Chapter 46: A Threat in Return

Lavinia had been vague on what all of the rules of court were and how they related to the world in general. It seemed the vampires were not necessarily a government, but they controlled aspects of the government. Casey honestly didn’t know what the court did aside from manipulate events to maintain their flow of blood.

The speaker stood. “Lady Colay, this is highly irregular. No human has been given status unless they are to be turned or have begun turning.” He looked Casey in the eye. “Is she to be turned?”

Casey felt her heart skip. She hadn’t given a thought to being turned into a vampire.

Lavinia saved her from answering. “No.” Lavinia glanced around the tables. “She will not be turned unless she desires it, and she has not made that desire known.”

The speaker was shaking his head. “That is just not how it’s done.” Many of the vampires were nodding along.