Hell Killing Fields, Everyone's Battle

in the hall of Hell Killing Fields.

  Compared with the fallen soul masters all around, they all felt the same way, some of them were sad when they died, and they felt extremely fearful and fearful in their hearts.

  Yan, Xie Yue, and Hu Liena, who were behind Su Mo, all admired and agreed with Su Mo's actions.

  Because they all know that these fallen soul masters are not good things.

  Outside, these guys don't know how many lives they have taken!

  To deal with these people, the most vicious means should be used!

  And by torturing these fallen soul masters who were overwhelmed, amidst the screams and howls, it aroused the fear and fear of many fallen soul masters around, and the twelve-winged fallen angel spirit successfully absorbed enough Negative emotions have been transformed into strange powers that can nourish spiritual power.

  Su Mo couldn't help being very satisfied.

  Finally, seeing that these fallen soul masters were dying, Su Mo used the death sickle martial soul to end these fallen soul masters who were overwhelmed, ending their sinful life!

  However, seeing the blood all over the ground and the corpses of several fallen soul masters, Su Mo couldn't help feeling a little sorry.

  I don't know if these blood and corpses will be thrown into the blood river by the staff of the killing capital. I hope they won't be wasted!

  As an outsider, Su Mo is like the owner of the killing city at this moment, caring about the interests of the killing city from the bottom of his heart.

  no way! He is so considerate of others!

  And when using the death sickle to kill these fallen soul masters.

  Su Mo also used the soul-hunting ability of the death sickle martial soul to hook out the souls of several fallen soul masters and put them into the death sickle martial soul.

  Although it is said that the use of soul skills is prohibited in the killing capital, seizing souls and collecting souls are the powers possessed by the Death God Scythe martial soul itself.

  There is no limit to this capital of killing.

  Of course, seeing this, some people may say that the ability to control the soul of the Death God Scythe should be the second soul skill: what is brought about by soul control.

  But this is not complete, because the second soul ability of Su Mo's Death Scythe martial soul is actually equivalent to the first soul ability of Tang San's Blue Silver Grass martial soul in the novel: Entanglement.

  Entwining is of course Blue Silver Grass's first spirit ability, but wouldn't Tang San's Blue Silver Grass spirit not be able to entangle the enemy without using the first spirit ability: Entanglement?

  This is clearly not the case!

  "Let's go in, let's go in and sign up for the soul fighting in the Hell Slaughtering Field."

  After finally killing a few fallen soul masters who were overwhelmed, Su Mo took back the death scythe martial soul, and walked towards the registration counter in the hall past.

  And before and after taking Xie Yue, Yan, and the girls to the counter, it was because he had already learned the rules of the hell killing field from the woman in black yarn yesterday.

  In order to prevent the people on his side from being matched together, Su Mo deliberately asked everyone to register individually, and the next person continued to register after the previous person was matched with an opponent.

  In this case, there is no need to worry that they will be matched together.

  "Sir, if you want to participate in the soul fighting in our Hell Slaughtering Field, please show your identity tokens first!"

  Seeing Su Mo walking over with everyone, because Su Mo had already demonstrated his strength just now, the person in charge of registration The service staff is very respectful.

  "Which one of you will sign up first?"

  Su Mo didn't answer immediately, but turned to look at the people behind him.

  "Let me go first!"

  Xie Yue was the first to raise her hand, stepped forward and took out her identity token and handed it over.

  And soon, after Xie Yue had matched her opponents, Yan was the second to sign up, followed by Hu Liena, Dai Lingxuan, Zhu Zhuqing, Dugu Yan, Meng Yiran, and finally Su Mo.

  "Okay, Xie Yue is here waiting for the notification. Let's go to watch the battle

  from the viewing channel first." After registering, Su Mo took out the fallen souls who were tormenting a few overwhelmed souls from the storage soul guide. The Bloody Mary collected during the teacher's time was handed over to the daughters, Yan and Xie Yue.

  Afterwards, Xie Yue stayed in the hall and continued to wait for the announcement of the battle, while Su Mo led Yan and the girls through the viewing channel and entered the viewing platform of the Hell Slaughtering Field.

  And after entering the viewing platform in the Hell Slaughtering Field through the viewing channel, Su Mo couldn't help but find that the interior of the Hell Slaughtering Field looked more like the ancient Roman Colosseum on Earth in his previous life.

  Surrounded by stepped viewing areas, in the middle is a huge arena that looks like a square, on which a group of fallen soul masters are fighting fiercely.

  This is not what the Colosseum is like in ancient Rome!

  However, after entering the spectating area of ​​the Hell Slaughtering Field, Meng Yiran was a little surprised when he saw the few fallen soul master spectators around.

  "Why does it feel like there aren't many people here?"

  "It's normal. It takes tens of thousands of people to stand here. There should be so many people in the capital of killing, but they can't all come here to watch the battle. Can they come here?" Ten percent is about the same."

  Dai Lingxuan said calmly.

  While communicating with Su Mo, the battle in the arena below was finally over.

  A tall and burly blood tiger soul master with thick blood-colored hair all over his body and a head like a tiger's head finally won. He stood on the last enemy's corpse, shouting angrily and holding his hands high.

  "I announce that the final winner of this soul fight is contestant No. 4396, and the next round of contestants will be: 6348, 5249, 7789... 9527!

  " The officials of the Killing City wearing black uniforms at the side suddenly announced loudly.

  "It's brother, brother's ID card number is 9527!"

  Hearing the loud announcement from the official person in charge of hosting the soul fighting in the Hell Slaughtering Field, Hu Liena suddenly looked forward to it.

  Under the attention of many fallen soul masters, Xie Yue and nine tall, short, fat and thin fallen soul masters came out of the contestant passage one after another, and came to the arena of the competition, each choosing a different position to stand.

  "The match begins!"

  With the shout of the official staff of the Slaughtering City, the life-and-death soul fighting in the Hell Slaughtering Fields immediately began!

  All of a sudden, the tenth fallen soul masters on the ring suddenly summoned their own martial souls amid bursts of shouts, including beast martial souls and weapon martial souls.

  But the most eye-catching thing is the pair of evolved moon blade martial arts held by Xie Yue.

  The appearance of the evolved Moonblade Wuhun has become even more exaggerated. The blade of the Moonblade has become wider and slender, and the curvature has also increased a lot. Near the handle, the blade of the Moonblade also extends out of the reverse direction. The branched blade protects both hands.

  Anyway, it looks even more extraordinary!

  And in the arena, after the start of the life-and-death soul fight, Xie Yue and the nine fallen soul masters immediately started a battle!

  Although due to the rules of the competition, only one winner is allowed to live, so the remaining nine fallen soul masters have almost no possibility of uniting.

  But even so, in order to prevent the other nine fallen soul masters from joining forces to beat one of them.

  Xie Yue was very clever to hide her clumsiness at the beginning, and she didn't show too much strength, she just fought back and forth with a fallen soul master.

  Until the end, only three of the nine fallen soul masters died on the field, Xie Yue broke out suddenly, and quickly finished the remaining three fallen soul masters, becoming the final winner.

  After the evil month passed, Yan, Hu Liena, Dai Lingxuan, Zhu Zhuqing, Duguyan, and Meng Yiran also stepped onto the ring one after another and won the final victory.

  In the end, only Su Mo was left.