Chapter 5: A Manor of Regret

Casey stayed silent the rest of the car ride, trying to make sense of her world. How quickly she had been thrown in the deep end.

Lavinia did not attempt to converse with her, which Casey was thankful for. She still didn’t know how to feel about Lavinia but she knew she disliked what she had done to Casey.

Was she the one that had her kidnapped? Questions flitted through her mind as Lavinia drove her…somewhere.

Eventually, they pulled down a gated driveway and into a garage attached to a massive mansion.

It was starkly juxtaposed by the buildings around it which were new, and at least seven stories. The paint on the exterior was peeling but the house looked largely sturdy, but one thing was for sure, it was incredibly old.

Lavinia got out of the car and Casey followed suit.

It would be best to appease the bloodthirsty monster that owns me, Casey thought to herself.

Wordlessly, Lavinia crossed the garage and unlocked the door. She held it open and gestured Casey inside. “After you.” She gave a slight bow.

Hesitantly, Casey stepped into the house. Lavinia followed but passed Casey.

“Come,” she beckoned with her fingers, “I’ll give you a tour.”

Together, Lavinia leading and Casey following, they made their way through the house. Lavinia rattled off each room as they stepped into them. Casey did her best to listen and remember. It was sort of chilly inside, but not unbearably so.

The entire house was lit by orange lamps. Furniture that belonged in a museum clashed with rugs or decor from less than a few years ago. In essence, the entire house was a random display of time.

Casey also noted a very large rust-colored stain on the entrance hall rug.

Lavinia showed her the master bedroom, the library, the dining room, the kitchen, and ended their tour at a door on the second floor at the end of the hall that the master bedroom was on.

“This is my study. Under no circumstance are you allowed inside unless I am in the room with you. Understand?”

Lavinia opened the door to reveal a room with windows heavily shrouded. In front of the windows was an antique and solid desk, which a computer almost two decades out of date sat on. Books lined the walls and stacks of papers littered shelves, folders, and the desk.

“What’s so special about this room that I can’t be inside of it?” Casey glanced around the room until her gaze fell on a painting that clung to the wall. “Is that you?”

“Hmm?” Lavinia looked where Casey indicated. “Ah, yes, that was quite some time ago.”

Casey could tell. It was a portrait of Lavinia in a colorful dress, smiling coyly.

Casey noted that Lavinia didn’t answer her first question. Something else nagged at her, though.

“When was this made?” she took a step into the room before Lavinia’s hand on her arm stopped her.

Closing the door, Lavinia began guiding Casey down the hall.

“In all honesty, I can’t remember exactly, but it was before the year one thousand seven hundred.”

Casey blanched. “You’re three hundred years old?”

Lavinia smiled down at her as they walked. Casey could see her fangs.

“I’m actually going to be four hundred on my next anniversary.”

She released her hold on Casey’s arm. Casey decided to keep pace.

“Come, I’ll show you your room and we’ll discuss rules.”

Lavinia seemed to float as they walked down the curving stairs.

“First, you will address me as ‘mistress’, ‘master’, ‘my lady’, or ‘ma’am’.”

They reached the landing.

“Second, you will not leave without my permission. Under any circumstance.” Lavinia had started counting on her fingers by the time they reached the dining room.

“Thirdly, you will care for the house and do as I, or any guest, bids unless it conflicts with my wishes.”

They reached the kitchen. “Fourth, and most important,” Lavinia turned, looking Casey dead in the eyes.

“You will ensure I have a steady and reliable source of blood.”

Casey watched Lavinia’s eyes wander over her. “Am I understood?”

“Yes…” Casey felt so small.

Lavinia frowned and raised an eyebrow.

Casey caught on quickly. “I mean, yes, mistress.” She nodded.

Lavinia smiled. “Good girl.” She then turned and continued walking. “Come, it is not far.”

Casey felt her face burn, but she dutifully obeyed, following Lavinia.

They passed through a door in the kitchen and descended a flight of stairs to a pseudo basement. It comprised five bedrooms for house staff all on a hallway.

“I have no need for a full staff,” Lavinia said as she walked down the hall. “So it matters little which room you choose. The one at the end is the most recently cleaned.”

She opened the door at the end of the hall. It was fairly small, containing a full sized bed, a desk, and a chair. There was an antique lamp on the desk.

Casey stepped into the room. It was small but it didn’t need to be large. There were sheets and blankets folded on the bed and a pillow too. That was enough for her.

She realized her back was to Lavinia when a long, thin hand gently touched her shoulder while the other touched her upper arm. She felt the other woman directly behind her. She could feel her breath on her neck.

Casey panicked and thought, she’s going to bite me!

She braced for the pain of the bite. She was terrified and felt her breath pick up. She shuddered and sniffed when she felt tears beginning to well. She didn’t want this. Casey pulled away.

Abruptly, Lavinia stopped and pulled her hands back as if burned.

Casey turned to look at her mistress to find her with her hands close to her chest, eyes searching and slightly wide. She was staring at Casey.

Whatever monstrousness Casey had seen in her was absent now. She only looked scared and perhaps guilty.

“I…” her mouth moved but further sound didn’t come out. Without a word, Lavinia turned and glided out of the room, down the hall, and up the stairs, leaving Casey alone in her new room, to wonder what had just transpired.