For Immediate Public Release... Mostly

{We also now know what affinity the cult leader awakened. He awakened with an esoteric affinity to faith-aspected mana. Knowing that gives us some clues as to its operation, so we have avenues to research that will prevent it from affecting us going forward. We’ll know if we’ve succeeded for sure once our affected citizens have their disintegration permanently stopped,} Nova reported, as she was the one keeping track of the relevant research in the Lab City gold labs.

“That’s a relief,” Aron sighed. “About the evidence—is there any reason anyone can think of why we shouldn’t make it public?”

There was a possibility that some of the cult’s documents might need to be classified for national security, but as he had yet to receive a detailed briefing or any of the evidence himself, he couldn’t say for sure.

The human members of his inner council looked to the AIs present at the meeting, as they hadn’t had time to read through it themselves, either.