Negotiation, Qiluo Tulip's sincerity

because it was discovered that the black-robed soul masters below were just besieged, but did not rush up to Qibao Mountain to attack.

  This obviously has no killing intent, but since it is under siege, it must have intentions.

  Therefore, Ning Fengzhi frowned and thought about it, feeling that the other party probably wanted to see him.

  And just as Ning Fengzhi was thinking about it.

  Not far away, two figures, one blue and one white, quickly passed over the roofs of the houses on the side of the road, and soon landed on the tower where Ning Fengzhi was.

  A stern voice sounded immediately: "Sovereign, are you alright?"

  Hearing the voice, Ning Fengzhi came back to his senses, and found that Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong had rushed over.

  And daughter Ning Rongrong has also been brought over by two Title Douluo.

  Seeing Ning Fengzhi, Ning Rongrong called out immediately: "Father."

  "Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, you are here."

  Seeing that it was Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help smiling, and touched He stroked his daughter Ning Rongrong's beautiful hair.

  "Sovereign, do you see what's going on?"

  Bone Douluo Gu Rong couldn't help asking when he realized that Ning Fengzhi was looking at the situation at the foot of the mountain.

  "Well, they just surrounded our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. They should have no killing intent, at least not yet, but since they came, they must have a purpose, but I can't guess the specifics, because there is too little information. You'll only find out after you go talk to them."

  Ning Fengzhi narrowed his eyes slightly, chuckled a few times, and said slowly.

  "Let's go, let's go over and see who they are, and what is the purpose of coming to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." After finishing speaking,

  Ning Fengzhi immediately jumped up from the tower, his body as light as a swallow It landed on a nearby big tree, and quickly flew from the woods towards the foot of the mountain.

  Seeing Ning Fengzhi's movements, Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong also brought Ning Rongrong up into the air in an instant, quickly followed Ning Fengzhi, and flew towards the foot of the mountain.

  On the other side, at the foot of Qibao Mountain where the Qibao Glazed Tile School is located.

  Su Mo, Bibi Dong, Demon Bear Douluo, Flame Eagle Douluo, Chrysanthemum Douluo Yueguan, and Ghost Douluo Guigui were standing at the rear of the elite soul masters of the Wuhun Hall who surrounded Qibao Mountain, quietly observing the entire Qibao Mountain. Baoshan.

  After waiting for a while, Su Mo was the first to discover Ning Fengzhi standing on the tower, and then saw Sword Douluo Chen Xin and Bone Douluo Gu Rong rushing with Ning Rongrong.

  Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi jumped down from the tower and flew down the mountain with Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo.

  "Your Majesty, Ning Fengzhi and the others are here!"

  When Ning Fengzhi arrived, Flame Eagle Douluo also discovered the whereabouts of Ning Fengzhi and the others, and informed Bibi Dong.

  Regarding this, Bibi Dong nodded lightly, expressing that she understood.

  And soon, Ning Fengzhi and the others rushed to the foot of the mountain.

  Surrounded by a group of soul masters of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School who had already arrived near the foot of the mountain, they walked over.

  "Who are you, why are you besieging our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

  Looking at the group of black-robed soul masters who were not low in cultivation, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help frowning, but still maintained a calm expression, with his left hand behind his back, Holding a jade walking stick in his right hand and gently rubbing it, he asked in a deep voice.

  But after hearing Ning Fengzhi's words, the elite soul masters of the Spirit Hall did not answer, but separated immediately, revealing Bibi Dong, Su Mo and others standing in the woods behind.

  "Sect Master Ning, long time no see!"

  Seeing Ning Fengzhi, Bibi Dong was holding the Pope's scepter, and with a faint smile on her graceful and glamorous face, she slowly walked up to Ning Fengzhi and the others.

  "Hehe, I didn't expect it to be His Majesty the Pope. I don't know why His Majesty brought so many soul masters from the Wuhun Palace to visit our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School? This is easy to cause misunderstanding. If there is anything, the Pope Why don't we just come over and visit alone, can't we discuss it alone?"

  Ning Fengzhi was not surprised when he found out that it was Bibi Dong, he just narrowed his eyes slightly, then smiled and said.

  Because in the entire Douluo Continent, there are only a handful of people who dare to trouble the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  There are only Wuhundian, Haotianzong and Landian Bawangzong.

  But among them, the possibility of Haotian School and Blue Lightning Overlord School can be said to be very small.

  The biggest possibility is the Wuhun Temple.

  Now it seems that he guessed right.

  But why did Wuhundian come here with such great fanfare?

  Ning Fengzhi was still a little uncertain.

  "I came here this time because I really have something important to discuss with you, Sect Master Ning, but can I take a moment to talk?"

  Looking around, Bibi Dong asked with a faint smile.

  Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, and he also instantly realized that Wuhundian came to discuss with him this time, and there are probably some things in it that should not be freely known to the outside world.

  Thinking of this, Ning Fengzhi also shook his head, revealing a slightly dumbfounded smile.

