The Destructive Process of Creation

UN Headquarters, New York.

It wasn’t long before the display screen tallied and revealed the votes.

United States of America: in favor.

Russia: opposed.

People’s Republic of China: opposed

United Kingdom: in favor

France: opposed

The moment the first no vote from the five permanent members of the security council appeared, everyone in the room, and the more politically savvy folks watching from home, knew the resolution had effectively been swatted. Even if the tally of the entire security council was in favor, no matter the margin, either China or Russia would use their veto power to kill Eden’s proposal. Still, that was a moot point, as more than half of the non-permanent members had voted against it, two more had abstained, and the supporters were pitifully few.

Most countries apparently either agreed with China and Russia that the UN was enough, or they were against giving up any of the power they currently held and didn’t want anyone to lord their authority over them.