Chapter 14: The Black Feather Tavern

We lay there for nearly an hour while Rilian explained the people who came in and out of Avari tower and what was expected of a human servant.

He told me I was to kneel if a vampire passed me in public and not to speak to them unless they addressed me first. If a vampire asked to feed, I would direct them to Justin to schedule a room.

It was all strange and very proper. At Brad's, if someone showed up, it was a free for all. They would feed on the first person they got their hands on and pay Brad the dues later. Fortunately, as a shifter, I managed to avoid all that.

The sun was still up, sinking behind the city skyline when we got up to face the day.

"Vampires have gotten spoiled with Modern technology," I said, amazed at how the tinted windows had grown dark to block all the sun from getting inside.

"It's still too bright for me," said Rilian, who was wearing sunglasses inside like he had a hangover.