  "I was thinking wrong, of course this is not a place to talk, so please let His Majesty the Pope tell us about it at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." Ning

  Fengzhi made a gesture of invitation.

  "Your Majesty the Pope, please!"

  "Su Mo, you also come with me."

  Facing Ning Fengzhi's invitation, Bibi Dong held the Pope's scepter, smiled gracefully but politely, nodded, and turned around. He looked at Su Mo and asked Su Mo to follow him.

  Su Mo was naturally aware of this.

  After pretending to be a little stunned, Su Mo also followed, behind Bibi Dong.

  And on the way to Mount Qibao, because he knew Su Mo, he knew that Su Mo was once the leader of the Huangdou team.

  Although I knew before that Su Mo was from the Wuhun Palace.

  But Ning Fengzhi didn't know that Bibi Dong actually liked Su Mo so much.

  So, on the way, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help asking about Su Mo curiously.

  Regarding this, Bibi Dong didn't hide anything, and directly expressed it with a light smile.

  Su Mo is the holy son of their Wuhun Hall, her godbrother, and the most outstanding genius of their Wuhun Hall.

  As for why Su Mo became the leader of the Heaven Dou Royal Team before, this was just a small task that she had given before.

  Unexpectedly, Su Mo's status in Wuhun Palace is so high.

  Ning Fengzhi was smiling all over his face, but at the same time he was listening thoughtfully.

  And under the leadership of Ning Fengzhi, the group finally came to the landmark building of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School - the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

  This Seven Treasures Glazed Tower is not the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, but an enlarged building modeled on the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda.

  The entire exterior looks like cornices and green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, which is extraordinarily magnificent and luxurious.

  After entering the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, because the next thing is to discuss important matters with Bibi Dong.

  Ning Fengzhi originally planned to let Ning Rongrong leave, but was stopped by Bibi Dong.

  Afterwards, after sitting down, Bibi Dong suddenly mentioned to Ning Fengzhi about Emperor Xue Ye's death.

  "Sect Master Ning, do you know that Xue Ye, the emperor of your Heaven Dou Empire, has passed away?" "Has

  His Majesty already passed away?"

  Ning Fengzhi's face changed slightly.

  Before, he only heard that Emperor Xue Ye was terminally ill and was bedridden, and he went to see him.

  But even though Emperor Xue Ye was terminally ill and bedridden, he still insisted on not dying.

  Because as the suzerain of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Ning Fengzhi also had a lot of things to deal with, so after seeing Emperor Xue Ye for a few days, he went back to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School and never went to see it again. He never expected that the Great Xue Ye would be so sudden Just crashed.

  Although this was not beyond his expectation, Wuhundian knew it before him.

  This still made Ning Fengzhi suddenly feel a little suspicious.

  "Yes, he has passed away."

  "And I don't know if Sect Master Ning knows that His Royal Highness Prince Xueqinghe, who is about to enthroned, has invited our Spirit Hall to cooperate with us to attack the Star Luo Empire." , to unify the mainland."

  Bibi Dong continued to smile lightly, and said another news that shocked Ning Fengzhi.


  Hearing this, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help being startled.

  He doesn't know this at all.

  Such a big and important matter, why didn't disciple Xue Qinghe discuss it with him? !

  "You Wuhundian came to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School this time, could it be that Qinghe asked you to come, and wanted me to agree to cooperate with you?" Ning Fengzhi asked with a frown after being startled, as if thinking of something


  "No no no!"

  Bibi Dong of course shook her head.

  Although Qian Renxue agreed to this matter, but Qian Renxue is Qian Renxue, and Xue Qinghe is Xue Qinghe, and the two identities are still separate.

  And with Xue Qinghe's gentle and refined character, it is obviously impossible to agree to coerce the teacher.

  So Bibi Dong must not let this matter have anything to do with "Xue Qinghe".

  "His Royal Highness doesn't know about this matter."

  Bibi Dong smiled lightly.

  "The main reason is that our Spirit Hall has decided to agree to the invitation of His Highness the Crown Prince after internal discussions. We are going to join hands with the Heaven Dou Empire to unify the mainland after His Highness is enthroned." "But before that, in order to avoid

  future In the event of an accident, our Spirit Hall is going to eliminate some unstable factors first, so our Spirit Hall proposed the Soul Hunting operation, trying to eliminate the factors that could threaten us and the Heaven Dou Empire to unify the mainland one by one. "

  "After all, although our Spirit Hall is the number one force in the mainland and has the largest number of soul masters on the mainland under our command, not all soul masters have joined our Spirit Hall." "If apart from our Spirit Hall

  , The rest of the soul masters are against our Spirit Hall, and that is a very troublesome thing, so we must eliminate the threat in advance." "Unstable

  factors? Is our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also an unstable factor?"

  Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Ning Fengzhi frowned and asked.

  "Of course!"

  Bibi Dong was very calm, the faint smile on her elegant and pretty face remained unchanged.

