I Aim to Give it to Them

*A Marmaray metro train derailment has been discovered as a result of detonation from in it [Damage: medium] [Situation: yellow]*

(Ed note: Damage refers to the amount of damage caused by the attack, and situation is a scale (white-green-yellow-orange-red-black) on an ascending level of catastrophe, where white is basically harmless to the empire at large and black is an extinction-level event. It takes into account every other factor than the immediate damage dealt by the attack in question.)

*An explosion has been detected in a weapons warehouse in Russian alps [Damage: minor] [Situation: green]*

*Explosion detected in a Saudi Aramco oil rig [Damage: large] [Situation: orange]*

*A plane has exploded in former US airspace [Damage: small] [Situation: white]*

*A police station exploded… [Damage: medium] [Situation: green]*

*An explosion has been detected in the Suez Canal, [Damage: large] [Situation: yellow]*


