Mother and Daughter Meet, Disposal of Everyone in Shrek Academy

"Su Mo, is my mother still alive?!"

  Hearing that Su Mo said that her mother was still alive, Xiao Wu immediately grabbed Su Mo's hand arms, full of excitement and anxiety to ask.

  On the other hand, Su Mo nodded, and then told Xiao Wu that getting close to Xiao Wu was actually a mission with a hint of guilt.

  "Then when we were at Notting College, the Titled Douluo we met in the wild was also from your Spirit Hall?"

  Xiao Wu's face was a little pale, she couldn't help but clenched her fists, and couldn't help asking.

  "No, he's not from our Spirit Hall."

  Su Mo shook his head.

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Xiao Wu immediately relaxed a lot, and then asked again with a trace of anticipation and hope in her eyes.

  "Then when he asked you to hand me over, was everything you said true?"

  "It's true!"

  Su Mo nodded seriously.

  She really didn't care about Xiao Wu's identity as a soul beast, if someone wanted to capture Xiao Wu because of her identity as a soul beast, he would definitely not agree no matter what!

  "That's fine, Su Mo, I don't blame you for approaching me on purpose, as long as everything we experienced at the beginning is true!"

  Receiving a satisfactory answer from Su Mo, Xiao Wu's delicate and pretty Xiao Wu A happy smile appeared on his face, and he said.

  "But if your Spirit Hall didn't intend to hurt my mother, then why did you take my mother away?"

  Xiao Wu was very puzzled.

  "I don't know about this, but believe me, our Spirit Hall doesn't intend to hurt you. The potion I gave you to conceal your identity was actually researched by someone under our Pope's crown, and then entrusted me to give it to you."

  Su Mo shook his head and said.

  Because the Binghuo Liangyi Eye was first occupied by Bibi Dong, so Bibi Dong had already picked all the fairy grass inside, so Acacia Heartbroken Red naturally did not fall into Xiao Wu's hands.

  And the reason why Xiao Wu has not been found out until now is precisely because Bibi Dong used the lovesick heartbroken red to let Wuhundian capture the younger brother of Yang Wudi who is very good at drug research from the Pozhi clan. A special potion that can conceal Xiao Wu's identity.

  "So it's like this..."

  She believed in Su Mo, but Xiao Wu believed it even more after hearing this.

  But no matter how much you say, it is still better to see the reality with your own eyes, so Xiao Wu couldn't help but ask.

  "Then Su Mo, can you take me to meet my mother?"

  "This should be no problem. I'll ask His Holiness the Pope."

  Su Mo thought for a while, then smiled and said.

  After finishing speaking, Su Mo asked Xiao Wu to wait at home first, then left the mansion and went to the Pope's Palace, intending to ask Bibi Dong.

  After Su Mo arrived at the Pope's Palace, he asked Bibi Dong.

  Bibi Dong's answer was obviously yes.

  So, after Su Mo returned home, he told Xiao Wu the good news.


  Hearing that she could go see her mother, Xiao Wu couldn't help feeling excited.

  "Let's go, I'll take you!"

  With Xiao Wu, Su Mo went to the Pope's Palace again.

  "Sister Dong'er, I have brought Xiao Wu here."

  After arriving at the Pope's Palace, Su Mo brought Xiao Wu all the way to the study where Bibi Dong was with a smile on his face, and then knocked on the door of the study.

  "Little Mo, come in."

  Following Bibi Dong's voice came from the study, Su Mo led Xiao Wu to open the door, walked into the study, and then closed the door smoothly.

  "Xiao Wu, is that you?"

  After Su Mo led Xiao Wu into the study, there was a trembling female voice.

  I saw a woman wearing a pink dress, with waist-length black hair, slender and tall, with exquisite and beautiful appearance, and a gentle temperament. Tears were dim, and a pair of jade hands covered her mouth in disbelief. , came out from behind the bookshelf in the study.


  Xiao Wu couldn't help but choked up when she saw the woman, her bright eyes were soon covered with mist, and she couldn't help rushing towards her mother.

  The mother and daughter hugged each other tightly.

  Because they haven't seen each other for many years, the mother and daughter have too much to say.

  Seeing Xiao Wu and A Rou tightly hugging each other, and telling each other how much they miss each other, Bibi Dong showed a faint smile on her face, and slowly stood up, and left here with Su Mo, leaving the study room to This mother and daughter.


  and after bringing Xiao Wu to meet her mother A Rou.

  After leaving the study room with Bibi Dong and walking in the corridor of the Pope's Palace, Su Mo suddenly thought of everyone from Shrek Academy who had been taken away.

  "Sister Dong'er, what happened to those people from Shrek Academy?"

  "I ordered them to be arrested, but nothing has been done to them. Are they going to be handed over to you?"

  Bibi Dong looked at her beautiful eyes. After leaving Su Mo, he couldn't help asking in a deep groan.

  "Well, let me deal with them."

  Su Mo nodded.

  "Then how do you plan to deal with them?"

  Bibi Dong was a little curious.

  "Let them go. Although they helped Tang Hao and Tang San, in the end it's because Tang San is a student of Shrek Academy, and they are fulfilling their responsibilities as teachers." "After I let them go this time, after they He probably won't continue to help Tang San anymore."

  Su Mo thought for a while and said.

  "I'm afraid it's not because of Liu Erlong that you plan to let them go!"

  Hearing that Su Mo said that everyone in Shrek Academy was going to be released, Bibi Dong couldn't help but show some taste on her elegant and pretty face.

  "No! In my heart, you are the most beautiful and the most important person to me..."

  Seeing that Bibi Dong was a little jealous, Su Mo quickly grabbed Bibi Dong's hand, sincerely and seriously Bibidong expressed his sincerity.

  "That's good!"

  Bibi Dong snorted.

  "Okay, okay, go and have a look at them. I have sent people to put them in prison. They have been locked up for a while now. If you don't go and look, you will probably die in a hurry!" Seeing Su Mo's sincere

  face With a serious expression, she was so innocent and cute, Bibi Dong couldn't help but burst out laughing, and asked Su Mo to see everyone in Shrek Academy.

  Naturally, Su Mo would not leave immediately after hearing what Bibi Dong said, but said with a serious face that Shrek Academy was no match for Sister Dong'er, and he wanted to accompany Sister Dong'er to go shopping first.

  In the end, Su Mo walked around the garden behind the Pope's Palace with Bibi Dong before leaving the Pope's Palace and went to the cell in Wuhun City to find Liu Erlong and others.

  After coming all the way to Wuhun City, where the prison is located.

  Facing the soul master of the Wuhun Hall who was guarding the entrance of the cell, Su Mo just brushed his face as the Son of God, and entered the cell easily.

  However, there were not many people detained in the cells of Wuhun City.

  Because the fallen soul masters who committed capital crimes were captured, they were basically dealt with by Su Mo long ago. Using the third soul skill of the death sickle: soul devouring, their souls were transformed into pure soul power, which was used to improve their cultivation and Soul ring age.

  As for those who are not seriously guilty, most of them can be released as long as they make up for their mistakes, so no one will stay in the cell for too long.

  So after entering the cell, following the noisy voice, Su Mo quickly found everyone in Shrek Academy.