Chapter 44: Lives for Lives

Lavinia gazed around the parking lot, her eyes never resting on one space for too long. It was the same parking lot that The Syndicate had taken Casey from only a couple of weeks ago.

Now she and Casey were waiting for those very same people. Casey had delivered the invitation three days ago. Now was the moment of truth.

“Are you worried they’ll kill you?” Casey mimicked Lavinia’s motions, but Lavinia knew that her eyes weren’t nearly as good. But it was a nice gesture. Casey even had a knife stashed somewhere on her. And pepper spray.

“I’m worried they’ll kill you,” Lavinia smirked at Casey.

“I’d like to see them try.” Casey chuckled, twirling the pepper spray on a little key chain.

Lavinia rolled her eyes. “I wouldn’t.” She smiled. “Let’s just hope they don’t try to ambush us.” A sigh escaped her. “I really don’t want to kill anyone if I can help it.”