It's Finally Kicking Off

While the Edenian delegation was evacuating from the Mansudae Assembly Hall, an entirely different confrontation was in progress a few dozen nautical miles outside Namp’o.

“Edenian vessels, this is the USS Ronald Regan. You are entering interdicted waters and I hereby order you to stand down for inspection. I repeat: stand down for inspection.”

The Edenian task group continued steaming forward at a rather impressive speed, from the perspective of the American vessels between them and North Korea. “USS Ronald Reagan, this is the EV Sigurd. We are not a trade fleet and thus we’re not subject to your illegal trade interdiction of a sovereign nation in the first place. We’re currently on course for Namp’o, where we will be onboarding our diplomatic mission in light of the recent resumption of hostilities. Belay your order and get out of our way or there will be... trouble,” Home Admiral James Holbrook replied from the flag bridge of the Sigurd.
