
{Sir, the decryption is complete,} Nova informed Aron a few hours after receiving the decryption keys.

“That was fast,” Aron remarked, surprised by the speed. Previously, when processing the unencrypted information it had taken considerably longer.

{The groundwork was already laid when I accessed the unencrypted knowledge,} Nova explained. {This time, all I had to do was decrypt it and run it through the algorithm, which handled the rest.}

“Mhhhhh.” Aron nodded in acknowledgment before adding, “Let’s hold off on assimilating the knowledge until they leave, just in case. Send the information to the Lab City researchers and have them work on incorporating any beneficial aspects.” He restrained his excitement, opting to be cautious in case their visitors had ulterior motives.

{Understood,} Nova confirmed.

Upon receiving her response, Aron returned to his research.