Anxiety Trumps Caffeine

{System checks complete, Commander,} the AI of the TES Farsight announced.

Commander Takahashi Ayaka, the ship’s executive officer, was the one in charge of making sure the ship herself was functional. Her captain, Shannon Meare, may be mistress-after-God and nominally in charge of the crew and ship, but it was an executive officer’s task to ensure that the captain HAD a functioning crew and a working ship in the first place.

“Excellent. Progress on the cargo loading?” Ayaka asked from her position in the captain’s chair on the bridge. Captain Meare had handed her the watch while she took care of all the last-minute paperwork that seemed, no matter how technologically advanced, any government produced in job lots. She and Ayaka often laughed about the sisyphean task of keeping current with paperwork, and how their jobs were 99 parts paperwork and 1 part ship handling.