The Last Human in Proxima Centauri?

“Oh. My. God,” Ayaka murmured. Her murmur was caught by everyone else in the meeting, as they had all been stunned into silence by the hologram the AI had generated in the middle of the conference table. All of them couldn’t help but agree, as the visual of Proxima Centauri b was starkly different than when they had first laid eyes on it.

“Proxima, generate a comparison hologram,” Admiral Bianchi said once he recovered his voice.

{Comparison generated, Admiral,} the AI said as a hologram of the planet as it was appeared next to the current one.

The two planets looked completely different. When they had first arrived, there was only one continent on it and some scattered islands. But now, one, two, three.... “Five continents,” Dr. Standing Bear said, her tone filled with shock. “Great Coyote, that should have taken millennia, not just months.”