Yu Luomian: I want to make the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect great again!

"Yu Luomian!! What are you doing?!"

  Seeing that his second younger brother Yu Luomian kidnapped his youngest son Yu Xiaogang, Yu Yuanzhen was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes burst into tears , shouted angrily at Yu Luomian.

  But in response to Yu Yuanzhen's angry shout, Yu Luomian remained expressionless, while continuing to possess the Wuhun state, Longhua's dragon claws clasped Yu Xiaogang's throat, while sneering.

  "Big brother, this is the last time I call you big brother, what's wrong with me?" "Is your son Yu Xiaogang more noble than other members of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family?" "

  It's ridiculous! Let me tell you , Yu Yuanzhen, I have endured you for a long time!" "

  You are not worthy to be the patriarch of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and you are not worthy to be the suzerain of our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  " It has been passed down for thousands of years, and it used to be one of the best big soul master families on the mainland."

" But what about now?"

  "Since you became the patriarch of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, you have changed the family to a sect."

  " Yes! Of course it is possible, because this will make our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family stronger." "

  However, this method is certainly correct, but it made you mess up. We used to be the most powerful on the mainland. At that time, the Haotian School didn't know where to play with mud, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was just a more famous family of auxiliary system soul masters." "But after making you toss, we The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was directly replaced by the Clear Sky Sect, and even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect climbed on top of us, tell me, what kind of patriarch and suzerain are you doing!!" Angrily staring at Yu Yuanzhen with blood-red eyes, Yu Luomian roared loudly and angrily.

  Back then, their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex had always been one of the most powerful families of soul masters on the Douluo Continent because of its powerful martial soul and the ability to transform into a dragon comparable to a soul bone.

  Even in the very beginning of the Wuhun Temple, the Qianjia of the Angel Family was firmly suppressed by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Family before the Angel God came out.

  But since the birth of Angel God, he has led the two empires of Wuhundian, Tiandou and Xingluo to end the chaotic dark age.

  The Angel God became a god because of this, and the Wuhun Palace became the most powerful force in the mainland because of this huge contribution, even the two great empires were far behind.

  After all, at that time, Wuhun Palace still had angel gods sitting in command, who would dare not give face?good! Because of Angel God's contribution to the mainland, Yu Luomian recognized that the Wuhun Palace is above their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family.

  But what about Haotianzong?

  In the past, Haotianzong was just a family of blacksmiths, earning income by making high-quality weapons.

  But since Tang Chen's appearance, because of Tang Chen's unparalleled talent, he has created several powerful self-created soul skills in succession.

  Even Qian Daoliu of the Wuhun Palace at that time was suppressed and beaten by him!

  Yu Yuanzhen's age was not much younger than Tang Chen's.

  But since Yu Yuanzhen became the patriarch of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Clan and the suzerain of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, the strength of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect has declined at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Up to now, it has become the tail of the crane in the last three sects!

  Even the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is stronger than their Blue Lightning Overlord School!

  This is simply a disgrace!

  Anyway, from Yu Luomian's point of view, the martial soul inherited from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family is much stronger than the Qibao Liuli Pagoda and Clear Sky Hammer martial soul.

  But why did it become like this?

  There is no doubt that the problem must be blamed on Yu Yuanzhen!

  Not to mention comparing with Tang Chen, even compared with Ning Fengzhi, Yu Yuanzhen is far inferior.

  So much so that their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family was reduced to the present situation.

  If it wasn't for his Yu Luomian's extraordinary intelligence and superb wrists, he accepted the invitation of the Wuhun Temple, it is estimated that their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family would become history!

  But now, it is obvious that their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is no longer the opponent of Wuhundian.

  Yu Yuanzhen still insisted on pulling the family to fight hard, which simply didn't take the inheritance of their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family seriously!

  Not only did he want to scold Yu Yuanzhen today, but he also scolded him severely!

  Facing Yu Luomian's glaring and menacing shouts, Yu Yuanzhen also felt aggrieved and angry.

  "What are you talking about, what does it matter to me? The family and the sect will become like this. It is because the family and the sect have not produced good seedlings in these years. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is just Ning Fengzhi's sharp eyes. With a slick tongue, he tricked Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo into their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, which is why their Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has the momentum it has now." "If I'm lucky, I can draw this Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo into

  their Our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus, our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is stronger than the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!" "

  Besides, our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect recruits elders and disciples like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, we are just unlucky That's all!"

  "Haha! Hahahaha!!!"

