Behind the Doors II

“By setting up guardrails and limiting the ways the empire can easily access this information once they send their initial fleets to the Astral Conclave's territory and attempt to initiate trade and other dealings. Even at their fastest, it’ll take them several years to reach the populated areas of the Conclave, so we should have enough time to create measures that make it as difficult as possible for them to get hold of the information.

Since we control the inter-civilization communication channels, we can also add a filtering layer to ensure that the empire doesn’t gain access to this information through the network. And since only government entities use this system, it should be fairly easy to implement,” Kalron replied.

“We can also create a problem within the empire to force them to focus inwardly before they even consider focusing on us. This internal issue would be more urgent than anything else, possibly even destabilizing the empire.