Tang Hao, from Great Joy to Great Sadness, Turns out Everything Wasn't a Dream

"Ayin! Is it you? Ayin!"

Tang Hao's face was full of excitement, and he couldn't help shouting.

  "It's me."

  In the air, after the consciousness came here completely, A Yin couldn't help feeling a little complicated when he heard Tang Hao calling himself, and replied after a moment of silence.

  "Ayin, are you still alive? Where are you now? I'll go find you!"

  Tang Hao continued to ask excitedly when he found out that it was indeed his wife.

  Hearing this, Ah Yin was stunned for a moment, and then soon understood.

  It seems that the illusion where Su Mo brought her to meet Tang Hao was considered by Tang Hao to be a dream.

  Because she remembered that when she met Tang Hao in the illusion that day, it was already night, Su Mo seemed to pull Tang Hao into the illusion and meet her after Tang Hao fell asleep.

  "I am still alive...but haven't we already met? I could have continued to be with you, but you chose your father, your sect, and the monster that occupied our son's body , now we have nothing to do with each other, Tang Hao!"

  Regarding Tang Hao's question, Ah Yin took a deep breath, first laughed at himself, and then said in a cold voice.


  Hearing Ah Yin's words, Tang Hao's face froze immediately, as if a thunderbolt sounded in his mind, he couldn't help but think of the original dream in an instant.

  Could it be that the dream I had back then was real? !

  The monster that took over our son's body?

  On the other side, Tang San was full of astonishment.

  What does mother mean by this? Is this son talking about me? But I am not a monster!

  Occupied...the body? etc!

  Suddenly, as if realizing something, Tang San's expression changed drastically.

  In the past, Tang San always believed that he came to this world through reincarnation and became the current Tang San.

  But there seems to be another possibility...

  that is, he was not reincarnated into this world, but his soul came to this world by accident, and then took away this body to become the current Tang San.

  And listening to what mother Ah Yin said just now, it seems that mother Ah Yin thought that he took away this body, so she called him a monster.

  He found out that he might not be reincarnated into this world and become the current Tang San, but his soul took away this body.

  This made Tang San simply unacceptable, for a moment he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, his hands and feet were cold, and his consciousness was in a trance.

  "Ayin, was everything that happened back then real?"

  Thinking of that dream back then, Tang Hao couldn't help asking dryly.

  "Of course it's true. Don't you think it's all a dream?"

  "But it's also fortunate that you took everything as a dream, otherwise I don't know when I will know your true face!"

  Ah Yin was full of tears. Resentment, sneer more than.

  Five or six years have passed since that first meeting in the illusion, and Ah Yin's resentment towards Tang Hao has subsided a lot.

  But thinking of that meeting in the illusion, Ah Yin's heart was filled with resentment and anger again.

  She gave everything for Tang Hao, but Tang Hao's father never expected to see her, and finally wanted to kill her with the help of Wuhundian!

  Tang Hao's father's conspiracy finally came true.

  If it just killed her, even if Ah Yin knew the truth, he would still be able to bear it.

  But what Ah Yin couldn't accept was that this conspiracy not only killed her, but also killed her child!

  Her baby has just been born!

  And after death, her child's body was actually occupied by a strange soul, and he could never rest in peace!

  She just wanted Tang Hao to kill the monster occupying the child's body, and then let Tang Zhen and the Haotianzong people kneel in front of his son's grave, kowtow to his son, apologize and admit his mistake, but her husband

  Tang But Hao is still unwilling to agree to her!

  Is this wish too much?

  Your father Tang Zhen and Haotianzong killed my children, I just asked them to kneel and kowtow to apologize and admit their mistakes, but they were not willing to agree.

  And in order to protect your father and the sect, you would rather accept this monster occupying the child's body and regard it as your son.

  For Tang Hao's favoritism, Ah Yin couldn't accept it!

  "Ayin! You don't want to be like this, okay? All this is a conspiracy by the Wuhun Palace. They are sowing discord. My father is already dead. Do you have to be so aggressive!

  " Resenting his choice in the dream, Tang Hao also became a little anxious.

  At the beginning, my choice was to feel sorry for my wife, but my father Tang Zhen was already dead. As the saying goes, the dead are the greatest. Tang Hao couldn't understand why his gentle and virtuous wife became like this.

  This must be Wuhundian trying to sow discord!

  "He is dead! But so what? He killed our child. Could it be that I asked him to kneel and kowtow to the child, apologize and admit his mistake? And your sect, if they hadn't stood by at the beginning, the child I won't die!"

  A Yin was also furious when he found out that Tang Hao was still taking sides.

  "But he is Xiaosan's grandfather!"

  Tang Hao was also a little angry.

  Because of this request from Ah Yin, in his opinion, it was extremely rude, why did he make his grandfather kneel and kowtow on his grandson's grave, and apologize!

  "Little San? I don't have this son, he is the monster that has occupied my son's body!"

  Ah Yin said angrily without giving in at all.

  "All this is a conspiracy of the Spirit Hall! Ah Yin, you yourself have been deceived by the Spirit Hall, and you have become obsessed. Don't involve everything in your child!" After discovering that his wife was unwilling to recognize her son Tang San, she even said that her son was The monster, Tang Hao was also a little angry.

  "Hehe, Tang Hao, did I not tell you clearly at the beginning, you said he was our son, but I saw with my own eyes that when he was two or three years old, he was practicing a kind of self-cultivation called Xuantian Kungfu. Soul creation skill, this is a self-created soul skill that surpasses all meditation ideas in our world, and he even said "this world" by himself, how can a two or three-year-old child say such words!"

  Listen Looking at Tang Hao's words only towards himself, Ah Yin's face, formed by the gathering of blue light spots all over the sky, couldn't help laughing angrily, and directly yelled at Tang Hao.

  And Ah Yin's words also meant that Tang Hao's face froze on the spot, irrefutable.

  Because A Yin said it, she saw it with her own eyes, and out of her understanding of his wife, Tang Hao knew that it was impossible for his wife, A Yin, to lie.

  As for his son Tang San, in fact, after that dream, Tang Hao also thought about this question.

  When Tang San was two or three years old, he was really too sensible and mature, he really didn't look like an ordinary two or three year old child.

  But in his opinion, even if the son's soul is not the original soul, since the son is dead, can't this new soul continue to live instead of the son?

  Because Tang Hao raised Tang San, Tang Hao still has true feelings for Tang San.

  Therefore, Tang Hao couldn't accept his wife A Yin's plan to kill Tang San and let his son rest in peace.

  This is the biggest difference between the two!


note: I hope you liked today's chapters, see you tomorrow.