  But hearing Yu Yuanzhen's shameless words, Yu Luomian couldn't help laughing up to the sky, almost burst into tears.

  It's ridiculous!

  It's so ridiculous!

  As the patriarch of their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, the elder brother Yu Yuanzhen has the strength to be the patriarch and suzerain, but in terms of brain, he is simply inferior to ordinary people!

  This made Yu Luomian both sad and angry!

  If they let their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Clan and Blue Electric Overlord Sect continue to be in the hands of their elder brother Yu Yuanzhen.

  Then their Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will never be able to develop!

  For the current plan, only he will come!

  He must make the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family great again!

  "What are you laughing at!"

  On the other side, after he finished his defense, he found that Yu Luomian suddenly laughed out loud, with tears streaming down his face. Frowning, he drank unhappily.

  "Hehe, I think you are so pitiful and pathetic!"

  "You think you have done nothing wrong, but our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has fallen to this point entirely because of you!" "

  Not to mention anything else, Before our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect had not recruited elders and disciples to join the sect on a large scale, our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect had always been able to produce at least two Title Douluo in each generation!" "With our Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon

  Wuhun With the powerful ability of dragon transformation, even if we can't defeat the two monsters Tang Chen and Qian Daoliu, we are not afraid of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School at all, and we will never be compared by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School!" "But what about you?"

"Because you let go Encourage external soul masters to join our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and serve as elders and disciples of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect." "

  This certainly makes our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect stronger on the surface and has greater potential." "

  But In fact, because of your damned strategy of learning the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the training resources of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex have been scattered." "

  Until now, our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex has only you as a Titled Douluo, doesn't that explain the problem? "

  Isn't it possible that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex Wuhun inherited from our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family can't do it?"

  Yu Luomian's sharp and angry questioning made Yu Yuanzhen's old face turn red, wanting to refute, but There was no excuse at all for a while.

  "Hehe, why, can't you quibble?"

  Seeing that Yu Yuanzhen was rendered speechless by what she said, Yu Luomian immediately sneered.

  And on the battlefield, the members of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, who are the backbone of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, also gradually came to their senses.

  hiss! Seems right!

  In the past, when their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus hadn't recruited a large number of elders and disciples from outside, they, members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, lived much better than now!

  It was after patriarch Yu Yuanzhen greatly liberalized the recruitment of outside soul masters as elders and disciples that the lives of the members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family became worse and worse.

  Thinking of this, a trace of different emotions suddenly spread in the hearts of the members of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family below, which made the eyes of these members gradually turn red.

  On the other side, Yu Luomian's sneer and ridicule didn't end yet.

  "Hehe, if you can really learn like Ning Fengzhi, then that's fine." "

  If you can be like Ning Fengzhi, decisive in killing and attacking in the sect, with superb skills, you can do whatever you want, maybe our blue The Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex can also develop."

  "But you learned Ning Fengzhi's strategy of strengthening the sect, but you only learned half of it!" "

  You distributed the cultivation resources of the sect and family to these outside elders and disciples, But you failed to subdue them effectively and let them work for the sect, instead you compromised them again and again!" "As a result,

  you let the elders in the family and the elders from outside collude to steal our The training resources and money of the sect!"

  "You are a title Douluo! As long as you learn from Ning Fengzhi and beat those dishonest family elders and foreign elders, they will not dare to do evil in the sect like that!"

  " What annoys me the most is that in the days after Xiaogang awakened his martial spirit, a group of people in the sect and family mocked him as a waste." "You think these disciples in the family and sect deliberately mocked him Is it? It is obvious that those people are taking advantage of this incident to attack your authority!"

  "And you could have taken this opportunity to deal with a group of disobedient guys vigorously. After all, Xiao Gang is not only your son, but also a member of our Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family and a member of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. "

  "As fellow clansmen and senior fellow apprentices, these young people in the sect laughed at Xiao Gang. This can be regarded as destroying the unity of the family and the sect, but in the end you turned a blind eye to it?" "Don't you know

  ? It's just Xiaogang's matter, and it's also related to your authority as suzerain!" "

  But you still compromised!"

  "I know, it's because you care about the overall situation, and you don't want to damage the good reputation of your patriarch and suzerain. "

  But what you're doing is helping the evildoers!"

  Facing Yu Yuanzhen, Yu Luomian roared angrily with red eyes.

  "And if you don't care about it, you don't care about it to the end."

