Chapter 40: Welcome Party

The TV was on, but neither of us was listening to it. I was too busy watching Rilian fiddle with his guitar that I had nearly sent to its demise. He had me in his arms, with the guitar in my lap, showing me different chord patterns he liked.

He had a wall of different signed guitars, though this was the only one he pulled from the wall to use regularly. It was an old acoustic with everything from old stickers to knife holes where he stored his spare picks.

I enjoyed the quiet moment, both of us on the couch, wrapped up under a blanket with the electric fireplace going nearby. Rilian's chin was resting on my shoulder, and every so often, he would trick me into looking back at him just so he could steal a kiss.

"I have a few electric guitars too," said Rilian, "but I tend to get too excited and accidentally break them."

I laughed. "Well, that is very rock-and-roll of you."

"That's what I said!" exclaimed Rilian.