Elsewhere in the world, peace still had yet to be completely restored.

In Istanbul, one of the LEAs was placing stun cuffs on one of the downed protesters when another one, who had “surrendered” earlier, rose up and swung a metal pipe at its head. But to the protester’s complete surprise, the helmet was completely undamaged while the pipe gave out. After all, when hard comes in contact with impossibly hard, hard loses.

The LEA finished cuffing the prisoner, then stood and turned to face the protester that had swung the pipe at it. The man swung the bent pipe at the LEAs face, only for the disguised robot’s arm to move impossibly fast as it caught the pipe and released a taser charge from its palm. The jolt caused the protester to drop the pipe and the LEA swiftly raised its charge pistol and stunned him point blank, then stun cuffed him and moved on to the next downed protester without a word.