academy.


  "Ah! You... who are you, why am I here?"

  Upon waking up, Ning Rongrong felt pain all over her body. When she found that a strange man was sitting in front of her, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but suddenly With a scream, the quilt was rolled up in an instant, and the whole person panicked.

  "Why are you here? This is a long story..."

  Facing Ning Rongrong's panic, Su Mo sat by the bed, but raised his eyebrows casually, and told the edited story of last night come out.

  "Anyway, I left the Great Soul Arena last night and was about to go back to the hotel when you suddenly rushed out from an alley, jumped on me, and then kept tearing my clothes, why are you so hot! Let me give you Something like that."

  "You know, I'm a man, and a beautiful girl like you rushing up to throw me in my arms, I'm sure I can't hold back, but don't worry, I will be responsible for you." Su Mo

  shrugged He shrugged and said involuntarily.

  But hearing Su Mo's words, Ning Rongrong's eyes suddenly lost their focus, and she almost wanted to cry.

  She didn't expect that it was just a momentary interest yesterday, and being involved in helping Ma Hongjun to avenge her would cause her to lose the most precious thing.

  Logically speaking, she should be very angry and angry.

  But I thought of being chased and killed by that skinny and wretched old goose last night.

  If the man in front of him didn't take him away, he might be insulted by that old goose.

  Compared to that skinny, wretched and ugly old goose, although the man in front of him spoke a little irritatingly, he was indeed very handsome.

  This made Ning Rongrong really hate Su Mo.

  After all, without this man in front of her, she felt that her fate might be even more miserable!

  But even though he didn't hate, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little annoyed secretly when he saw the man in front of him who clearly took his most precious thing, but acted like a good-looking man who got a bargain, like a meat hob.

  'Responsible, can you take responsibility! If you let Grandpa Jian and Grandpa Gu know about this, I'm afraid you won't even know how to die! '

  However, as a woman, facing this man who has taken away her most precious thing, Ning Rongrong still has some complicated feelings towards Su Mo in her heart.

  So she won't tell the matter.

  After all, she would be ashamed if she said such a thing.

  She, the little witch of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong, had never suffered such a loss!

  "You don't need to be responsible! What happened last night was just an accident, so let's pretend we didn't know each other before. Okay, get out, I'm going to get dressed!" Su Mo said to Su Mo, who looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water

  . I will be responsible, but there is no sincerity on his face, Ning Rongrong couldn't help saying angrily, and directly threw Su Mo out.

  After that, almost half an hour passed.

  Su Mo, who was standing outside the room, suddenly saw the doors of the room open, and then saw Ning Rongrong, who was wearing a sky blue dress and redressed to look like before, limping out.

  "That... I'll help you!"

  Seeing that Ning Rongrong was inconvenient to move, Su Mo couldn't help but hurried up, ready to support Ning Rongrong.

  After all, the reason why Ning Rongrong was so inconvenient to move was all because of his fault, it was because he exerted too much force last night.

  Originally, after the incident, he should have healed Ning Rongrong with the stick of the tree of life.

  But because I was too excited last night, I forgot about it!

  "No, I'll do it myself!"

  But for Su Mo's support, Ning Rongrong pushed Su Mo away in shame.

  She really didn't know when she couldn't get up, and she didn't know what kind of animal Su Mo was until she got up.

  "You don't need me to help you, so I can heal you, right?"

  After Ning Rongrong refused to help, Su Mo couldn't help but summoned the tree of life stick martial soul, and then directly input the soul power, then Sprinkled the light of life healing on Ning Rongrong, ready to heal Ning Rongrong.

  "You are the soul king?!"

  Ning Rongrong couldn't help but see the five soul rings "yellow, yellow, purple, purple, and black" rising from Su Mo's feet after he summoned the tree of life stick spirit. Suddenly a little shocked.

  Because judging by Su Mo's appearance, he should be in his twenties at most.

  Although she is much older than her, but at this age, she can cultivate to the soul king, and it seems that she is an auxiliary soul king. Su Mo's talent is obviously very powerful!

  And after discovering that Su Mo seems to be a genius soul master, Ning Rongrong's feelings for Su Mo became more complicated.

  However, feeling that the injuries in his body were recovering quickly, and confirming that Su Mo was an auxiliary system soul master, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

  Because of their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, it is stipulated that the auxiliary system soul masters in the sect can only find one battle soul master as a spouse.

  Otherwise, it would be pretty good if she could marry the villain who took away her most precious thing.

  "What's the matter?"

  Seeing the complicated look in Ning Rongrong's eyes, Su Mo couldn't help smiling.

  He could understand Ning Rongrong's complicated feelings for him. Originally, Ning Rongrong almost lost her body to the old goose last night, but in the end she gave herself to him.

  Compared with the old goose, he can be said to be in line with Ning Rongrong's wishes no matter in terms of appearance or strength.

  Because there is an old goose as a comparison, Ning Rongrong is definitely acceptable to committing to him, and even feels relieved in his heart, and most likely he can't hate him.

  But because of his arrogance, coupled with his current identity as an auxiliary soul master.

  Limited by the problems in their acquaintance, coupled with the rules of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Ning Rongrong definitely cannot accept him, at least for now.

  But it doesn't matter, everything is within Su Mo's plan.

  "It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to be the soul king."

  "Okay, thank you, I'm fine, what happened last night was just an accident, just pretend you haven't seen me, I'm leaving, don't you Follow me!"

  Realizing that Su Mo actually fits his wishes, but the identity of an auxiliary soul master is still a problem, Ning Rongrong couldn't help but feel a little complicated, took a deep breath, and after finishing speaking, he held Xiu Mo tightly. Fist, turned and bowed his head to leave.

  "Hey! I don't know your name yet..."

  Su Mo's voice came from behind, but Ning Rongrong's body trembled, she couldn't help lowering her head, speeded through the corridor, and went directly down the stairs. Quickly left the hotel.

  Looking at the background of Ning Rongrong's departure, Su Mo couldn't help but playful smile.

  Little rich woman, do you want me to forget you? This may be difficult!

  Because it won't be long before we meet again...