I can hear her breathing from the other side of the door. She’s like a phantom of longing that I can’t quite reach.
I’m locked inside the small room that holds only a bed and a chest to hold the belongings I no longer have.
They had allowed me to bathe, under heavy guard, of course, but I can still smell the earth sticking to my skin.
It was hard seeing myself in a mirror for the first time in a long time. My hair is a lot darker than it used to be, and my eyes are no longer the bright yellow they once were. The conditions of my new life are finally settled into me, having seen my blue eyes shimmering back at me.
It’s been six years since I left my home, yet it feels like it was only yesterday I was playing with my older brother, pretending to be knights saving a princess high in a tower. Those days are long gone now, and only remorse is left where they once were in my heart.