Chapter 25: Uncle Abel

*Rilian's Office*

I sat on the edge of Rilian's desk, watching him pace around the room with his laptop in one hand, typing away with the other.

"No, Jesus, no, not that guy…." Rilian mumbled under his breath.

My eyes followed him back and forth across the room. We had not said a word between us for at least ten minutes as Rilian tried to sort out a problem. I yawned and stretched, falling back to rest on my elbows.

It had already been a long day for me, helping out in the restaurant.

"Still can't find anyone?" I asked, only having a vague idea of the problem based on Rilian's incoherent grumblings.

Rilian shut his laptop with a harsh click. "No," he sighed, "all the new applicants are insane. I may just have to buy someone off of Brad."

"Like me?" I asked, smirking.

Rilian turned and gave me a look. "Not quite like you, no."