Rina Seeing the Plan & Liam and Felix Meeting

Rina continued her conversation with Ava after she calmed down.

"Now that I have been assigned to the financial company, as you guys wanted, can you show me the plan?" She had previously asked to see the plans, but she was told that it was not yet completed and was still being collected.

{A few hours ago, the plan was sent to me. My mother said that it had gone through a few revisions to fit the conditions of your assigned company. Here it is,} Ava replied as she immediately pulled up the plan on her screen to show it to Rina.

Rina wasted no time and started reading through the plan immediately. She had been eagerly waiting for this information for over a month, being told repeatedly that it was not yet complete.

As Rina finished reading the first page, she had to pause and take a deep breath. The information on that single page had almost made her forget to breathe  from fear.