Chapter 50: One Week Later

*The Black Feather Tavern*

*One week later*

“Come on, Bradley, they aren’t gonna wait all day,” shouted April from the bar.

Brad came out carrying two trays of food with a surly look on his face, “Now, how am I supposed to tell the difference between these two? They are both red!”

I glanced over to see what he was carrying. “That is Tomato bisque, the other one is Ketchup.”

“The hell is the difference?” asked Brad, with a twitch of his eye.

“One goes on the table, the other in a bowl, give me that, ya useless cowboy,” huffed April, grabbing the ketchup from his tray, “now get over there to the couple in the corner.”

I laughed, watching him huff and scuttle off to deliver the food. The bar was full, so I sat on the corner stool, finishing my lunch break while April One, Four, and Six rushed around the busy room.

“Ril use his compel on him?” asked Mordecai, who was sitting to my left.

“Nope,” I said, grimacing at the beer I was taste-testing.