Tang San was fooled and limped, went to Wuhun City

"Teacher and Pope Bibidong of Wuhun Palace..."

  After listening to Yu Xiaogang's words, Tang San was also a little tangled.

  But this time, what Tang San was struggling with was not whether he should continue to go to Wuhun City to participate in the All-Continent Spirit Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition with the Shrek team.

  Instead, he wondered whether he should believe Yu Xiaogang's words.

  It's not that Tang San looked down on Yu Xiaogang.

  The matter between Yu Xiaogang and Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace was said by Su Mo, a member of the Wuhun Palace, so there must be no falsehood.

  But I thought back to when I first came to Lanba Academy.

  Dean Flender also said how deep the relationship between the teacher Yu Xiaogang and the dean of Lanba Academy Liu Erlong was before.

  In words, all kinds of Liu Erlong have been waiting for Yu Xiaogang for more than ten years, hoping that Yu Xiaogang can accept his relationship with Liu Erlong.

  As a result, when they met, his face was so swollen, Liu Erlong didn't take his teacher Yu Xiaogang seriously at all.

  Later, because of the teacher Yu Xiaogang, after Su Mo left, he was even unwilling to look at the teacher from the side.

  If he hadn't been concerned about his friendship with Dean Flender, he, the teacher, would probably have been kicked out!

  This made Tang San dare not trust Yu Xiaogang's words casually.

  But thinking this time is still very different from the last time.

  This time, the one who spoke was not Dean Flender, who had been separated from Liu Erlong for many years, but Su Mo who had been in the Spirit Hall all along.

  With that Su Mo's strength, it is impossible for him to lie.

  And if that Pope Bibidong of Wuhundian was like the dean Liu Erlong, he would have changed his mind about his teacher Yu Xiaogang a long time ago.

  Then according to what Su Mo said before, Wuhundian will definitely continue to pursue teacher Yu Xiaogang's responsibility, and make teacher Yu Xiaogang ruin his reputation in the whole continent.

  But Wuhundian didn't do that.

  It can be seen that Bibi Dong, Pope of the Wuhun Palace, probably hasn't changed his mind about his teacher Yu Xiaogang.

  Thinking of this, Tang San couldn't help making a decision.

  Since the Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace has always been infatuated with his teacher Yu Xiaogang, although he doesn't understand why this hypocritical and shameless useless teacher has such great charm.

  But if this is the case, then looking at the face of the teacher Yu Xiaogang, Wuhundian should not treat him like that.

  In this case, I don't have to worry about my own safety at all, and I can continue to go to Wuhun City to participate in the finals of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.


  Because Yu Xiaogang said so convincingly that Pope Bibi Dong of the Wuhun Palace is still infatuated with him.

  Tang San finally made a decision, choosing to continue with the Shrek team and go to Wuhun City to participate in the finals of the All-Continent Spirit Master Academy Elite Exchange Competition.

  Regarding this, Tai Tan was naturally very anxious, and couldn't help frantically wanting to persuade Tang San, wanting to make Tang San change his mind.

  But Tang San insisted on his own opinion, saying that he would definitely be fine.

  This made Titan have no choice.

  So, with the end of the promotion competition for the Elite Exchange Competition of the All-Continent Soul Master Academy.

  After three days of rest, Shrek Academy, together with all soul master academies that passed the preliminary round, boarded the luxurious carriage prepared by the Heaven Dou imperial family.

  Under the escort of the Royal Knights led by the crown prince "Xue Qinghe", they set off for Wuhun City.

  Because of Su Mo's influence, Bibi Dong did not send Ju Douluo Yueguan and Ghost Douluo Guimei to lead people to intercept and kill Tang San on the way.

  But when everyone set off to Wuhun City.

  Because I promised Tang San before that I would go to Wuhun City to find Bibidong, and ask Bibidong how to keep the twin spirits from exploding in the subsequent training.

  So Yu Xiaogang was still not with the team.

  Instead, he rode a horse ahead of time and rushed in the direction of Wuhun City, planning to rush to Wuhun City first, and went to Bibi Dong to ask how the twin Wuhun would not explode in the subsequent training.

  And after many days and nights of riding on horseback, Yu Xiaogang finally arrived at Wuhun City ahead of everyone's convoy.

  After traveling day and night for many consecutive days, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help feeling a little tired.

  But without taking a rest, Yu Xiaogang went straight to the Pope's Palace located on the mountain in the center of Wuhun City after passing the soul master's test and entering Wuhun City.

  All the way to the magnificent Pope's Palace, two Templar Knights in silver armor were standing guard at the entrance of the Pope's Palace, Yu Xiaogang walked straight over.

  Seeing that Yu Xiaogang wanted to enter the Pope's Palace, the two knights guarding the palace immediately blocked Yu Xiaogang's way, and drew out the knight sword in their hands, shouting directly.

  "Stop! Who are you? This is a forbidden area. Idlers are not allowed to enter. If you dare to trespass, you will be killed!!"

  Regarding this, Yu Xiaogang's face was calm, with a neither humble nor overbearing look.

  As a person who wants strength but not strength, ability but not ability, and appearance but not good looks, Yu Xiaogang can be fascinated by Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong in the novel, and his acting skills are naturally very good.

  Facing the obstruction of the two temple guards, Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back, and directly took out the access token that Tang Hao had given him from the storage soul guide.

  With Yu Xiaogang's knowledge, he clearly knew that this access token could not only enter the Hunting Soul Forest, but also the elder token of the Spirit Hall.

  This should be the token of the Clear Sky School that Tang Hao took.

  For the upper three sects, each sect of Wuhundian gave a token symbolizing the status of an honorary elder, which was Wuhundian's recognition of the strength of the upper three sects.

  "Greetings to the Elder!"

  And when they saw Yu Xiaogang took out the Elder's Token, the expressions of the two temple guards changed, and they quickly knelt down on one knee to pay respects to Yu Xiaogang.

  "Get up, I'm going to see your pope."

  Regarding this, Yu Xiaogang also waved his hand lightly, making the two temple guards stand up, and directly said that he was going to call Pope Bibi Dong.

  But even knowing that Yu Xiaogang might be the elder of the Wuhun Temple, but hearing that Yu Xiaogang wanted to see Pope Bibidong, the two palace guards couldn't help but glance at each other.

  Then one of the Templar Knights still said.

  "Elder, please tell us your name, we will report the elder's request to His Highness the Pope." "

  My name is Yu Xiaogang."

  Yu Xiaogang's face was calm, but his eyes showed a look of arrogance.

  It was said that the two temple guard knights didn't know who Yu Xiaogang was because they were still young, but it was a little strange, they seemed to have never heard of it, and there was an elder with this name in their Spirit Hall.

  But Yu Xiaogang's elder's badge was infallible, and a knight guard told Yu Xiaogang to wait in the outer hall of the Pope's Palace for a while, and they went to report right away.

  Then one of the knights guarding the palace entered the depths of the Pope's Palace, probably looking for Bibi Dong, and reported the news that an elder named Yu Xiaogang had come to ask for an audience.

  As for the other knight guarding the temple, he was still standing guard at the door, and looked in Yu Xiaogang's direction from time to time to prevent Yu Xiaogang from entering the depths of the Pope's Palace without authorization.

  Although it is said that there are knights guarding the Palace everywhere in the Pope's Palace, in case Yu Xiaogang broke into the inner hall of the Pope's Palace without permission.

  Then he is still responsible and will be severely punished.