In Yuexuan, I met Xueke

after the acquaintance Xue Ke sent Xue Ke away, Su Mo returned to the study.

  "Is she the princess of the Heaven Dou Empire? It looks like she has a good relationship with you."

  Back in the study, Su Mo went forward to close the door of the study, turned to Qian Renxue, and said.

  "I have a good relationship with her, probably because we are both girls." "

  But the main reason is that she is a princess and does not pose any threat to our plan. If he is a prince like Xue Beng, then the result may be uncertain." It's different."

  Qian Renxue felt a little emotional.

  "By the way, Brother Su Mo, what do you think of Xue Ke?"

  Qian Renxue suddenly asked with great interest as if she suddenly thought of something.

  "Huh? Xue'er, what do you mean?"

  Su Mo pretended to show a stunned expression.

  But in his heart, Su Mo knew exactly what Qian Renxue wanted to do because of the future deduction that he had used up two opportunities to add memory in the killing capital.

  Because after Qian Renxue ascended the throne, she would represent the Heaven Dou Empire to cooperate with the Spirit Hall, but the relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Spirit Hall was not good before.

  Although it is said that Qian Renxue can persuade the ministers and generals of the court with her benefits.

  But how to ensure that Wuhundian will not go back on his word?

  Qian Renxue knew that Wuhundian would definitely not regret it.

  Because she is from Wuhundian.

  But the ministers and generals of the Heaven Dou Empire didn't know.

  So we must find a way to dispel the doubts of the ministers and generals of the Heaven Dou Empire.

  In Qian Renxue's view, the best and most trouble-free way is undoubtedly a marriage of interests.

  Let Xue Ke and Su Mo get married, as long as the ministers and generals of the Heaven Dou Empire know Su Mo's identity, they will definitely feel at ease.

  "Brother Su Mo, I want to match you and Xue Ke."

  Qian Renxue was very serious.


  Although it was a bit hypocritical, Su Mo still pretended to resist, saying that he was lucky to have Qian Renxue, Dai Lingxuan and Zhu Zhuqing's beloved girls, and it would be inappropriate to accept Xue Ke again. .

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Qian Renxue naturally felt very warm and moved.

  However, she still expressed her thoughts, saying that Su Mo did this for Wuhundian, she would not be jealous, and she believed that other girls could also understand.

  Under Qian Renxue's persuasion, Su Mo naturally finally agreed, and agreed to go to Yuexuan with Qian Renxue three days later to attend Xue Ke's final graduation ceremony according to Qian Renxue's arrangement.

  Afterwards, she stayed here for three days at Qian Renxue's place.

  On the fourth day, Su Mo and Qian Renxue went to Yuexuan in a carriage.


  in the bustling Heaven Dou Imperial City.

  A luxurious carriage drove out from the Prince's Mansion, drove through one street after another, and finally entered the most core urban area of ​​Tiandou Imperial City, and stopped in front of a teahouse, which was a five-story teahouse

  . It looks ordinary on the outside, but it is full of simplicity, obviously it has a certain history.

  And on the plaque at the gate of the teahouse, there are two large characters engraved impressively: Yuexuan!

  Obviously, this is Yuexuan.

  After getting off the carriage, Su Mo followed Qian Renxue to Yuexuan.

  Because today is the final graduation ceremony of Yuexuan, and because many nobles sent their daughters to Yuexuan to learn etiquette, piano, chess, calligraphy and other specialties, so many nobles came to today's graduation ceremony .

  For such a big day, in addition to making the entrance of Yuexuan magnificent.

  In order to welcome the nobles who came to attend the final graduation ceremony and avoid accidents, Yuexuan also sent two welcome personnel in black and white uniforms to stand at the door to welcome the distinguished guests.

  "I've met His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

  Seeing Qian Renxue approaching, the two welcoming staff hurriedly saluted Qian Renxue.

  In addition, some nobles on the first floor of Yuexuan and the nobles who also came to attend the final graduation ceremony also hurriedly saluted Qian Renxue.

  After all, Emperor Xue Ye was already dying of illness, and Qian Renxue was obviously about to ascend the throne, so naturally, no amount of respect could be overstated for Qian Renxue.

  "Hehe, you don't need to be too polite. Today I am also here to attend Yuexuan's final graduation ceremony. We are all guests, so you don't need to pay too much attention to me." Qian Renxue showed a gentle smile, and raised her head to signal everyone to get up, don't be too concerned

  . He cared about her, and showed his gentle and refined personality all the time.

  After that, Qian Renxue took Su Mo into the first floor of Yuexuan.

  Today is the final graduation ceremony of Yuexuan, so the first floor of Yuexuan is covered with red lanterns and colorful ribbons that will only be hung during festivals, making the whole Yuexuan extraordinarily festive.

  Regarding Qian Renxue's arrival, someone from Yuexuan soon came over. It was a middle-aged man in a purple robe.

  "I don't know His Highness the Crown Prince is coming, so we are far away to welcome you! Princess Xue Ke has been waiting for His Highness the Crown Prince for a long time, and His Highness the Crown Prince, please come with me.

  " She cupped her fists and bowed to Qian Renxue, very respectful.

  "Then trouble Supervisor Odd."

  Qian Renxue smiled.

  Then, Su Mo and Qian Renxue followed Yuexuan's supervisor, Aode, to the fourth floor of Yuexuan.

  On the fourth floor of Yuexuan, apart from many separate rooms along the corridor, the innermost one is the stands surrounding the final graduation ceremony.

  Many people have already come to the stands, all of them are glamorous and beautiful, obviously they are all nobles.

  The final graduation ceremony is held at the bottom of the stands, which is the center of the third floor of Yuexuan, where the final graduation ceremony is held.

  Although the ceremony has not yet started, in order to heighten the atmosphere, a dedicated performer has already started playing on it, and the melodious sound of music is floating in the entire venue and the third and fourth floors where the stands are located.

  There were also many uniformed waiters shuttled through the corridors and stands, delivering red wine and desserts to the nobles who came to attend the final graduation ceremony.

  However, under the leadership of Director Aode, Su Mo and Qian Renxue bypassed the stands, and after receiving respectful greetings from many nobles along the way, they came to a room opposite.

  After sending Qian Renxue and Su Mo here, and telling Qian Renxue that Princess Xueke was inside, the supervisor Ode left.

  And after the door of the room was pushed open, she was sitting on a leather sofa inside, wearing a luxurious silver dress, with Xue Ke adorned with various hairpins and gemstone jewelry on her head, she looked extraordinarily noble and beautiful .

  Seeing that it was Qian Renxue, Xue Ke stood up happily.

  "Brother Huang, you're here!"

  However, when Qian Renxue walked in, there was a handsome young queen with long black hair, black eyes, and a handsome black dress behind her, Xue Xue Ke was a little taken aback.

  "Brother Huang, this is..."

  "Hehe, sister, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Su Mo who led our Tiandou Royal Academy team to win the runner-up in the All-Continent Soul Master Academy Elite Exchange Tournament." "

  Although Mr. Su Mo did not appear in the elite exchange competition of the Soul Master Academy in the whole continent, but believe me, compared to the talented soul masters in the first team, Mr. Su Mo is the biggest genius."

  Looking at Xue Ke, Qian Renxue introduced with a smile.