  "Apart from Sect Master Ning and your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, the Blue Lightning Overlord School and the Haotian School are also unstable factors in our Spirit Hall." "

  However, your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is still somewhat different, because you are with The Heaven Dou Empire is on the side, and you are still the teacher of His Royal Highness, considering His Highness, we have some disputes about your handling." "Some people think that Sect Master Ning, you will

  agree with His Royal Highness to join forces with our Spirit Hall Unify the mainland, while other people think, Sect Master Ning, you will definitely think that His Royal Highness is seeking skin from a tiger by joining forces with our Spirit Hall, so they firmly disagree." "Even because your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School has a high status in the Heaven Dou Empire, your opinion

  says Uncertainty may affect the stability of His Royal Highness the throne, so we must eliminate the unstable factor of your Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School." "Even if we

  can't get rid of you considering the attitude of His Royal Highness, we must catch you. imprison you."

  "But I don't agree with any of these. I think Sect Master Ning is a smart person. As long as we talk about it openly and honestly, I believe Sect Master Ning will make the right choice." Bibi Dong smiled and shook her head

  . Looking at Ning Fengzhi, he said slowly.

  "It's not a good deal, are you going to destroy our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School as well?"

  Hearing that Wuhundian regards their Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School as something that can be manipulated at will, Gu Rong couldn't help but get annoyed.

  "Uncle Bone!"

  Ning Fengzhi frowned, stopped Gu Rong, looked at Bibi Dong again, and asked.

  "Since the soul-hunting operation of your Spirit Hall has defined our last three sects as unstable factors, what about the Blue Lightning Overlord School and the Haotian School now?" "They? They have all disappeared of course!"

  Bibi Dong sneered.


  When he heard Bibi Dong's words, whether it was Ning Fengzhi or Sword Bone Douluo, even Ning Rongrong couldn't help shrinking his pupils and was shocked.

  Although I know that the strength of Wuhundian is definitely more than what it appears on the surface.

  But Ning Fengzhi and Sword Bone Douluo still didn't expect that both the Blue Lightning Overlord School and the Haotian School were destroyed under the attack of the Spirit Hall.

  They haven't even received any news yet!

  "Sect Master Ning, don't worry, I don't intend to do anything to your Qibao Glazed Tile School, otherwise it won't be like this.

  " Glazed Sect can agree with His Highness the Crown Prince's words and stand with us, this is definitely the trend of the times!" "

  Of course! I know, Sect Master Ning, you must have doubts about our Wuhun Palace, and you are afraid that we will tear down the bridge if we cross the river, but we can also take Show your sincerity."

  After saying that, Bibi Dong smiled faintly, and lightly wiped the storage soul guide ring on her finger.

  Suddenly, with a flash of white light, a white jade box carved with exquisite lines and unique shape suddenly appeared in Bibi Dong's hands.

  "This is..."

  Seeing the jade box in Bibi Dong's hand, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help being stunned.

  And Bibi Dong didn't answer immediately, just smiled and opened the jade box.

  I saw a very strange plant in the rectangular jade box.

  This plant looks like a flower, the rhizomes and leaves below are vine curtains, finely combed, but the top is a golden tulip, the rich smell of tulips pervades, and the rich aroma gives people a sense of richness. Grand feeling.

  "This is a fairy grass named Qiluo Tulip. Its effect is also very simple. Apart from greatly improving the cultivation level of the soul master, it can also make the soul master's martial soul evolve." "According to what we have learned You know, among the spirits it can evolve, there is the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda of your Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect!"

  After showing the Qi Luo Tu Jin Xiang, Bibi Dong couldn't help but smile slightly when she saw the four of Ning Fengzhi who were staring at the Qi Luo Tu Jin Xiang. He smiled and said.

  "It can make the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul of our Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect evolve?"

  Ning Fengzhi was startled and couldn't believe it.

  "Of course, in fact, Sect Master Ning does not need to doubt this point, because Sect Master Ning should know that the golden generation of our Spirit Hall, their martial arts have all evolved, and I will not lie to you on this point." Bibidong smiled lightly and explained

  . .

  "Using this beautiful tulip, can we show the sincerity of our Spirit Hall?"

  Hearing Bibi Dong's question, Ning Fengzhi still hadn't recovered.

  Because a fairy grass that can evolve a martial soul is a priceless treasure.

  It is completely enough to easily create a top Title Douluo!

  It seems that Wuhundian wants to show their sincerity by presenting this fairy grass to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, which is indeed enough to show sincerity.

  Considering the current situation and circumstances, Ning Fengzhi quickly made a decision in his mind.

  Therefore, Ning Fengzhi took a deep breath, and laughed immediately.

  "The Pope's handwriting is really great! I didn't expect that there are such treasures in your palace. Of course, this is enough to show the sincerity of your palace. Our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is willing to join hands with Qinghe and your Wuhun Palace to attack the Star Luo Empire. Unify the continent!"