  "But you actually gave Xiao Gang a lot of cultivation resources later on!" "

  You think that you can guarantee you by not speaking for Xiao Gang before?" Are you famous?"

  "It's a big mistake!"

  "Because of your idiot-like behavior, you are regarded as favoritism by the whole sect, and Xiaogang's innate half-level soul power is not worthy of it at all. A little bit of training resources!!"

  Facing Yu Luomian's roar and roar, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't hold back.

  But he wanted to quarrel with Yu Luomian, but he couldn't refute Yu Luomian's words at all.

  Because he also realized now that since he became the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, he seems to have not done a single right thing.

  This made him blush and hold back his anger, but he could only say nothing.

  "What's the matter, are you speechless?"

  Seeing Yu Yuanzhen being rendered speechless by what she said, Yu Luomian continued to sneer.

  "Anyway, after you gave Xiaogang the cultivation resources of the sect for selfishness, his reputation has been ruined, so it's fine if you continue to support him!" "

  But behind you, you did another stupid thing. Yu Xiaogang has been released."

  Yu Luomian said, gnashing her teeth in anger.

  "Yu Yuanzhen, do you know where your son Yu Xiaogang went and what he did?" "

  Let me tell you, your son Yu Xiaogang went to Wuhun City and joined Wuhun Palace. The knowledge of soul masters in the Hall of Souls is written into his own theory, and he wants to become famous by studying the theory of Wuhun and prove that he is not a waste!" "

  And do you know how he successfully plagiarized the knowledge of Wuhun Palace? Let me tell you Yu Xiaogang, this bastard boy, even secretly approached and deceived the feelings of Bibidong, the holy maiden of the Wuhun Temple at that time. With this, Bibidong plagiarized the knowledge of the Wuhun Palace, and later successfully published the theory, which was promoted in the Wuhun Palace. Next, he has become a master of the generation!"

  "But how many people can this bastard fool, and how long can he deceive people, he was finally discovered, kicked out of Wuhun City, and his reputation was ruined!" "And you think, why Wuhun? It's not because of this bastard that the Soul Palace wants to kill our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!"

  At this point, Yu Luomian was furious, and slapped Yu Xiaogang across the face.

  On the spot, Yu Xiao's face was swollen into a pig's head, a large row of bloody teeth flew out of his mouth, and his whole brain was buzzing.

  But at this time, Yu Xiaogang couldn't care about these anymore, after being exposed by Yu Luomian, it turned out that he was the reason why the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect encountered this catastrophe.

  Yu Xiaogang has always been the most face-saving, most eager to prove himself.

  But now, he probably has become the sinner of the entire Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus rex family.

  How can you prove yourself!

  This made Yu Xiaogang, who had been beaten into a pig's head, spit out bloody teeth in his face ashen, and couldn't help laughing heartily.

  "So it's all because of Yu Xiaogang, a trash!" "Damn it, Yu Xiaogang, you bastard, it's all your fault!"

Zong got into such a big trouble, you really deserve to die!"


  Hearing Yu Luomian say that all the culprits are Yu Xiaogang, don't say that what Yu Luomian said makes sense, even if it is unreasonable, Yu Luomian Xiao Gang will become the target of the entire Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to vent their anger and hatred.

  After all, people always like to push the responsibility on others.

  "Yu Luomian, shut up, Xiao Gang is your nephew, and you framed him like this!"

  Hearing that Yu Luomian had shifted all the responsibility to his son Yu Xiaogang, Yu Yuanzhen was so angry that he almost wanted to stare at him. Cracking.

  "I'm his uncle! But I'm also a member of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family!" "

  If it wasn't for me, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus would become history from today on!

  " After many discussions, Wuhundian agreed not to destroy our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, what's wrong with me!!"

  Yu Luomian didn't give in to Yuyu Yuanzhen's angry reprimand, and replied with a sneer with righteous words .

  He didn't think he was wrong at all!

  And hearing this, the surviving disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect also understood that the Spirit Hall would not kill them all.

  As long as you stand by Yu Luomian's side, you can survive!

  This made all the disciples of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect ecstatic.

  "Hmph! Yu Yuanzhen, under your leadership, our Blue Electric Overlord Sect is getting worse and worse. From today onwards, on behalf of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Clan and the Blue Electric Overlord Sect, I will eradicate your Blue Electric Overlord Dragon." The position of the patriarch of the family and the position of the suzerain of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect!" "

  From today, I will be the suzerain and patriarch of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect. All the rats!"

  "I will make the Blue Lightning Bawangzong... great again!!"