Half a year later, the Continental Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament begins!

"Xiao Gang, is what Su Mo said just now true?"

  After Liu Erlong left, Flender couldn't help looking at Yu Xiaogang with complicated eyes, and asked.

  "I... Flender, listen to me."

  "What he said just now is not entirely true, some of it is right, but some of it is completely wrong!" "

  I never deliberately approached Bibi in Wuhun City Dong, she fell in love with me because of my talent, and the two of us ended up together!" "

  And later, I didn't ask her to take me to a higher level of the library, she offered to take me up there. Yes!"

  Yu Xiaogang blushed, and couldn't help making excuses.


  But hearing Yu Xiaogang's sophistry, Flender sighed, feeling somewhat disbelieving.

  He is not so stupid!

  Bibi Dong was the Holy Maiden of the Spirit Hall at that time, if Yu Xiaogang hadn't deliberately approached her, and Yu Xiaogang had no strength, no good looks, how could Bibi Dong have taken a liking to Yu Xiaogang?

  And Yu Xiaogang said that Bibi Dong fell in love with him because of his talent.

  But if this is the case, then Bibidong must have known about Yu Xiaogang's talent long ago, why would she break up with him because she discriminated against him as a waste!

  All of this is clearly the second brother Yu Xiaogang lying!

  Thinking that he has been deceived by his second brother Yu Xiaogang all this time, Flender feels very uncomfortable.

  Logically speaking, he should directly expose Yu Xiaogang's lies, and then break up with him.

  However, Flender was still a person who attached great importance to emotions, so in the end he didn't say anything and just sighed.

  "Xiao Gang, I believe in you, but not everyone is like me. In the future at Lanba Academy, many people may misunderstand you. I hope you will not be affected..." After finishing speaking, Flender patted his eyes complicatedly

  . He patted Yu Xiaogang on the shoulder and left.

  As for the other members of Shrek Academy, after discovering Yu Xiaogang's true face, they even left together without even looking at Yu Xiaogang.

  Even Tang San was so disgusted by Yu Xiaogang's behavior this time, he didn't want to recognize this teacher anymore, he also ignored Yu Xiaogang, and left together with Dai Mubai.

  In the end, only Yu Xiaogang was left standing alone at the gate of the canteen, clenched his fists, his face turned pale, and he wanted to roar three times in his heart.

  But in the end, it still only stays in the stage of incompetence and rage.

  After that, because of Su Mo's influence, Yu Xiaogang was not able to prove his ability in front of the teachers and students of Shrek Academy.

  Therefore, after being exposed by Su Mo, Yu Xiaogang became the object of disgust and loathing by everyone.

  Because of Liu Erlong's attitude, the original teachers of Lanba Academy, anyway, when they saw Yu Xiaogang, they all walked around like seeing shit, and they were too lazy to say a word to Yu Xiaogang.

  As for the teachers and students of Shrek Academy, for Flender's sake, they would say hello to Yu Xiaogang.

  But that's all.

  Only the disciple Tang San, when Yu Xiaogang was looking for him, because of the shackles of his life attitude of being a teacher for a day and a father for life, he could only bear the nausea and communicate with Yu Xiaogang.

  And even though he became an existence that was almost hated by everyone in Lanba Academy, Yu Xiaogang still gritted his teeth and insisted on staying in Lanba Academy, thinking in his heart unwilling to admit defeat.

  As long as he can let his disciple Tang San lead the Shrek Seven Monsters team to achieve good results in the continental elite exchange competition and prove his "ability", Su Mo's previous "slander" will naturally be self-defeating!

  For this reason, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help racking his brains and thinking hard.

  How to conduct special training for the Shrek Seven Monsters team, so that the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters can be greatly improved, so as to cope with the upcoming elite exchange competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy.

  But unfortunately, Yu Xiaogang's ability is just like that.

  After thinking hard for half a year, the only special training that Yu Xiaogang could think of was weight-bearing training. Apart from this, he couldn't think of other special training methods.

  No way, there is only so much knowledge.

  However, in order to prepare for the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition half a year later, Tang San and others have been working hard to cultivate.

  After half a year, the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters team has improved a lot.

  Half a year later, Chen Feng's cultivation has reached the 40th-level Soul Sect, and Gu Xuan's cultivation is also the 40th-level Soul Sect.

  As for Dai Mubai, he has cultivated to level thirty-nine, Tang San is level thirty-four, Ma Hongjun is level thirty-one, Oscar is level thirty-three, and Ning Rongrong is level twenty-nine.

  Compared with the Shrek Seven Monsters team in the original book.

  Under Su Mo's influence, there was no improvement brought by the fairy grass that Tang San brought back from the Binghuo Yangyi Eye.

  The current Shrek Seven Monsters team is obviously very crotchless, which is an ordinary four-element team level.

  This is because the arrival of Chen Feng and Gu Xuan has improved the strength of the Shrek Seven Monsters team.

  Otherwise, the Shrek Seven Monsters team is just an ordinary mid-level soul master team.

  But because of their age, the Shrek Seven Monsters team was actually only at this level.

  In the original book, Tang San helped to open it with the help of fairy grass.

  Otherwise, it would be a problem for the Shrek Seven Devils to even qualify for the qualifying round, let alone win the championship!

  On the other side, it was on the side of the Tiandou Royal Team where Su Mo belonged.

  After half a year of special training, the strength of the Huangdou team has ushered in a great improvement.

  Among them, Dai Lingxuan has cultivated to level 55, and Dugu Yan has cultivated to level 53.

  Yu Tianheng has cultivated to forty-two levels, Shi Mo has cultivated to forty-one levels, Stone Mill has cultivated to thirty-nine levels, Yufeng has cultivated to thirty-eight levels, and Oslo has cultivated to thirty-eight levels.

  Zhu Zhuqing has cultivated to the thirty-eighth level, Xiao Wu has cultivated to the thirty-eighth level, Ye Lingling has cultivated to the thirty-sixth level, and Meng Yiran has also cultivated to the thirty-sixth level.

  And after half a year has passed, the All-Continent Soul Master Academy is finally about to start.

  A few days before the competition was about to start, the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City became lively.

  Countless nobles and wealthy people from all over the Heaven Dou Empire, as well as many soul masters, rushed to the Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  All of a sudden, the entire Heaven Dou Imperial City became overcrowded.

  On the day when the Elite Exchange Tournament of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy was held.

  It is even necessary to use the city defense army to help maintain order in the city in order to ensure that the competition can be held smoothly.

  But for the Huangdou team, there is no need to participate in the qualifiers.

  Because as a team of Tiandou Royal Academy.

  According to the rules of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition, like Tiandou Royal Academy and Star Luo Royal Academy, their first teams can directly enter the finals.

  The same is true for the soul master team representing Wuhundian!

  However, the Huangdou team does not need to participate in the preliminaries of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament.

  However, because Su Mo was somewhat interested in the competition, he represented the Bilin family and went to the Tiandou Great Soul Arena, preparing to watch the battle from the VIP seats.